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PixelLink announces closure due to CEO's health New
  • jebby

    Ok 👍
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    Ookami Mio’s AI fan illustration/thumbnail controversy summary New
  • Shuba

    Early Adopter
    Gods Strongest Subatomo
    Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
    Some minor drama happened with Mio over the past week due to her accidentally using AI art for a thumbnail. Honestly I thought it was so small that it wasn't worth mentioning, but it escalated quite a bit and affected her more than I thought. She had to do a quick members' stream to vent her feelings out yesterday, even ended up crying a bit. Big post ahead but I figured it was worth noting down.

    Mio had a Minecraft stream scheduled on the 16th. The current thumbnail is a regular png of her:

    But this was the original:

    The art was by this person named Kurenai. He deleted his Twitter but his Pixiv account is still available:

    That art of Mio was posted on Twitter using Mio's art hashtag, #みおーん絵, which is why she used it at a thumbnail. It was quickly pointed out to her by fans that the art is AI, mainly cause on Pixiv, the art was tagged as such. People also noted inaccuracies with Mio's accessories, the usual AI art mistakes as well as the fact that he was uploading art basically every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Mio's own artist, Izumi, also posted about it:


    After that, the fans went on Kurenai's page and told him to stop posting AI on Mio's art tag. Some got heated as autistic fans tend to do. Mio herself made a statement after:

    Archive 1
    Archive 2


    I thought that would be it but Kurenai double-downed and said that his art wasn't AI. I could only get discord screenshots since his Twitter was deleted before I could archive:

    Basically, he claimed that the AI tag on Pixiv was added by somebody else, then did a Twitch stream on the 17th where he defended himself.
    (I can confirm, Pixiv lets anyone add tags to someone else's art if that setting isn't changed.)

    Here's his Twitch account and the VOD where he defended himself. I skimmed through it and it was basically just a few hours of drawing while sometimes responding to chat. He quickly showed the layers of the Mio art for like 30 seconds. He didn't really prove much though cause apparently, it'd be easy to trace something with AI and then create layers from there. The chat wanted to see the original rough drawing, but he claimed he deleted it and just kept streaming from there. He also claimed he's a minor.

    That was enough for some people though. After that, Mio, her fans and Izumi got a ton of hate comments and stuff from antis/pro-AI people, claiming they unfairly attacked the artist, started a witch-hunt, were rude to AI artists and should apologize. Mio's art tag was apparently flooded with complaints and AI art for a bit. Her fans were fighting with the antis, drama articles/posts/videos went around etc. This basically went on for 2 days or so. On the 19th, Mio made a second statement and apologized:


    But a few hours after, some autists dug through Kurenai's history and confirmed he sold AI art under a different name. After this got found out, he completely deleted his Twitter account:

    Archive (archive.ph for this one since Ghostarchive has been annoying.)

    That brought us to yesterday, where Mio wanted to have a quick, 30-minute members-only chat:

