"~I'm grave robbin' boys~"Kaminari Clara

Official TVA Rules & Guidelines [READ BEFORE YOU REGISTER]

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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Before you register, read this post in full.

Visiting Vtubers: READ THIS. Official TVA Social/Contact List: HERE. Financial/Donation Info: HERE.
This website is not like other anime or vtuber communities you have been part of before. Our culture is unique. I expect you to study and understand it prior to registration.

The Virtual Asylum was founded as a refuge for vtuber fans filtered by places like Reddit and /vt/. We endorse frank and open discussion of the vtuber industry and the talents within it, including the negative aspects and drama. However, we still enjoy the entertainment vtubers provide and earnestly want our favourite talents to succeed.

TVA is governed by a set of cardinal rules, laid out in the spoiler directly below this paragraph. For a more detailed explanation of each rule, examples of behaviour considered in violation of these rules, the associated punishments, and other general principals, view the contents of the spoiler below titled "Infractions, Punishments & Guidelines".
1) Respect other users. Do not provoke fights or cause disruption to the community. TVA values freedom of speech as one of its core principles, but this does not equate to freedom of consequences from the speech you are free to engage in.

2) Users shall not engage in illegal activities. This includes on this site, and anywhere else their identities can be easily linked to. We do not dox, swat, view-bot or harass talents, their fans, family members or associates. All information posted to TVA must have either been obtained from public sources, or shared with consent of the source. See the spoiler 'Is TVA a Dox Site?' for additional information.

TVA strives to document vtubers and industry events without partiality. While users may exhibit personal preferences and biases within reason, these must not be used to promote tribalism, factionalism or internal disputes.

4) TVA is committed to clarity whenever possible; we allow speculation, but prefer hard facts and evidence-based arguments over mud-slinging and rumor-mongering. Deliberately lying about events or pushing unfounded narratives as hard fact is prohibited.

5) TVA is not your personal army. Do not come here and demand we investigate or dig up dirt on people you don't like, or demand we supply you with information you can find by yourself elsewhere. This includes asking other users to help you find the personal information or real life pictures of talents, especially if the only reason is voyeurism.

Do not post pornographic material of any nature to this website. All NSFW images (ecchi merch, risqué fanart, anything titillating without being straight-up porn, etc) must be clearly marked with descriptive spoiler tags. Do not post NSFW lolicon (or shotacon) artwork, ever. See the section entitled 'The Loli & Lolicon Question' below for details.

7) TVA does not have a large number of staff. Users are expected to proactively engage with staff members and use the Report function to highlight rule-breaking content or problematic behaviour. When in doubt, reach out for clarity. Silence serves nobody.

In addition, we strongly value the concept of Operational Security, also known as OpSec. Burner e-mails, VPNs and other steps to maintain user anonymity are highly encouraged. If you have never used a forum before, you should know that your registration e-mail and IP address are directly visible to me as the webmaster at all times.

We also have some general rules that apply to interaction and discourse across the whole forum. Violating these rules will earn warnings, or a ban if severe enough. TVA does not have a set moderator code of conduct, and incidents of rule-breaking are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Important PSA: TVA is a highly multicultural forum with a huge international audience. Many members are from Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe. If you are from a sheltered, liberal Western background, be aware that you are entering a space populated by people who see no issues with saying things that will offend and upset you. If posts such as this one come across to you as upsetting or 'triggering', you should immediately leave TVA and never return.

Staff have a zero-tolerance policy towards content that implies, condones, excuses, endorses or otherwise favourably depicts the sexualization of real-world minors in any context whatsoever. Sexual posts about underage vtubers - regardless of the stated age of the character they are playing - will result in an immediate, permanent ban. However, an uncomfortable grey area exists when it comes to adult vtubers using 'loli' models, and content related to them. To understand our approach to this loaded topic, some terms will now be carefully defined.

TVA regards the term 'loli' to mean 'a style of art depicting characters drawn with exaggerated or diminished proportions to evoke cuteness, immaturity, innocence or childishness'.

TVA regards the term 'lolicon' to mean 'loli art that is overtly erotic, titillating, sexual or pornographic in nature, or a consumer of art that fits the previous description.'

It is understood that varying definitions of both the above terms exist, but these are the definitions staff have agreed to use for the purposes of enforcing Rule 6. No form of lolicon is allowed on the TVA website. However, discussion of adult vtubers who use vtuber avatars with a loli art style is accepted. Even so, such discussion will naturally take place under more scrutiny than normal, and expressions of overt sexual desire towards them will be treated more harshly.

