"Once you get to the real world, you have to flatter people, otherwise you'll end up in a bad spot. Like me, I lived without sucking up to anyone, and that's why I'm like this now"Hayama Marin

Nijisanji L Collection


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Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
Atticus Gregory Harper Upton Lewis has released the first part of his Nijisanji article, a whole month later than he intended.
I've got a whole lot of better stuff to do than to read this shit but whoever wants to read it can do it here (if it prompts you to input an email you can just skip):
Atticus Gregory Harper Upton Lewis got the second part of his Nijisanji article out. Once again my time is better spent watching paint dry than to read this wank, but if you want to subject yourself to it go ahead:

Going by the headlines, he covers everything from Zaion's termination to the end of most of the Selen stuff. Can already see some regurgitating of the Mass Media PhD dude in there. He put some references/sources at the end, something he didn't have for the first one. 9390 Words in this one @Nenélove, triple the length of the last one if you're looking for some afternoon reading material.


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Atticus Gregory Harper Upton Lewis got the second part of his Nijisanji article out. Once again my time is better spent watching paint dry than to read this wank, but if you want to subject yourself to it go ahead:

Going by the headlines, he covers everything from Zaion's termination to the end of most of the Selen stuff. Can already see some regurgitating of the Mass Media PhD dude in there. He put some references/sources at the end, something he didn't have for the first one. 9390 Words in this one @Nenélove, triple the length of the last one if you're looking for some afternoon reading material.
I just had a bit of a panic attack due to irl stuff so maybe reading inane shit will help calm me down lol...


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024

I didn't even read, just started skimming over. Tard can't get account name right.
And next paragraph, he fail to mention that Kyo always planned it to be short gig and his Quinn identity. No consistency at all.
Then vastly incomplete retelling of first Selengate and it just ends there. No numberfagging at all, which is obligatory if you are writing about fucking business.
TLDR: barely better than Ducky.
Last edited:


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Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
Fulgur falling down the stairs and causing an earthquake with his sheer girth pack when?
Kek, I forgot he was the fat disabled one!

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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Chief Commissar of Holochistan
Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
"In March, NIJISANJI EN announced the termination (different from graduation, much more severe) (Wow what a great way of explaining it but actually not!) of Zaion Lanza from Xsoleil for, “repeatedly infringing upon the contract and rules Livers must comply to (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) (Dude does this like he's writing a legal document but this term is never used again and he explains this exact same concept further down) during her streaming activities.” These alleged violations included many serious allegations such as; (Colon is not the same as semicolon nor does it have the same purpose)“Offensive remarks regarding discrimination and sexual assault,” , “Using a copyrighted song without prior authorization,” and, “Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream.” People searched for clips of the original infringements and found the one regarding “offensive remarks.” In this clip, she was playing a game where one of the characters had been sexually assaulted and after seeing her she said, “No wonder she got….uh anyways.”
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"While people in general agreed with the termination at the time, they also felt that the termination notice was incredibly unprofessional and read more like a hit piece than a professional notice from a company. This was due to both the amount of detail in some cases and the lack of detail in others. In some instances, this led people to finding out of context clips and referring to her as a pedophile. After this, multiple Livers would speak very negatively about Zaion (Not gonna mention who so that the reader ends up guessing and pointing fingers?) after her termination and how she was, allegedly, a toxic friend/coworker. This added more fuel to the hate train and people ultimately felt more ("more" is superfluous in this sentence) ANYCOLOR was justified in putting out the notice as it was. This was not the last we would hear about Zaion though."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
"In May, she would publish a document, “One Girl’s Story,” under her new name, Sayu Sincrocity, (Sincronisity you stupid ape) where she addressed all of the allegations, speculation, and harassment she was facing. This document also added important context to the alleged violations that ANYCOLOR had left out in their termination notice (You cannot add context to something that has never been made public) and gave her side (of the story,) as to why she felt some of these allegations were misleading."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"She explains that she had apologized after making the sexual assault remark to staff, reasoning that due to the nature of streaming she made the joke without considering the implications. (Randomly switches to narration/opinion piece mid paragraph) When you’re making content, you go into a loop of, “Be entertaining all the time,” and you just say whatever without considering if you should say it or if it’s even funny in the first place. While this isn’t an excuse, it does explain why she would do it. I also personally find it hypocritical of ANYCOLOR to only punish Zaion for this(, ) despite there being other members who made remarks that are arguably more insensitive. One case of this would be when Kotoka Torahime of XSOLEIL, said retard, an actual slur, (It isn't a slur you retard) on stream. Another case would be when Enna Alouette of Ethyria made a racist joke referencing and impersonating the, “listen to too much Snoop Dog” accent of another member with the phrase, “Thanks for the chicken, brother!” (For being so anti-Niji this guy sure acts like a pearl-clutching sister) While both of these Livers apologized, there was never an official punishment given to either of them while Zaion was the only one who faced the music. I think all three of these incidents could’ve been prevented or at least mitigated if ANYCOLOR had given the talents proper training and support before and after debut to guide them through these sensitivities. While this lack of training doesn’t absolve these livers of agency and responsibility, it does put most of the fault where it belongs, on the company who didn’t prepare them properly for this and teach them what to avoid."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
(Notice the sheer amount of "I think" in this one)