    • Wanted to say she's grateful for all the support, whether it's comments, fan art, AsaMio submissions, etc. All of it helps keep her motivated and she appreciates that.
    • Didn't want to explain the matter directly as it's gotten pretty complicated. She also knows that only giving her perspective on things could lead to even more problems, but she wanted to apologize for potentially making people feel bad due to how everything happened and how heated it's gotten.
    • Even though it started on Twitter, she knows how much it's been discussed on other places. She only asks that her fans don't engage with the antis on her behalf. She knows there's been a lot of posts that go way too far (death threats etc), but if there's anything like that, there's no need to respond to it. Just send it to Cover's inquiry form and mute/block.
      • Mio herself has been muting any of those extreme replies to her tweets and has avoided looking herself up on Twitter/SNS, so she hasn't really seen as much slander/hate as you would think. Even before all of this started, she's always been the type to mute antis as she wants to keep her motivation up.
      • Management is fully on her side and has also been checking for any extreme comments.
    • Very obvious but she has no intention of graduating or taking a break for something like this.
    • She talked about how she's been feeling and admitted it's been tough for her. People getting angry at her and saying all this messed-up stuff to her for no reason. She may be strong but she doesn't have a heart of steel.
    • She didn't want to take a break so she's been following her schedule as normal, but also didn't want to stream while feeling down so it's been tough.
      • The main thing for her is that she hasn't been sleeping enough lately. When that happens, her mind and mood feel off and she starts doubting if she can be funny or interesting on stream. Her throat has also been feeling bad so she's been drinking olive oil before every stream. So she's doing her best to focus on that.
      • She was also worried about collabing with the other Holos when she's like this, but they told her it's fine and they'll be happy to collab. She was grateful for how kind they were along with everyone who's been supporting her through this stuff. Being in such a warm environment is why she's been able to keep going with her activities.
    • Perhaps some fans have left her due to all of this, but she hopes they'll come back when they're ready. And even if they don't, she wants to keep going cause of new fans that could find her. Even if it's just one person.
    • She's fine if people attack her cause she can just mute them, but she couldn't stand the thought of her fans getting hurt due to her. She started crying here.
      • She felt guilty and apologized about crying on stream because she knows people would get even more mad on her behalf. She doesn't want anyone to raise their fist at anyone else over this. Instead of raising our fist angrily, she wants us to raise our fist while cheering hard for her during her eventual solo live.
      • She apologized again about crying and said that would be it for this topic. She would only move forward from here and do her best with streaming. But she's glad she got to talk about it here as she couldn't really do so in a regular stream.
      • She feels more comfortable talking about her emotions like this with members. It was good for her to properly express how she's feeling with everyone and she felt much better afterwards.
      • She's glad that she's bad at multi-tasking as it's easier to focus on whatever game she's playing, so her emotions won't rile up mid-stream.
    • She calmed down after this and the rest of the stream was chill.
      • She confirmed she'd still be doing her Farming Simulator collab with Fubuki and Aki.
      • Talked about how she's basically been meeting with Fubuki every day during recordings and hanging out. She's also been meeting with Laplus.
      • Mio, Fubu and Lui saw the new Captain America together with Lui and she really liked it She hasn't seen much Marvel movies but she "thought the black guy was cool and the action scenes were really different from usual."
    TLDR of Everything:
    • February 16th: Mio accidentally uses an AI art for her thumbnail cause the artist used her art hashtag when he posted it, even though all Holos have a rule against posting AI on official hashtags.
    • After fans point it out, she changes the thumbnail, makes a statement and apologizes for using AI art.
    • February 17th: The artist defends himself and claims that he doesn't do AI art. He also claims someone put the AI tag on his Pixiv post and streams on Twitch to defend himself.
    • Antis and pro-AI people use this to send hate comments to Mio and her fans. Her fans defend her of course and it turns into a giant JP autism war for about 2 days.
    • February 19th: Mio makes a second statement, apologizing for claiming the art was AI without 100% proof. Antis continue to attack her and her fans.
    • A few hours later, it gets confirmed that the artist was in fact using AI, as he sold AI art under a different name. He deletes his Twitter account afterwards, though his Pixiv and Twitch are still open as of this post.
    • February 21st: Mio does a members-only stream and talks about her feelings. While it's been tough, she can handle being flamed and getting sent hate comments. Seeing her fans get the same treatment though made her feel terribly guilty. She also hasn't been sleeping, her mental's been feeling low and her throat's been a little rough. It's been a difficult few days for her but she wants to move past this and keep doing her best with streaming. She felt much better after getting her feelings out.

    I can't say I'm pro or anti-AI cause I don't care enough either way. But I do hate fags who lie for attention and end up causing this much stress. Mio's doing better, even had a great karaoke stream earlier today, but she should have never had to deal with it in the first place. If he really is a minor, then this further confirms my belief that people shouldn't have internet access until they're 21.
    Nijisanji EN new wave debut trailer (4 males 0 females) New
  • Bronze

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    Murray's Hero Factory Analysis New
  • Murrayしないで

    I'll see the truth, m'lady
    Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
    Is anyone tired of more micro corpo crash outs?