In conclusion; if you have any reason whatsoever to believe that a piece of media or artwork you intend to share here may violate Rule 6, it is better off not risking it. When in doubt, contact staff for a final decision.
Many vtubers do members-only streams and posts. It is often asked what TVA's stance on the archiving and sharing of this content is.

My stance is that such content can be discussed freely but that it is reasonable to ask users not to link full uploads or torrents of member streams on TVA. Clips, screenshots, chatlogs, transcriptions or other transformative content is acceptable.

An exception exists for the content of graduated vtubers who will no longer receive any revenue from the paywalled content in question. Post this as much as you like, it doesn't matter.

tl;dr: If a sound argument can be made that a free repost of paywalled content is taking money away from a streamer (valid example; a full torrent link to a members-only stream less than a week old), don't post it. Discuss it however much you like, though.
The purpose of this section is to explain, in detail, the operational procedures of TVA staff. It is not required reading, but is very important for users who wish to understand how the administration of this forum operates, how rules are enforced, and the specific kinds of behaviour users are expected to avoid.

Staff are empowered to make judgement calls in all cases where there is any ambiguity or unclear written enforcement procedure. All infractions and incidents are tracked and shared among the staff; no decisions are made in a vacuum or without consultation with other staff members. The only exceptions to this rule are emergencies such as raids or other similar situations where unilateral action is required to immediately address an ongoing issue. Staff have the right to recuse themselves from situations in the event of a potential conflict of interest at any time.

For additional transparency, staff have assembled a list of infractions and their associated default punishments. Remember that in extreme cases, staff may determine that an infraction merits a harsher punishment than listed below, depending on the circumstances and specifics involved. Infractions are listed below by order of severity.
  • Warning (public or private message or alert)
    Behaviour minor enough it may pass unnoticed or ignored by most users, but with the potential to escalate and cause conflict if repeated often or consistently. Will be a simple reprimand in a reply or @ directed towards the relevant user(s).
    • Disruptive Behaviour:
      • Incidental thread derailment, I.E off-topic tangents or prolonged irrelevant discourse.
      • Emotional diatribes, I.E ranting, demanding sympathy, oversharing, immaturity, etc.
      • Degeneracy, empty thirstposting & generally uncomfortable coomer behaviour.
      • Excessive gimmick-posting.
      • Whining about negative stickers.
    • Malicious Behaviour:
      • Deliberately bypassing the word filter.
      • Empty tribalism/goading or inciting other users over their preferred talent/corporation/etc.
    • Forum Etiquette Breaches:
      • Not using thumbnails. Not converting large .pngs of text (I.E Twitter screencaps) to smaller .jpgs, etc.
      • Failing to properly archive off-site material (if you can't be bothered, at least ask someone else to!)
      • Double or triple-posting.

  • Strike (visible warning on post & profile)
    Behavior that aggravates other users beyond the point they are willing to simply ignore it, directly breaks the rules or damages TVA's image will result in a strike. Strikes are reserved only for community members with established records of good conduct staff believe can be reformed. New members who immediately engage in strike-worthy behaviour will simply be banned.
    • Disruptive Behaviour
      • Repeated instances of behaviour that previously earned a warning with no indication of effort to change.
    • Malicious Behaviour
      • Using sock accounts to trick other users.*
      • Cowtipping, aka trolling, harassing, bullying, abusing or attacking anyone discussed on TVA.
      • Posting paywalled content of active vtubers that could plausibly lead to legal issues.
      • Deliberately inciting arguments with other users.
    • Forum Etiquette Breaches:
      • Abuse of any forum feature such as spamming reports, making useless threadmarks, etc.

  • Temporary Ban
    Temporary bans are reserved for users that have otherwise clean records but have suddenly displayed severe, unacceptable patterns of behaviour. TVA understands that sometimes otherwise good users might be experiencing severe stress or negative circumstances that lead them to lash out online. A temporary ban is intended to give the recipient time to cool down, while protecting the community from their unstable behaviour. Temporary bans count as a Strike for the purposes of record-keeping. Deliberately reengaging in behaviour that led to a temporary ban upon returning is an immediate escalation to a permanent ban.

  • Permanent Ban
    Users who accrue three Strikes within a six-month period or multiple Strikes within a month risk being banned permanently. Permanent bans are discussed extensively by staff beforehand, and only enacted as a last resort to remove users who are either a consistent source of problems, or immediately make a severely negative first impression on the community. In the latter case, the following list of behaviours are liable to merit a permanent ban if committed by new users with fewer than 50 posts.
* There have been some incidents of this being done purely as a joke before. This rule applies mainly to sock accounts used to support rrats, whiteknight bad behavior, disrupt normal site activity or slander people.
Doxing is a common problem in the vtuber community. However, it is also a very ill-defined problem. No universal legal definition of doxing exists, and no two people have identical definitions of what doxing someone entails. Many doxes are not acquired through illegal means or by malicious actions, but by the stupidity and carelessness of vtubers themselves. For these individuals, we recommend reading our OpSec Guide.

