Valve also updated the original release as documented here:
The Update's notable inclusions are

Half-Life is back and better than ever. Alongside interviews with the original developers, the game is now available with the Uplink mini-campaign, Steam Deck support, updated graphics settings, new multiplayer maps, and bonus restored goodies.

- The Half Life Uplink demo that originally was a retail-only release is officially added to the game.
- Added Widescreen/4K support
- Steam Deck support.
- Added 4 brand new Valve-made maps for Deathmatch multi-player.
- Added an additional 3 maps exclusive to a rare retail released called Half Life: Further Data.
- Added new sprays for multi-player.
- Added 2 multiplayer models that were a retail-exclusive bonus.
- Added Ivan the Space Biker (aka proto-Gordon) and Alpha-build Barney to multi-player models.
- Changed the menu back to the WON Menu.
- Archived the original steam release under "beta branches" in options as "Steam Legacy" in case the update fucks some mods.
- Updated The Localization Files.
- Killed Half Life: Source (no longer promoted on steam, though you can still buy it).
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