    Ghost archive is being dumb on me so here's screenshots.
    View attachment 91106
    View attachment 91107

    https://t.co/YCCm4ScytD (Open in incognito. Google Doc link of CEO response)

    Tldr: CEO of Hero Factory is threatening litigation on their own talent for allegedly disparaging the company. Btw, they are not related to the Lego toyline named Hero Factory. Just a coincidence.

    PDF archive of Hero Factory's doc (it was too big to attach): https://files.catbox.moe/kznpkr.pdf

    I would think whatever attorney River (HF's CEO) is consulting would be advising him not to post such a document. I also think it would be better if he left out the "I've been losing money on this thing btw" part at the beginning but not having seen the stream he's replying to, maybe I'm missing context.

    An indie "Eldritch Space Pirate Lewdtuber/ASMRtist/Villain/Memelord" named Adonis Thuul QRTed the Hero Factory tweet and dropped his own doc about maltreatment by River at Twitchcon:

    The PDF for that one was small enough to attach. tldr is that Adonis was supposed to be a "promoter" for HF but was instead treated as a servant, made to carry bags, give up the bed in the room he paid for, fetch water and the like. Definitely on the tame side of the scale of Twitchcon horror stories but if true it speaks of River being a bit of a prima donna.

    An indie named Corvo Apollo ("Streamer, Writer, Editor, Goofball (He/Him)") also QRTed the post with this bit of mockery:

    I don't feel like I know all that much about the situation yet and certainly can't say if anyone is really right or wrong but from what I've seen so far, the CEO and the talents all seem like young people who are trying to handle Professional Business Professionally but going about it rather poorly.

    Edit: Podge appears to have or once had some acquaintance with our old friend Krimbo as he gave a speech as the "maid of honor" at a "wedding" between her and another talent. Props to SarkastikMadman on the Groomcord for sharing this screenshot back in September 2024:


    However, that QRT no longer appears if you look at the list of quotes on the actual tweet, so make of that what you will.


    • Discrepancies with River.pdf
      69.5 KB · Views: 20
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    Podge v. River (Hero Factory) stream summary New
  • Murrayしないで

    I'll see the truth, m'lady
    Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
    Okay, I’ve watched the Podge stream. Here’s a summary. I put my rough notes in a spoiler if you want a bit more info.

    Assuming Podge is telling the truth, I have a bit more sympathy for the talents after this. They had a meeting with River on January 22 and put in their 30 days’ notice as per their contract. They wanted this meeting to be with River only but some managers (who she and the others who joined praised highly) joined in anyway. The talents asked to leave sooner than that saying that a “could leave earlier with good cause” clause in the termination part of the contract should have been in effect, but I doubt that could be decided unilaterally. River eventually got back to them and presented them with two choices for “exit contracts,” but none of the talents wanted to sign them because whereas their original contracts had no NDAs or confidentiality clauses, the exit contracts did.

    When River asked the talents to stop streaming or working with sponsors, Podge refused because she’s full-time and had to continue streaming to live. She went over numbers, including some absolute dollar figures, of what HF’s cut was for her various sources of income, and it was quite small. She says that the agency never provided anything for the talents, but given how small those numbers were I’m not sure what she was expecting. Unsurprisingly, her biggest source of income is from Fansly because of course a Twitcher with a massive jiggly-tit model has a Fansly page.

    Podge said she felt her insubordination to River’s demands over the past month was justified because “we were paying him. He wasn’t our boss, he just gave us management advice” and so on. Obviously River had a different perspective on that.

    She and the other talents stated, with a rather odd, bitter tone, that there was evidence of the things she was saying, but that it’s only for lawyers and that nobody else had a right to see it.

