I was feeling the same as the posts pointed out. I am old enough to know when someone wants to cash out, and we had many examples in the vtubing area, it's a common modus operandi. There is also the factor of moving countries, and it's very easy to lose your visa in your first year, so my current assumption is:
a. she wants to backstab Aviel because she's either not comfortable with the new model or post-Riro wrangling.
b. she needs money to pay rent or other stuff urgently to keep her visa but isn't desperate enough to get a sidejob.
c. she moved with the goal of hitching with someone and need cash to maintain/bring them.
Does someone know her family situation? She mentioned that her mom is visiting, but she just moved countries, right?
Who paid for that plane ticket? Why is her mom already visiting?
To me it sounds like it was a plan to scam the company and get her mom to a better living condition ASAP, and if she got history, she probably thought it would be easy, shame there was a jew in the way, they can smell money miles away.
Of course, this is just a guess from the heart, I don't watch her to know the intricacies of her personality, I'm just observing the overview and catching snipets here and there. Rratting as much as possible.