"The second instance was actually in reference to a chatter asking if the name for her fans would be “Zionists.” She responded, “That would be a bad idea.” Apparently, according to ANYCOLOR, this acknowledgment of the statement was the equivalent of an endorsement in their eyes."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The violation of copyright was in reference to when she played the cover of a song one of the other livers had done, meaning that ANYCOLOR already had permission form the original copyright owner to use the song. Sayu Sincrosity (Sincronisity, bro has written it wrong twice in different ways) explains that due to this being the case, she believed using the cover was fine. ANYCOLOR disagreed."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The allegation of ,“Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream,” was actually an incident where Zaion made a “deez nuts” joke and said she was sponsored by “Dee’s Nuts,” which is apparently a real brand. Yes, you read that right. One of the reasons ANYCOLOR listed for her being fired, was a “deez nuts” joke."
(Did she say she was sponsored by that brand? I didn't know that)
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"An important thing that was revealed in the document that would make people look at ANYCOLOR very differently.:) )Stealth Suspensions were real. This was shown when in the document and in ANYCOLOR’s own termination notice they mentioned multiple suspensions. These suspensions were never made public and instead were called, “breaks.” (Switches to opinion piece yet again) These stealth suspensions are bad for everyone involved. It’s bad for ANYCOLOR because now no one can trust you (them). It’s bad for the Livers for the same reason and since we don’t know if they are paid despite the suspension, they might lose out on their ability to make money. Finally, it’s bad for the fans because if a Liver has done something bad, you (they) have no idea if the creator is actually taking accountability or just dodging it. These stealth suspensions only serve one purpose, and it is to ANYCOLOR’s benefit, they want to hide how overly strict their contract is. (That is not the main reason nor the only reason, the main reason is because suspensions make the talent and/or company look bad. If you say your talent was suspended then it can only mean two things: Either the talent has done something actually reprehensible which people will take issue with them for, or the issue is negligible (haha) and the company is too strict)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Another important thing that was revealed during this time was that ANYCOLOR('s) talents only make one to two percent of merchandise sales. An incredibly low number for creators and a company like ANYCOLOR. This leak did not come from Sayu Sincrosity(SINCRONISITY) but was seemingly corroborated by her on May 10 when she responded to a comment in which another large vtuber, KSON,(How was it corroborated?) called ANYCOLOR out. This was also further corroborated by Mysta Rias when in his return stream back in December, he said he only got one percent of his merch sales. (The previous sentence makes it sound like Mysta added to this issue AFTER it happened when in reality his 2% comment was the first time it was ever brought up, the Mysta comment was dug up after the Sayu saga began by people looking for evidence) This would also make ANYCOLOR look worse."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"After this document’s release, Sayu’s reputation started to, even if only slightly, recover and people began to heavily scrutinize ANYCOLOR and the management of NIJISANJI EN. However, the damage to her mental health caused by the company and subsequent smear campaign would lead to her eventually attempting suicide. Thankfully, she did not succeed. She would not reveal this fact until 2024. Despite all of this, Sayu Sincrosity (SINCRONISITY) is now a successful Indie Vtuber who seems to be in a much better place."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Going back to the main timeline, NIJISANJI EN released their 9th wave, KRISIS, on June 26. While this may seem to be good news to most, for a lot of people, it only felt like they were focusing on quantity rather than quality. Even these, albeit tainted, good vibes coming from NIJISANJI EN were quickly crushed. Two days later, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Nina Kosaka of ETHYRIA, whose last day would be July 8. This came as a major shock as she was never a part of any major controversies or drama. Nina explained she was leaving because she felt that her own content wasn’t meeting her personal standards and that she wanted to pursue growth elsewhere. On the surface, everything looked quite amicable, but people quickly speculated that there was something more to it. They were right, but that information came later when she, under her new identity Matara Kan, revealed she also left because of the harassment she and her fans faced due to her age and her friendship with the male talents of NIJISANJI EN from the parasocial fans of the male Livers. This is important to Nina Kosaka as ANYCOLOR didn’t do anything to curb the harassment."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"On July 28, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Mysta Rias of LUXIEM. This particular graduation was an even bigger shock than the graduation of Nina Kosaka, as Mysta had over a million subscribers on his channel. He had also not been (Involved) in any drama or controversies as far as anyone was aware. His graduation notice did not give a reason either. Mysta revealed he was quitting due to burnout and that he had lost his passion for making content and streaming. This led to him feeling that he was well and truly done making content, perhaps permanently. He would officially graduate on August 27. Interestingly, he would debut under a new name, Kuro Kurenai, in the company VSHOJO on September 30. This is also the same company Matara Kan, formerly Nina Kosaka, would debut in on October 15."