    I think the part that makes River look the worst though is that he knew for the past month that the walkout day was coming, but he didn’t announce anything on the HF Twitter account, arrange some sort of “graduation” event for the talents, or, according to an investor that was in chat, notify his company’s investors - he just let the time pass and the walkout be a surprise to everybody. Really bad way to handle it if he didn't want to make himself and his corpo look incompetent and vindictive.

    Konotomo the supposed lawyer is still streaming and apparently has been going over a copy of the HF contract that managed to fall into his hands. Really looking forward to watching this once he’s done (will Twitch ever add a feature to let us start active streams from the beginning like YouTube has supported since forever?). There's a chance the text of the contract might contradict some of what Podge said about it.

    - Everything I’m saying has evidence but you can’t see it because it’s none of your business (what lmao)
    - We have a lawyer (then stop talking lmao)
    - On Jan 22, we asked to quit without 30 days notice because we had good cause but River would not allow it
    - You have no right to the info (many times - weird tone)
    - Gets severely one-guyed by someone in chat asking for evidence
    - Stream after the 22nd, “exit contracts” presented, but unacceptable
    - No NDAs/confidentiality in original contract, but exit contracts had confidentiality clause
    - River asked us to stop streaming, but I am a full-time creator, I need to stream to live. I asked for exception, he permitted, but then he rescinded that
    - He told me to stop, “that is not actionable advice for me” so I ignored it
    - We own our content, River is not our boss, he could give us management advice but not tell us what to do. We were paying him (?)
    - River never funded anything for me, I did not get what I felt I was paying for
    - Undyne Arashi, Valtrya joins: Unusual amount of stress, actions from River felt vindictive/punitive
    - Undyne: The rest of the staff have been great, talents that dealt with managers other than River did better
    - Undyne: We planned a meeting, moved it up to just be with River because we didn’t want/need other staff to be there, but some joined anyway
    - River was going to use arbitration process to find as many of our contract breaches as possible, but proper reaction to contract breach is termination (Not always, you idiots. If the damage isn’t that bad, continuing a contract is often better for both parties - see Gaomi)
    - We didn’t want to respond to River’s pressure to sign exit contracts but we were told our lack of contact was breaching contract in itself
    - We didn’t know how much investors knew about us quitting - investor in chat says they knew nothing (so this guy knew for a full month that his company was going to collapse yet it was a surprise to the investors when it did - oof)
    - We’ve been asking where our money was going, we were supposed to receive quarterly reports and we weren’t getting them. Lots of promises of benefits from HF but we never saw them
    - “We did a one-month trial of River managing my Fansly and I gave him a cut from that” OF FUCKING COURSE THIS TWITCHER WHOSE MODEL IS 50% TIT HAS A FANSLY PROFILE WAS THERE EVER ANY DOUBT? “Most of my money comes from Fansly”
    - Podge quoted some percentages and dollar amounts of HF’s cuts - they were very small so I’m not sure what they were expecting to get back from it
    - “Socks is a great agency” - raids into Yomi

    Edit: I vote for moving the HF posts into a separate event thread since it's turning into a rather interesting shitshow.
    Dead Vtuber Amiaryllis Bloo Resurrects! New
  • God's Saddest Tattletail

    No kamis or oshis, only man
    Joined:  Sep 23, 2024
    Amiaryllis Bloo who went viral late last year for having a heart attack and passing away right after posting a video titled "Goodbye." has in fact survived:

    Seems like she was technically dead at one point but was revived in the ambulance and told the hospital to not inform people that she had survived so nobody was intentionally lying. Her last video was extremely hard to watch but this is an absolutely crazy happy ending even if she stays graduated.
    Quinn Benet (formerly Kyo Kaneko) starts a stream by accident and lets slip he might be dating someone New
  • VSoyBoy

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    Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
    I struggled to choose where to put this and considering his attire I though maybe the degen thread would have been best, but I guess here might be better in the end.

