He's always been a snake. Comparing Mysta/Kuro to Kyo/Quinn is a very interesting little thought experiment that really shows how Quinn operates IMO.
So Mysta is a member of Luxiem, right? These guys debut, and no one really knows what to expect with male EN talents at the time. I had certainly underestimated the untapped fujo market when they debuted, and I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that Mysta didn't sign up for or enjoy the sheer amount of (dare I say it)
objectification he got, from some of the most demented fans in the space no less. His co-workers embrace it to varying degrees, Mysta tries to stick with his fujo fanbase for a while but it's just NOT working and is interfering with the content he wants to make, so he starts calling out his "fans" and eventually dips because of them. One of the first things he does in his post-Niji career is to set hard ground rules that weed out Luxiem fujos and fem-icorns, and makes it clear in no uncertain terms that he
hated those fans and does not want them around anymore.
Kyo, on the other hand, comes in as a male member of Iluna. Not only did he have time to see the Luxiem effect in action prior to his audition, much less debut; he has also been privy to the debut of Noctyx and all the faggery that went into the debuts of their v-tubing careers (Iluna auditions were after Noctyx debut). Not only that, one of his genmates is the biggest fujo-baiting sexpest in Niji, one Aster Arcadia. He has every chance to
-not audition if he is bothered by the possibility of unicorns
-set ground rules in the first days of his debut which discourage toxic fans from becoming part of his fanbase
-quit/get himself fired before debut, like that one guy who leaked models (or Grimmi

Instead, knowing the exact environment he would be entering, he auditions for Iluna, which ends up being one of the bigger debut flops in v-tubing history. He did not expect to flop, because no one on the Niji side expected Iluna to flop for some reason. Not only is he doing terribly, every male in his gen is a disappointment compared to those who came before him. What does he do? He slides into Enna's DMs, and starts hanging out with people who we now have reason to suspect are in the good graces of Anycolor management. He does weird shit that is OBVIOUSLY going to piss people off, like holding Enna's hand on stream for no reason other than to bait people. He does this at every opportunity, in fact. However, while he bitches at "parasocial" and "inappropriate" Aloupeeps and Scarlings every other stream, he knows which side his bread is buttered on. For example, he had a whole "confession" stream where underage girls and gay men send him inappropriate messages. The best he does to discourage his
own fanbase is say "
chat, you gotta chill". There is no mask off moment, Kyo had entire streams catered to these people both before and after this one. But DAMN KYO GOTTA GET DAT MONEY IT ROUGH IN DA HOOD
Oh, what's that? Things getting rough in ol' Niji? Your gen underperforming financially? Aw shit, KYO GOTTA GO GET MILK. If we're assuming a few months of lead-up prior to the actual graduation announcement being made, he may well have made his decision to graduate right around when Youtube started cracking down on Vox and the fujo fanbase by removing ASMR. He certainly didn't do it because of rampant management abuse of Livers such as Zaion or Selen; his graduation timing was way off for that. He was never interested in pushing big projects through that were getting cucked, like Selen was with tournaments or Maria is with idol music. He was always just coasting by, doing nothing but showing up in a bunch of collabs that other people planned and playing FOTM games, never pushing the envelope and expecting money to fall from the sky. And after forcing myself to watch his little rant, he hasn't changed in the slightest. For all his bitching and moaning, if the money was still in pandering to deluded chinese women and western sexpests, he would still be in Niji sucking up to Enna. Instead he's focused on pandering to his more
profitable normie audience.
Maybe if he were in Niji he'd still be occasionally dropping little

tidbits like when he bitched at an Aloupeep and said "
She doesn't want you either." Funny how things like that come out weird sometimes, hm? Hmmm??
You know, on second thought, calling Quinn a snake is too good for him. I like Bae, so I'm hesitant to call him a rat either. Kyo is more of a slug. Completely unappealing in mind, body, and personality, while oozing sludge everywhere for others to clean up. He's done nothing since graduating except get hit in the balls and complain about v-tubing. Fuck him, the femboy can go chase the latest trend and leave us alone.

EDIT2: I was wrong, it was a character AI Kuro was fucking with and I didn't double check it, my shame shall be eternal