"I’m sure you have noticed a pattern of what happens to the graduates of NIJISANJI EN. Once they leave, they start fresh identities or resume using their old ones and become very successful. (Not all of them, depends on what you mean by "successful") They also begin speaking openly about what they are able to do now compared to what they were unable to do under ANYCOLOR, without calling them out specifically. This led to an increase in speculation as to the treatment of their Livers, comparing ANYCOLOR to “black companies.” (Companies that are unethical and abusive to their employees. Usually used in Japan.)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On October 21, NIJISANJI announced the graduations of three former members of their Indonesian branch. This wasn’t too surprising as the Indonesian branch had been dissolved as part of a merge into their main Japanese branch. This had also happened to their Korean branch. What was surprising was that many Livers from the Indonesian branch graduated following the merger. Among them was Mika Melatika, who was very popular with the English-Speaking parts of the fanbase and had collaborated with many of the NIJISANJI ENGLISH Livers (Randomly switches to "English" as opposed to "EN" for whatever reason). Mika would graduate on December 28. Mika, similar to the former NIJISANJI EN Livers, would return with a new identity, KamiiGoo, on X/Twitter. She wouldn’t stream again until she debuted in VSHOJO under another name and identity, Michi Mochievee, on April 20, 2024."

"Michi Mochievee would reveal that she had run into trouble with paying her taxes because she was told that the company she worked for would manage that for her. She later discovered that she was in debt to the government because she hadn’t been paying them. When she asked why the company hadn’t paid them, they told her they had used her money to pay the company’s taxes. The company she is referring to is believed to be ANYCOLOR ("Believed to be" bro has already used a bunch of rrats and speculation as proof in the document, why act like he cares now?). (Switches to narration) This reminds me of when Kuro Kurenai, formerly Mysta Rias, spoke on his own tax situation. He was also left with massive debts and only with the help of VShojo management was he able to pay them off. It makes me wonder if ANYCOLOR had screwed him over in a similar way. Kuro Kurenai never mentioned making or having a similar arrangement so this is only speculation, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Another incident that she would not speak about until early August of this year was that the company threatened to have her arrested when she visited their headquarters. When she arrived for some unrelated business, she saw her Silver Play-Button, an award given by YouTube when a channel reaches 100,000 subscribers, on the wall at ANYCOLOR headquarters. There had been speculation long before this was revealed that talents weren’t allowed to have their own Play-Buttons due to ANYCOLOR policy and them owning the channels. She made a lighthearted joke about her, “yoinking,” the Play-Button and the management threatened to kick her out of the building and (have) her arrested. All of that, for a simple joke."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Back to the main timeline, on October 27, NIJISANJI EN debuted their ninth wave, TTT, to a rather underwhelming start. ANYCOLOR didn’t put as much effort into advertising this wave, with some people not even knowing a new wave had even ("even" is superfluous here and used twice) launched, let alone knowing the new Livers’ names. This left them with lower view and subscriber numbers than their peers. This was, and still is, very saddening to see as they all seemed like entertaining people who deserved better from ANYCOLOR. While this wasn’t the last big controversy of 2023, the actual last controversy is related to a later section where I will cover it in full."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"The Storm kicked off with the announcement of Pomu Rainpuff of LAZULIGHT’s graduation. This was a massive shock as Pomu hadn’t been involved in any major controversies and also had a massive following. The official reason she graduated was due to the fact that she wanted “to pursue other creative avenues.” She stated that she had already planned to graduate but had decided to delay her graduation because NIJISANJI EN already had a lot of graduations over the course of 2023 but couldn’t stay in NIJISANJI EN due to fear of burnout. She did however state that all of her content would remain up after her graduation, as well as making all of her private content public. On the surface, everything here seems quite amicable, similar to the Yugo Asuma situation. However, in one of these private, now public, streams, she was seen being very upset and was talking about how the company denied her request for a “once in a lifetime,” collaboration with her idol. She expressed her frustration with the company and cried on stream. Many now suspect that it was due to this and perhaps other disagreements that she decided to leave the company. She would officially graduate on January 20 and return to her original account, dearqn (dearsqn), not long after her graduation. She would later re-debut as Mint Fantome (She was already Mint before getting into Niji), an Indie Vtuber, on April 1."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"February 1 saw another graduation announcement. This time, it was Kyo Kaneko of ILUNA. While the timing shocked people, including Kyo himself, this wasn’t too surprising. Kyo had always stated he never intended to stay in NIJISANJI EN permanently and would leave at one (Some) point to move on. Most people understood this but still viewed this as another example of ANYCOLOR’s general incompetence in ("in" is superfluous) and inability to retain talent. Others speculated that there was more to the story that made him want to leave. Despite this speculation, he would officially graduate on February 17. This is not the end of the storm though. Another Liver would leave a mere four days after Kyo announced his graduation and this time, it was a termination. This one termination would cause a chain reaction of events to go off, spiraling into a form of ("form of" is superfluous when making a simile, holy ESL) deadly hurricane for NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(PARAGRAPH BREAKS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD) To talk about Selen Tatsuki, and why her termination warrants being called a ‘hurricane,’ we need to talk about who Selen Tatsuki was and what she meant to not just NIJISANJI EN, but the entire Vtuber Community (There is no "Vtuber community" it's an industry) as a whole. To cover the basics, Selen Tatsuki debuted on July 18, 2021, as a member of OBSYDIA, NIJISANJI EN’s second wave. Between her pretty design and bubbly personality, she immediately stood out. She was friendly and outgoing with not just her fans but also the other livers. These things combined meant that whenever the conversation of NIJISANJI EN came up, mention of Selen Tatsuki was never far behind. A big thing that