    Quinn Bennet accidentally started his stream yesterday, the way he's emoting make it seem like he wanted to just record thumbnail faces, before walking off to take a shower, leaving his phone at his desk.
    Fast forward, he gets a call, still unaware of his stream being live, and he walks into frame wearing nothing but a mercifully long towel. He picks up the call and greets the person at the end of the line with what sounds like "babe". He doesn't contest it and seems to try and run with it.
    I would suggest not playing the clip if you're sensitive to pale twink-chest.

    (tweet) (clip)



    I personally didn't see any more of it, but I did see some accounts that the phone call went on for a bit longer with a solemn tone and after he hangs up he just sits there for a while with a sort of dead expression on his face, before noticing that the stream is live and ending it.

    (tweet) (clip)

    (tweet) (clip)
    Twitter thinks this one is too hot to show without a login.
    Screenshot 2025-02-24 234803.png


    Now as for who this "babe" is, obviously people are going to speculate Enna immediately, who would have been up and in Japan around this time waiting to go and do the NijiFes concert.
    I don't know much about them, but I also did see some clips of him telling his chat that he's actively pursuing the dating game. How much of that was jokes, I don't know.

    In fact, he did support Enna later that night (Hot Limit was a song Enna sang during the concert).

    Summary of Lunova (VReverie re-launch) Twitter debacle New
  • Murrayしないで

    I'll see the truth, m'lady
    Joined:  Nov 18, 2022
    For those who aren't following the VReverie thread, here's a quick rundown on the batshit insanity that happened today and where things stand as of now.

    This morning, a new corpo called Lunova Pro tweeted a "coming soon" message and video. It is almost immediately discovered that the account was rebranded from the "Generation 0" VRev talent called Hotaru Iora and accuse the account of being run by former VRev staff/owners. It's also found that the YouTube channel of Generation 1 talent Lilrya Prisvielle had been renamed to a string of capital As and all of its content deleted or privated, so people accused VRev/Lunova from doing that as well.

    In damage control mode, Lunova began sporadically responding to replies on their tweets. They claim they have no affiliation with VReverie, but purchased the Twitter account from VReverie and rebranded it in order to have it "kickstarted" with followers who are already interested in chuubas (note that there was some other would-be agency that I recall did something like this… was it CyberIdol?) and just grossly misjudged how people would react to it. They later clarified that they actually purchased all of the IP of Iora (presumably including her model and YouTube channel, but this was not specified), but only intended to use the Twitter profile. They also claimed to have nothing to do with the wiping of Lilrya's channel and it was not under their control.

    After going silent for a couple hours, they came back with an apologetic tweet stating they now recognized their errors and intend to return their purchased IP to Iora's PL, including unspecified further IP that wasn't included in the original sale from VReverie.

    As things stand, I personally am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are not old VRev staff but instead some person/people who wants to break into the space but isn't as familiar with it as they should be, so they followed some generic "social media guru" advice about buying a pre-existing Twitter account front-loaded with followers without realizing the community trauma attached to said account. We've seen this sort of thing happen before when people try to barge into the community and set up shop like they belong there, stepping on toes along the way - remember that app that was like "TikTok for audio" or something whose CEO made a bunch of weird statements about how Miku is an AI?

    That being said, now that they have a bunch of eyes on them wanting to see if they'll slip up again, if they really do have some connection with VRev other than the bought-out account, I'm sure it will be uncovered soon enough.

    As for anyone reading this who is thinking of breaking into the industry but want to make sure to avoid landmines like this that will set your public perception far in the negative before you even launch, might I suggest bringing someone on board who has been in it for a while and can advise you on what might not go over well in the community? It doesn't have to be me, but my DMs are open everywhere…
    Kizuna AI returns after 3 years with an MV. New
  • 46gumi

    Forever Siro's Punching Bag
    Joined:  Sep 30, 2022
    The premiere of whatever the hell this is is now starting

    Edit: It's an MV and at least it's actually Nozomi singing.

