I haven't watched the full clip but my fucking god, I think it's starting to finally set in just how fucking bad working on Niji destroyed the self worth of Mata, Kuro and Michi.
There are many moments through the video where that is made crystal clear but the one I want to rant about is one near the beginning of the video, around minute 9, where Michi talks about how she wasn't "big", and how everyone talks about Vshojo hiring "big" people and that she was just a "tiny speck of dust that was there as the butt of the joke". Now she immediatly recognizes it might be impostor syndrome, but as someone who watched Niji around that time I just want to say: Michi Mochieve you goddamn RETARD YOU WERE ONE OF IF NOT THE BIGGEST VTUBER IN NIJI ID, YOU COLLABED MOST OF THE TIME WITH BIGGER STREAMERS OR PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF THE NIJI CIRCLE AND KEPT ONE OF THE HIGHESTS CCVS IN THE BRANCH, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE A SPECK OF DUST?
Sure she mentions that compared with the people she worked with it was "small" (500 ccv she says, although from memory she was always a high 3 view) but even so it's nothing to laugh at, she had a solid track record and it was clear that if she went to Twitch or indie she would soar, so just hearing her like this just hammers in just how fucking badly her impostor syndrome was and how the fucking company and the fans messed up with their mentality.