promoted Selen Tatsuki as a major face of NIJISANJI EN and arguably the Vtuber community (Industry) as whole, was her focus on E-Sports Tournaments ("e-sports" and "tournaments" are not proper nouns and thus don't need to be capitalized) and collaborations with those inside and outside the Vtuber community (IN-DUS-TRY). To put into perspective how dedicated she was to these tournaments, between her debut in mid-July of 2021 to the end of 2021, she had participated in five tournaments and a dedicated sponsored stream. She would continue to participate in tournaments and promotions until her termination. She was often involved in the organizing and participating ("participating" is superfluous because it is assumed) of the events, and these would bring in other streamers and viewers from both inside ("inside" is superfluous) other parts of the vtuber sphere and those removed from it. She was almost always the major organizer of collaborations in NIJISANJI EN that involved her.She (Space after punctuation) worked hard to include as many people as she could in her events, making herself and her community very happy, making NIJISANJI EN look good, and make (making) ANYCOLOR more money. She would also go out of her way to include and promote artists and ensure these artists were compensated. What further cemented her place as a major face in the vtuber sphere and would do so for the rest of her career even after and despite her termination, was her victory at the Vtuber Awards (This barely mattered and it was at the tail end of her tenure as Selen) where she won two categories: Best FPS Vtuber, and Gamer of the Year. People loved her and few could say a bad word about her. However, we would begin to see the cracks forming over the course of her time in NIJISANJI EN, and they had actually shown up a lot sooner than you might expect."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"The first incident was in late November of 2021, when her collaboration with Kureji Ollie, a member of HOLOLIVE Indonesia, was suddenly cancelled (it was indefinitely postponed but whatever). This came as a surprise as this was very unusual for a collaboration to be cancelled at the last minute like this. Especially a collaboration organized by Selen Tatsuki and the two largest vtuber companies (I don't think any of that has any bearing on it being able to be cancelled). What was even stranger was that there was never an official reason given. Only that both Selen Tatsuki and Kureji Ollie tried to make it work but ultimately couldn’t. Fans at the time believed that it must have been a decision by management at the time to cancel the collaboration (You only need to use "at the time" once, events after that phrase are assumed to be in the same time frame unless stated otherwise). Whose management or why was unknown but this was the start of a trend of Selen Tatsuki having her projects being (be) cancelled at the last minute despite previous permissions (approval) from everyone involved."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(The previous paragraph mentions "a trend" but here we skip to a whole year later which contradicts that point if the next example was a whole year later) The next event to occur was over a year later in December of 2022, when Selen stated that she had gotten a new manager. This seems normal on the surface. (, ) New management replacing the old and new staff ("new staff" is used twice and is superfluous) coming and going is nothing new in the entertainment industry. This was a little different as this was her third manager in under a year and a half. She also stated that those who debuted with her were also getting new management at a similar rate. This is a ridiculous turnover rate. (, ) (he needs to stop making these micro-sentences, you can connect ideas with commas you moron) Even if we assume ANYCOLOR is just moving the managers around rather than the managers resigning or being fired, this is still indicative of a chaotic work environment."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"(Paragraph breaks pleaseeeeee) In May of 2023, Selen Tatsuki announced she would be arranging an art contest on (for) her next outfit. Whoever had the best (submission) would get their design picked to be her new outfit. This seems great on the surface. (; ) Artists get a chance to show their love to a talent and company they enjoy, get some exposure for their art, and get a chance to be recognized and used by a large company. (, ) What’s the issue? Well, the issue comes from the application form and the rules on it. The first rule, “We will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the submission of the work,” means you will not be reimbursed for the cost of your work regardless of if you win or not. This was repulsive treatment of artists and it meant they were not going to be paid for their work. (Nobody had an issue with this, the company is not going to pay you for spending 200 hours on a submission you decided to make, the main reward for the contest was having Selen use it anyways) It only gets worse from here. The third rule, “The copyright, design rights, and all other intellectual property rights of the submitted work will be transferred to our company,” means that once the contestants submit the art, they no longer have any control over it and that ANYCOLOR can use it however they want without asking the artists. It also means that the artists are not owed royalties. They further confirm this with the sixth rule which states, “Regardless of whether your work is selected or not, applicants must agree that their submitted works and related works are allowed to be used on our official social media accounts, official websites, or other websites, books, other media, in our NIJISANJI Livers' streams and displayed at other events without compensation. Also, applicants must agree that their works will be reproduced or displayed and may be adjusted or partly modified,” means that the artists could have their art changed in ways they don’t like and there is nothing they can do about it (the problematic part of this clause is the first bit, not the last, artists routinely sell the rights of their works that allow companies to modify them). The last controversial rule was the fourth rule which states, “Applicants cannot withdraw or cancel their entries,” meaning that even if you change your mind about participating, you can’t back out (Nobody had an issue with this). All of this combined led to many artists stating they wouldn’t feel comfortable participating."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Later, Selen Tatsuki would tweet this (a) message stating, “Negotiated again with management and the form will be corrected soon. 5 designs will be picked and will be awarded $1000 USD each but only 1 will become an official outfit. Please note that I am paying the prize out of my own pocket and not the company🙏” She would go on to say, “I was told No originally and cannot provide prizes and fought for it for a long time as shown on past streams so I am glad that I can finally award artists some form of compensation in the end after fighting for so long to even be able to host it.”