    Edit 2:Another premiere in an hour

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    O'lilou Lilou and Squirmimi departs from Globie. Termination possible New
  • Bronze

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    Loulou and Squirmimi are departed from Globie E: It seems they are terminated, with at least squirmimi not getting notified of it

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    Bo(Not-Squirmimi) states she's not notified of her termination New
  • Helkar

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    what in the ever-loving fuck

    not-squirmimi is currently breaking the fuck down in twitter space
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    Seely(not-Loulou?)'s reply to globie's announcement New
  • Limkin

    Well-known member
    Joined:  Mar 1, 2023

    Is this the other one? She is followed by Skye so probably not random account
    Globie's Leadership New
  • frz

    Well-known member
    Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
    Mimi, I might understand why, but what the fuck did Lilou do? She's a sweetheart
    It will be chalked up to "refusing to duo overwatch with the acting CEO" until otherwise disproven
    Looking at globie structure a Takahiro Takizawa is slated as "Managing Director" for Brave Group Europe

    Picture kindly provided by Brave Group themselves on their member page.

    He announced Globie first gen. So for all intense and purpose, he's managing Globie directly.
    Also I stumbled upon a Masako Eguichi-Bacon (江口・ベイコン昌子) who works under Takahiro. Do not ask me why a Japanese woman decided to add "Bacon" into her legal name. I have no fucking clue.
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    Yagoo shares his thoughts about AI replacing VTubers New
  • Sky Shouter

    Stupid by birth, manhera by the grace of God
    Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
    Yagoo posted his take on LinkedIn about AI possibly taking over vtubers

    Are We Heading Toward a Future Where AI Replaces VTubers?

    This is a question I’ve been asked frequently in recent interviews, and my answer remains clear: No, I don't think we are. I don't think AI will be replacing VTubers. Let me explain why.

    The appeal of VTubers does not lie solely in the technology that powers them. While the tech is undeniably impressive and enhances the viewer experience, the true essence of VTubing is rooted in the human element, the personality, talent, and authenticity of the individual behind the avatar. Fans are drawn to VTubers because they know there is a real person behind the screen, someone they can connect with, empathize with, and support.

    VTubing is about breaking down barriers, whether it’s age, appearance, or geography, and creating a space where people can connect with the person behind the avatar. It’s about their dreams, their emotions, and their unique story. This is why AI VTubing will never become mainstream. People cannot form the same emotional bond with an AI. They know there is no real person behind the avatar, no dreams to champion, no shared laughter or struggles, no human journey to follow.

    It’s important to remember that AI, like any technological advancement, is a tool. Its purpose is to enhance and improve our lives, not to replace the human experience. In the context of VTubing, AI could play a supportive role—for example, by enabling real-time translations during streams to make content accessible to a global audience. However, it will never replace the passion, creativity, and humanity of the individuals behind the avatars.

    At its core, VTubing is about connection, community, and shared experiences. It’s about bringing people together, and that is something only humans can truly achieve.
    So, what do you think? How do you think AI could help VTubing?

    Sorry @MR.T800 , Skynet-chan's not taking over. Yet.
    Squirimi Spills Tea New
  • Lazybug

    Punished bug girl lover
    Joined:  May 8, 2023
    Squirmimi is spilling more tea
    Apparently they got mad at her and her gen mates for using throne but only because he didn't want them accepting gifts over 50$ (
    Because he thought the company would be taxed for them?
    She tried to explain to him that not how it works but he apparently got pissed at this
    "Everything you do belongs to the company have you not even read your contract?"
    >the head manager
    There's nothing mentioning throne in the contract
    He called her rude and insisted
    everyone else thinks she's rude for asking for clarifications "You're being rude to me so I'm beingrude to you" again her head manager
    She's saying her head manger had O experience with vtubers and that why head manger freaked out about seely saying she was in the mob in her lore he did not understand
    Apparently he also had O idea what a shadow ban was

    Sorry this messy trying to jot it down as she talks

    She's says she's fairly certain her head manager was not qualified for the job and took her asking questions as a personal insult and that's why she was fired
    Also they have yet to send her her last pay. Check and isn't sure even if they will
    And now she's saying her members should back charge their memberships lol.
    Oh no she's saying she's been to VT twice
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    Lottie Shinju (PixelLink) graduation stream New
  • ChilChakSack

