My apologies, I should've done my reps more and known there is TWO geezers here who played Elona before.
But for real there's several good roguelike games out there I enjoyed. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Darkest Dungeon, Streets of Rogue is a really fun wacky one especially with friends, FTL, Risk of Rain 2, dwarf fortress if you're AARP qualified, and etc. It's a pretty diverse genre with something out there you enjoy if you want something to sink into or just dabble a little time in.
I'm just surprised there's more coming. I can't even recount how long I spent on Elona, or C: DDA for that matter. I still have old folders for that going back to 0.A builds sitting in the depths of my drives. I long for any other game that can achieve such autism scratching. Dorf's steam release is a pain in the ass, I get more enjoyment out of Adventure mode than Fortress, not having access to that was a quick refund.
I'm always looking to expand my collection, but I always feel like the roguelike genre gets a lot of misattribution. I want shit like C: DDA, ADOM, TOME, DCSS, Incursion and even Dungeons of Dredmor when I think of roguelikes. Anything that can be quantified as 'Mystery Dungeon' adjacent as well, but instead it's a genre largely tacked onto games with randomized itemization, permadeath mechanics and other roguelite shit that doesn't have the kind of autistic experience I'm looking for. I don't mind action roguelikes or roguelites, but sometimes I just want to strangle a goblin with my thighs while I pull off his ears, and throw coins with enough force to shatter skulls, y'know?