"This did make some people happy but also enraged a great many. Why? Because it shouldn’t be a worker’s responsibility to cover company costs. The worker shouldn’t have to sacrifice their ability to make a living to cover their employer’s ass. This incident would make people see Selen Tatsuki as a true ally and friend of artists. This (It) would also further tarnish ANYCOLOR’s image, showing them as a company that forces its workers to do what the company should be doing."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On August 8, 2023, Selen Tatsuki made an announcement that she would no longer be able to host a previously announced and planned Fall Guys Tournament. This event was going to include most of NIJISANJI, hence the hype around it. She stated that she had tried to make it work but would have to significantly limit the size of it to just NIJISANJI EN. She stated that she thought the permissions she received from ANYCOLOR Management were still valid and had new dates on them. She said she had been in talks with them regarding this for a long time at this point when she received a final rejection and was ordered to cancel it. She also stated that she can (could) no longer host any international tournaments at all. This was shocking as her previous tournaments had been major successes. Fans were disappointed, not with Selen Tatsuki, but with NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR as a whole. This was yet another major project Selen Tatsuki had to battle management at the last minute to make it more inclusive and fun for her fans and in this case her fellow Vtubers. Some people believed that ANYCOLOR was being incredibly incompetent to a point of almost looking malicious and wanted her to leave NIJISANJ EN. In the eyes of her fans, ANYCOLOR was on thin ice. Someone who had done so much for them was being constantly screwed over and they could do nothing but watch in anger and disappointment. When the time of snow and ice rolled around, when joy was in the air and people took to celebrate, ANYCOLOR would crack the ice they were standing on. (Bro tries to be poetic out of nowhere)"
(I got tired of doing these you get the point)