    Send gastralia and fourth trochanter.
    Early Adopter
    Joined:  Sep 9, 2022

    :nimicry:Well, I guess it's time for us to say goodbye to Lottie.:nimicry:
    I have a bunch of disorganized thoughts about all this so I'll just bullet point them under a spoiler:
    -First I'm pretty disgusted at all the anti-corpo drama mongers using the fact that the CEO became too ill to keep the company afloat to virtue signal about indies being the future.
    -Lottie mentioned in a previous stream that she got a new job. This could be an actual IRL job that she will do in addition to streaming or she may have gotten into another corpo as this is pretty much the exact same language that Skye used just before becoming Admyra of Aegis-Link. It could go either way for me, maybe she will be like Skye and stream as multiple differnt characters or she will take on responsibilities in the real world and stream less often.
    -Daiya said that she wanted her 2nd outfit to be a monster girl, I wonder how that would work. Maybe something Lovecraft inspired? I've always considered the hedonistic cuture of the roaring 20s to be a completely separate entity from the pulp authors who lived and died in poverty at the same time but it would be interesting to see those two aspects of the decade brought together.
    -The year is 2025 and now that Daiya is allowed to keep her model do to the generosity of Zen I now have more reason to like Zentreya than Iron Mouse who is facilitating communist grifters entering the medium, I never thought I would say that
    -Finally I would strongly encourage any Lottie fans who somehow missed it to give her last watchalong a look:

    I really like that her send off was celebrated with Godzilla's send off. Part of me kind of hopes she does a little nuclear meltdown gag for her graduation.
    I know I dropped the art dump gimmick a while ago but I wanted to do it one last time for Lottie's last stream:
    lottie_by_reinoni_.jpggal_lottie_by_itsjoeypants.jpgprincess_lottie_by_ren_mofiiiii.jpggoodbye_lottie_by_piesoncreation.jpgcute_cute_luli_by_bebatch.jpgblue_tongue_by_daywithline.jpgbackfins_by_f_nari_5 (edit).png

    Alright enough being sappy. Here, have Moonshine making a model as a palate cleanser:
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    “It’s just a prank bro!” - Quinn Benet New
  • NotDecatto

    Joined:  Oct 21, 2023
    I struggled to choose where to put this and considering his attire I though maybe the degen thread would have been best, but I guess here might be better in the end.

    Quinn Bennet accidentally started his stream yesterday, the way he's emoting make it seem like he wanted to just record thumbnail faces, before walking off to take a shower, leaving his phone at his desk.
    Fast forward, he gets a call, still unaware of his stream being live, and he walks into frame wearing nothing but a mercifully long towel. He picks up the call and greets the person at the end of the line with what sounds like "babe". He doesn't contest it and seems to try and run with it.
    I would suggest not playing the clip if you're sensitive to pale twink-chest.

    (tweet) (clip)



    I personally didn't see any more of it, but I did see some accounts that the phone call went on for a bit longer with a solemn tone and after he hangs up he just sits there for a while with a sort of dead expression on his face, before noticing that the stream is live and ending it.

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    Now as for who this "babe" is, obviously people are going to speculate Enna immediately, who would have been up and in Japan around this time waiting to go and do the NijiFes concert.
    I don't know much about them, but I also did see some clips of him telling his chat that he's actively pursuing the dating game. How much of that was jokes, I don't know.

    In fact, he did support Enna later that night (Hot Limit was a song Enna sang during the concert).


    To absolutely nobody’s surprise Quinn revealed it was a prank all along.

    Enna got a shoutout (as “Bird Bestie”) among the other VTubers and orbiters who checked on him after this manufactured yab.

    Good prank bro, now let’s see you pull more clever pranks like these just own those parasocial fuuuuuuuuuucks :educateyourself:
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