So the multiplayer for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered is coming out on August 16th. However it's not coming out on the Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Edition because that only had the campaign. What is happening is that there's a mod called H2M for Modern Warfare 1 Remastered (which did have multiplayer) that lets you play as if it was MW2.
Here's what the mod will include:
- Create-a-Class system from MW2 with all those weapons, attachments, perks, equipment, and some fan favorites from CoD 4
- MW2 Killstreak system
- MW1 Maps
- MW2 Maps
- All DLC maps
- New Maps inspired by MW2's campaign (such as the White House and the Gulag)
- Same progression system (level up to rank 70 to prestige) but after Prestige 10, you can keep leveling up to level 1000. There's also the golden/mastery camos from CoD4 and some special animated camos
As of right now, CoD MWR is on a 50% sale that ends in ~30 hours