"Moco-chan, when we're old puppers, if we saved Nerissa's dentures then that means we could have a piece of Nerissa's teeth in our bodies!"Fuwawa Abyssgard

Pipprojects 2̶0̶2̶4 2025

(no pippas allowed to look) Helpful Links for the project. New


New member
Joined:  Mar 10, 2025
I think we may still need a proper experienced Doom coder?

I'm far from being called a coder but I'm someone who played and still plays a lot of classical doom mods(WAD's), if you want to do a Doom mod you probably won't need a coder.

I played a bit with classical Doom modding(I'll post some links on the end) and from what I remember most of it is just basic asset replacement, you use scripting/coding only if you want to change the behaviour(fire-rate, damage, AI, ... not the looks) of enemies/weapons and script objects(NPC's and more).

The problem I see with doom modding is that sourceports began to add extensions over it, like how DSDA lets you have bigger maps, more enemies, more advanced scripting and more, ZDOOM has everything from DSDA plus it let's you do even more advanced scripting, use real 3d models and more but this is something I wouldn't care about it for a pippa project, I would just go to the easiest(ZDoom).

Now some links:

The WAD Editor I used was the SLADE3
There's doombuilder too that aparently works better with ZDOOM, DOOMBUILDER
The DSDA-docs for wads are on it's github
ZDoom docs
Doomwiki Forum post that could help: [Vanilla Level Editing] Lesson 1: Preliminary Reconnaissance

Trap Supremacy

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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
I feel that the enemies should be the CEO's and former talents of the various companies that've collapsed since Phase took off. Have Aviel be a boss fight where you have to shoot rockets up his giant flame-spewing nose to kill him while a giant statue of Yuko slowly fills up the arena with piss as a time limit until you drown.
Frankly, no. This is a celebration of Phase Connect that is made for the talents, especially Pippa, to enjoy. And even if you personally wanna see that kinda thing, a) Yuko is a friend of Pippa's, b) including the managers of other companies no matter how dead is probably a one- way ticket to denial, and c) it doesn't even really make sense outside of Phase Connect being the only small company "left".

It'd be better to have them be the managers we know of, with the final boss being Sakana./

EDIT: For the record, I'd like to participate in this as well, mainly sound design and music.
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haha it's unou
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Throwing a concept out here, reskinning the BFG as her Cannons from her 2nd outfit. I don't know if you'd really need to reskin anything else though.


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
Joined:  Jun 28, 2023

As noted by the gumi, simple changes don't really need coding experience. However, if we were to go beyond that, I imagine any real coder could pick it up rather quick, as I've often heard how clean the Doom (and Quake) code is.

Along with that, however, I think we should keep the weapon attributes the same, as why mess with perfect? We can just replace the weapon sprites (poptart gun to replace the pistol seems perfect, though not sure how'd that look from the center perspective), and possibly the sprites of, say, the rocket or plasma balls, depending on what we make those weapons firing.

For the enemies, my original idea for a Phase TC would be that the Phasemem enemies were evil clones, and that you'd actually have various Phase members to choose who to play as (each with their own set of unique weapons). This, obviously, is a lot more extensive than what we're going for right now. For this Pippa-specific mod, I like the idea of making it be references, or perhaps Holocure-esque fan representations (just somewhat-doomified). If we stick to just using standard Doom enemy attributes, we can just focus on replacing enemies (Imp, Pinky, Hell Baron, etc.), which would make it easier that brainstorm ideas of what replaces who. Just like weaponry, creating all new ones would need a lot of testing, and Doom is already perfect.

For the map, we could do a large, one-off (Phase warehouse, Wal-mart, etc.), or it could be one map that opens up to different sections (get the key in the Wal-Mart, and it opens a door to the Phase warehouse, which has a key that opens a door to the Phase basement, etc.). This is where I'd either be making the map myself (need to try out the tools posted earlier), or playtesting someone else's, as level design is a lost art, and it's where I'd be the most anal. With the weapons and enemies just being reskins, the actual gameplay design will reside in the level and enemy layout.
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