"Ol' MacCoco had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, and on her farm she had a DREAM, E-I-E-I-O; With a 'hai hai' here and a 'hai hai' there, here 'hai' there 'hai' everywhere 'hai hai', Ol' MacCoco had a farm, E-I-E-I-O!!!"Kiryu Coco
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Its fine, you can avoid a lot of the autism if you just wanna focus on one aspect of the game, there are plenty of accounts that mostly engage with only one side of the game in regards of combat vs skilling, and combat would be a lot less autistic minus learning some boss shit once you hit that level.
It's woke gayfaggotry now. I stopped playing it when they listened to the no one bitching and moaning about the puzzle where you had to change gender temporarily to complete it, the gypsy stereotype woman having gypsy in her name, and different npcs with different drop tables being represented by different genders (this is saying that women are inferior to men obviously)
Its fine, you can avoid a lot of the autism if you just wanna focus on one aspect of the game, there are plenty of accounts that mostly engage with only one side of the game in regards of combat vs skilling, and combat would be a lot less autistic minus learning some boss shit once you hit that level.
Its fine its fine, hitting 99 thieving was not that bad...
It's woke gayfaggotry now. I stopped playing it when they listened to the no one bitching and moaning about the puzzle where you had to change gender temporarily to complete it, the gypsy stereotype woman having gypsy in her name, and different npcs with different drop tables being represented by different genders (this is saying that women are inferior to men obviously)
The fact that they bypassed the polling system for diversity/inclusion is extremely gay, but it's not more woke than any other modern game. The player base also hates the updates and are pretty vocal about it. You just have to try to ignore the pride event once a year. This isn't spiderman where they have BLM murals and pride flags littered everywhere you go.
The fact that they bypassed the polling system for diversity/inclusion is extremely gay, but it's not more woke than any other modern game. The player base also hates the updates and are pretty vocal about it. You just have to try to ignore the pride event once a year. This isn't spiderman where they have BLM murals and pride flags littered everywhere you go.
The "well the amount of shit poured into my cereal isn't as bad as the amount of shit poured into that OTHER cereal!" attitude is what ensures the continuation of ruination.
It has felt like Pippa has been struggling a bit with enthusiasm lately so it was good to see Pippa having a good time streaming again. Especially while involving the community.
Hopefully she can work a few more of these relaxed streams into her schedule.
The "well the amount of shit poured into my cereal isn't as bad as the amount of shit poured into that OTHER cereal!" attitude is what ensures the continuation of ruination.
With that mindset you can't enjoy literally anything anymore. It's all tainted and it is only going to get worse. I don't have to like that it's in there, but I'm sorry, if the rest of the game is good then I can ignore the one event a year for fags.
I feel like part of that has to do with what she said during her number rant, about not wanting to flood her channel with parted shit. When she does find something she likes and plays it more than once the streams have been great, but she seems to be unable to deal with the fact that everything after part one will always perform worse. Kind of a shame she seems adamant on sticking with one off shit for the YT considering its much better for multipart vods than having to dig through archive fags channel for twitch vods.
I feel like part of that has to do with what she said during her number rant, about not wanting to flood her channel with parted shit. When she does find something she likes and plays it more than once the streams have been great, but she seems to be unable to deal with the fact that everything after part one will always perform worse. Kind of a shame she seems adamant on sticking with one off shit for the YT considering its much better for multipart vods than having to dig through archive fags channel for twitch vods.
With that mindset you can't enjoy literally anything anymore. It's all tainted and it is only going to get worse. I don't have to like that it's in there, but I'm sorry, if the rest of the game is good then I can ignore the one event a year for fags.
Aside from that, fester your hatred of the unhumans that are the ruiners. Fester that hatred, prepare your skills, for the day of reckoning will come, and the enemies of humanity will have judgement delivered upon them, and humanity will see a new golden age.
Aside from that, fester your hatred of the unhumans that are the ruiners. Fester that hatred, prepare your skills, for the day of reckoning will come, and the enemies of humanity will have judgement delivered upon them, and humanity will see a new golden age.
She's had the go ahead for a while now that if she wanted to shift to twitch for streams and turn her YT into a archive/highlight channel she could right? Once your her size if you really wanna grow you would drop YouTube live for twitch considering twitch has a better per game discovery, not even taking into account the chances of her ending up on the front page, what is effectively the holy grail of twitch advertising, and the osrs devs very often link streams and the like cause they watch the game as much as they work on it. During the osrs stream, at pretty much all points she would have been top of the directory, a directory that plenty of people hop onto even if the person they wanna watch is not on cause of the nature of the game. Along side the fact that if she just paid an editor to make stream highlights and comps for YT like others, she'd probably do better numbers wise on both ends. Its just odd to me that she's adamant about her knowledge of analytics, but is still choosing the middleground between two better options. Might be because she wants twitch to stay comfy or anything else, but unless she mostly stuck to watchalongs and random low pop games thats gonna go away too as the twitch crowd finds her.
I'm sure I've seen things decay harder than you, unless you're also an oldfag like me. And while I absolutely understand such pessimism, humanity has been through much, much worse, and things are coming to a head. Of the many paths it could go down, much of them will just result in things getting worse in the near future, with only a handful that will turn this ship around. Long term, however, I think humanity will be okay.
All I can do is prepare for the near future and do my best to help steer it into better waters.
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