TVA allows people to openly discuss all aspects of vtubing and all publicly available information about vtubers and the talents behind their avatars. It is critical to understand that this includes information that has been deliberately deleted by a talent, but archived elsewhere by a third party. If it can be accessed on the clearnet without (A) violating any laws, (B) breaking any forum rules, it can be discussed here.

Basically, if a talent has willingly posted something to public social media, it is a valid source of content, critique and discussion, even if it was later deleted.

A non-exhaustive list on this information includes; steam profiles, twitter posts, Facebook profiles, social media accounts, public photographs, videos and other forms of media. It does not include physical addresses (full or partial), contact details, phone numbers or other similar material that presents a credible risk of compromising a talent's personal safety.

Staff have the right to delete information they believe is being propagated for the explicit purpose of harming an innocent party. Users have been banned in the past for this activity. However, any talents desiring to have their personal information deleted from this website should be aware of the Streisand effect.
TVA has access to qualified legal counsel. We consider terms such as 'doxxing', 'harassment' and 'stalking' in their legal context, not their social context. In other words; TVA will not bow to spurious legal threats, emotional appeals or hysterical tirades by upset fans, talents, managers or agencies. We also do not care about being 'cancelled', called racists, nazis, ists, phobes or any other similar terms. What we are is a content aggregation platform and gossip site. Anything else is in the eye of the beholder.
Q: What identifying information do you receive when I register, how can I mitigate this?
A: All TVA staff members see your email account upon registration (use a free service like Protonmail), and I see your IP address (use Tor browser or a VPN to access this site).

Q: If I want to make myself known as a vtuber to you or TVA, what do I do?
A: Send me a Twitter DM or email me from an email address publicly associated with any of your accounts. Do not simply post with a random account claiming to be a vtuber; I will be forced to ban you as a potential bad-faith actor until you can confirm your identity.

Q: I want to talk to you about a private issue. Can I trust you?
A: I will keep private any correspondence between us unless explicitly told I can reveal the information discussed. However, I may choose to inform staff members you have spoken to me. I may also choose to reveal details concerning legal matters to trustworthy individuals with relevant experience, personal details omitted as necessary.

Q: Your members are saying rude things about me and I don't like it.
A: Grow a thicker skin or stop reading TVA.

Q: People are posting lies about me. What can I do?
A: If you have evidence proving the information is false, contact staff and explain the issue. They will decide how to proceed.

Q: I don't want your forum to discuss or mention me.
A: TVA is a website that believes in free speech. If you are a public figure, any user may discuss you freely.

Q: Your forum is hosting content that I want taken down.
A: If the content in question is legal and was not obtained via illegal methods, I will not remove it. If it was illegally obtained, contact me with evidence and link the relevant content to be removed.

Q: Someone I know or suspect I know (a former moderator, friend, anti, etc) is trying to get people on your forum to investigate me, what can I do?
A: Contact me via my socials page. I take incidents like this very seriously, and am willing to ban users that can be demonstrated to be acting out of petty spite or revenge. Be aware however that this does not mean I will censor all mentions of this information.
The Virtual Asylum covers a lot of drama within the vtuber sphere. Those involved in said drama have a habit of trying to delete incriminating evidence of their activities. We have an entire thread dedicated to both proper archiving habits and the tools which enable them. You should familiarize yourself with this thread before posting anything you have even the smallest expectation of being deleted later.

That said The Virtual Asylum is NOT an archive dumping site. We do NOT possess the technical capabilities to reliably store media for long periods of time.

As such, I completely disclaim all personal responsibility for any valuable or unique media items or attachments you choose to upload to this site.

If you want to be sure that something you consider valuable is preserved in digital form, back it up on at least three separate, independent storage mediums. I personally use two external HD's, two laptops and google drive for this purpose.

This image encapsulates everything I have founded this community to avoid. The internet is becoming progressively more sanitized, homogeneous and conformist. I despise this with my entire being. I will never compromise on the principles outlined above. I will never censor this community to conform to the arbitrary moral standards of an overly shrill minority of either puritans or degenerates. Only my own arbitrary moral standards apply, because they're obviously always right.

In short, conformity and digital gentrification are cancer. Live free or die.
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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
As a Boxing Day present, I have unwrapped a series of updates and clarifications to the rules. These clarifications have been made after extensive private consultation with a number of active users who I will keep anonymous unless they decide to reveal themselves.
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