"(HOLY MOTHER OF PARAGRAPHS) On December 25, Selen Tatsuki would upload a Christmas Day song cover for her fans. This music video featured art of her and her fellow NIJISANJI EN talents in a variety of art styles celebrating her time at NIJISANJI EN so far. It clearly had high production value and her singing was great. The response to it was good, until it was suddenly (made) private a mere three hours after release. She would then make a Twitter/X post explaining that it was (made) private by management. She encouraged fans to reupload the video so others could enjoy it even though it was taken down. People were immediately outraged as this was yet another incident of Selen Tatsuki being screwed over by ANYCOLOR. People took to inquiring to ANYCOLOR directly by using their support (support what? Email? Form?). According to FalseEyeD, someone actually got a response where they stated the video in question hadn’t passed some internal verifications and permissions. With this in mind, people went looking for more information and it was uncovered that Selen Tatsuki had received permissions to cover the original song back in August of 2022 (Selen did not "recieve permissions", the creator of the song said anyone could use it) , over a year in advance. People also looked at the artists involved and they stated they had given their permission to use their art. This led people to speculate that she had needed to receive permission to use the depictions of the other Livers. This means she had to receive permission from her own company to use their own assets. This was the only conclusion that made sense and yet it seemed rather contradictory. ANYCOLOR makes it clear that any and all depictions of thweir (their) talents ultimately belong to them based on the Art Contest situation from a few months back. Yet now their own talents suddenly need (needed) permission to use their own company’s assets. This was looking like a classic case of, “Rules for thee, but none for me.” (that expression makes no sense in this context) After this Selen Tatsuki would announce on December 27 that she had to be hospitalized due to an, “accident,” and that she would be under supervision for a few days. People felt that this Tweet was fake because of a theory regarding the “Japanese apostrophe,” where some text has an apostrophe that only appears in Japanese computer when converted to English. This theory about the apostrophe was stupid but most people thought (that, ) regardless of whether that was true, the tweet may not be coming from her. On December 31, she made a statement that she had been discharged from the hospital. After being discharged, Selen Tatsuki was no longer active on any of her accounts. She was not active the entire month of January. In fact, she actually had her panel at Anime Impulse, a convention, cancelled. On January 29, her fans(, ) called Dragoons(, ) started the hashtag, “#WhereisSelen,” after neither her nor the company had acknowledged or even made a statement regarding her wellbeing. The next day, her close friend rpr, another vtuber (He's more of a fleshie with a model but whatever), made a tweet asking to know about what had happened to Selen Tatsuki. This sparked even more concern among fans as rpr had been friends with Selen Tatsuki since before she joined NIJISANJI EN. All of this would come to a head on February 5 when suddenly, all of her (the) content on her channels and her Twitter/X account was removed. Then, after all this time, came the dreaded announcement of her termination."

