Holofes 5 - Capture the Moment


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Wasn't connect the world pretty disliked? I remember a lot of people shitting on it.
The performances were good the two main criticisms I remember were the MCs were obviously scripted and stilted and the JP inclusions had no integration with the EN girls and were kinda just bonus shows


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Wasn't connect the world pretty disliked? I remember a lot of people shitting on it.
It was generally good but not quite at its full potential.
The concert itself was excellent. I heard almost universally good things about the venue and presentation at the venue.
The JP guests fell a bit short of expectations as most thought it would be collab songs rather than just a JP segment.
The MC was a bit too obviously pre-recorded. Though I wonder how much of that was because it was in English and therefore we can pick up the cringe, vs in JP we can't tell but a native speaker could. The crowd mic was also not great.
The camera angles were a mess sometimes, but that was promptly fixed in the vod and the directors cut or whatever they called it was way way better.

Most of the people shitting on it were, shall we say, not quite honest about their reasons.


Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
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It may just be me, but I feel like they should have moved the fes to a different month considering how many birthdays there are this month, Bae, IRyS, Anya, Kronii, Koyori, Fauna and there may be more that I don't remember. Again it may just be me, but it just feels too busy of a month.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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It may just be me, but I feel like they should have moved the fes to a different month considering how many birthdays there are this month, Bae, IRyS, Anya, Kronii, Koyori, Fauna and there may be more that I don't remember. Again it may just be me, but it just feels too busy of a month.
I would assume every month is stacked with birthdays/debut anniversary. Afaik only ID gen 3 are added to the fes this year so if it worked last year it should work this year too.


Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
I would assume every month is stacked with birthdays/debut anniversary.
Yeah, Hololive has grown to the point that there are birthdays and debut anniversaries almost every week of the year now.

Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
It may just be me, but I feel like they should have moved the fes to a different month considering how many birthdays there are this month, Bae, IRyS, Anya, Kronii, Koyori, Fauna and there may be more that I don't remember. Again it may just be me, but it just feels too busy of a month.

Even if you cut the Homos out the month its still full of everything
then April doesnt get any better


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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There is also the Holosummer concert in july(?) which is their second biggest event. Having them too close to eachother could cause issues. Then you have the new year which is not as big but still is a company wide concert. I have no idea how half of these girls and the males too didnt burnt out already. I feel like Gura and maybe Haachama are a good exemple of getting burnt out.

Edit : god dammit i need to finish my coffee before writing shit holy grammar
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There is also the Holosummer concert in july(?) which is theur second biggest event. Having them too clise to eqchother could caise issues. Then you have the new year which is not as big but still is a comoany wide concert. I have no idea how half of these girls and the males too didnt buurnt out already. I feel like Gura and maybe Haachama are a good exemple of getting burnt out.
I've always felt Holo's two biggest issues was perms (but this makes sense given the Holo-Caust) and how much they must be burning out their talents with so many events. At the very least each talent probably has 4-5 3D lives (Birthday and/or Anniversary, Holofes, Holosummer, New Years), even more including guest appearances for other people's birthdays/3D lives. Even if the management is treating talents great that's going to wear on a talent eventually.


Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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I've always felt Holo's two biggest issues was perms (but this makes sense given the Holo-Caust) and how much they must be burning out their talents with so many events. At the very least each talent probably has 4-5 3D lives (Birthday and/or Anniversary, Holofes, Holosummer, New Years), even more including guest appearances for other people's birthdays/3D lives. Even if the management is treating talents great that's going to wear on a talent eventually.
I wonder how competitive they are with each other. Like what if they're pushing themselves too hard to outperform other talents within the company? Well as long as it doesnt get toxic a little competition is good.

Anyways, 24H left before the start. I've been thinking about it all week im really excited :takoesl:


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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January, September, October, December, either of those months seem better since they have a whole week of nothing going on, I don't know why March to them looks better when they have less busy months.
The first and second fes were held around december, it was only with 3rd fes and holoexpo that they changed it to march. Knowing Holo it probably has to do with data they collected and availability shit. We should keep in mind though that first fes was tiny and second fes was online-only due to covid so make of that what you will.

Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
At the very least each talent probably has 4-5 3D lives (Birthday and/or Anniversary,
It has been limited to 1 now starting in April because it clearly benefited the Japanese because they booked the studio all the fucking time
New Years
This one its not mandatory (thanks to Ame for confirming this)
Well yeah this is the second HoloFes she its going to miss
January, September, October, December, either of those months seem better since they have a whole week of nothing going on, I don't know why March to them looks better when they have less busy months.
I checked other Fes as i remember the first one being held in January and i was right, but also each Fes changed the dates :
1: Nonstop Story: January 24, 2020 (IRL FES ONLY)
2: Beyond the Stage : December 21 and 22 , 2020 (ONLINE FES ONLY)
NO EXPO or FES for 2021 ( All of the following are always on March and Super Expo its also held alongside FES )
3: Link Your Wish: March 19 and 20 , 2022
4: Our bright Parade: March 18 and 19, 2023
5: Capture the moment: March 16 and 17 , 2024


(๑ 'ᆺ' ) Pfp is me IRL
Joined:  Mar 15, 2023
As far as the timing of Holofest I think it's due to work flow. January and February are planning months for March, Holofest is a massive undertaking. For the fall months there are enough interesting events, some of which JP goes along with like Halloween, and the build up to Christmas and New Years. Let this article become a compass for how Cover thinks about events - https://note.cover-corp.com/n/n931894f3d0c7

So after fest they need to switch to creating the usual events like Golden Week but also the new Summer events and all the August events.


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It's a shame about Holosummer being one of the mandatory ones. It's probably the one I care least about given 2023's debacle and I really don't like the whole swimsuit gimmick in the first place.


(๑ 'ᆺ' ) Pfp is me IRL
Joined:  Mar 15, 2023
It's a shame about Holosummer being one of the mandatory ones. It's probably the one I care least about given 2023's debacle and I really don't like the whole swimsuit gimmick in the first place.
When did Summer become mandatory? Even New Years isn't mandatory as Ame showed so I assume everyone showed up for Summer because they wanted to. Also, having events like this is a great way for ID to participate as Cover pays for flights and lodging.

El Rrata

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When did Summer become mandatory? Even New Years isn't mandatory as Ame showed so I assume everyone showed up for Summer because they wanted to. Also, having events like this is a great way for ID to participate as Cover pays for flights and lodging.
With how much promo went into Summer 2023, you really think that wasn't mandatory? It had two original songs with MVs, a two-stage paid concert, and was basically a 3 month event.

The New Year countdown was just a free concert and was a one-day thing in general.


Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
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having events like this is a great way for ID to participate as Cover pays for flights and lodging.
If they pay for anyone it's probably only ID, last trip Kronii had to pay for everything herself which is more than likely why she did the npc stream.


(๑ 'ᆺ' ) Pfp is me IRL
Joined:  Mar 15, 2023
If they pay for anyone it's probably only ID, last trip Kronii had to pay for everything herself which is more than likely why she did the npc stream.
They pay for talent to come for official projects not optional 3D lives


Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
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They pay for talent to come for official projects not optional 3D lives
I'm pretty sure she also recorded for her fes performance since they told her she had to go no matter what.
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