"(This dude likes his paragraphs like he likes the cocks he takes up the ass: big, long and unwieldly, also he uses "they" like 50 thousand times in this single paragraph holy fuck) On February 5, 2024, Selen Tatsuki was terminated from NIJISANJI EN. She had all of her videos, streams, and Tweets removed and all of her accounts were (made) private or deleted. The reason for her termination was “violations of the Activity Rules,” which they explain are a set of rules designed to protect the company and third parties from infringed rights, defamatory statements, and liability. ANYCOLOR claims that Selen Tatsuki had been violating these rules for a long time. They provide little to no details on how she had violated these rules previously, but we finally receive details on how she allegedly violated the rules (every event before this document was "previously", this sentence contradicts the one before it) on page two regarding the Christmas cover. They claim that she had not given them any information on the project at all until December 24, the day before the video was to be uploaded. This was immediately called out as false as it was shown that previously that she had (that she had previously) received permission to make the cover from August of 2022. This effectively confirmed the theory that the assets she didn’t have permission to use were already owned by the company and she didn’t need their permission in the first place (this was never "confirmed", this is still to this day a rrat). It goes on to say that she disregarded requests to wait for further permissions and uploaded the cover. They then say that (they) took down the video and explained why to Selen Tatsuki. They claim she made a misleading statement that, “management privated the Song,” which is strange because it seems like they did that exact thing. They then note that they attempted to come to an agreement about how to resolve the situation and were in direct contact with either Selen Tatsuki or her emergency contact. They claim they couldn’t come to an agreement so locked her out of all of her accounts. Since we don’t know when exactly all of this happened, this means that the Tweets Selen Tatsuki supposedly made on December 27 and 31were (space is required) actually made by ANYCOLOR. That’s right, ANYCOLOR had impersonated one of their own talents while they were in the hospital and undergoing a dispute with the company. They then say the (they) spoke again to Selen Tatsuki and asked her for, “compliance with the Activity Rules from heron (here on).” Selen Tatsuki rejected this and demanded the company be held responsible for what they have (had) put her through. She allegedly claims that because of ANYCOLOR’s incompetence, she had to suffer harassment from her fellow Livers. ANYCOLOR deflects (deflected) claiming that she, “refuses to acknowledge her responsibility.” Selen Tatsuki also allegedly threatened to release a detailed document to the public regarding the alleged “Activity Rule Violations.” They claim this document has, “attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations.” After all of this, they note that they don’t believe ANYCOLOR nor any of their Livers did anything wrong to Selen Tatsuki and that they have decided to terminate her. Not long after this, they would release a notice to their shareholders saying the following. (you can't cut off paragraphs like this, complete your damn ideas and cut it elsewhere you retard, also colon needed)"

“On February 5, 2024, ANYCOLOR made the decision to terminate our affiliation with the NIJISANJI EN Liver, Selen Tatsuki. The impact of this decision on our financial results will be negligible.”

"To say the notice of her termination was met with anger would be an understatement. It was met with fury and sadness from fans and content creators alike. People saw this as a betrayal by ANYCOLOR. This notice (this is confusing for the reader, we are currently talking about the shareholder notice, but this first "notice" refers to the termination notice. Thus the reader has to stop and think about why he's seemingly saying the same thing twice) combined with the shareholder notice made it appear to many that ANYCOLOR saw her as, “negligible.” (it didn't "make it appear" they LITERALLY said her termination was negligible) Many independent and corporate vtubers spoke out."

(In this next section I removed most of the quotes since they don't matter and aren't this dude's writing)

"CottontailVA (this person is not a source I would include due to the bs surrounding her but whatever), vtuber and voice actor, responded to the notice in a way that described how most people felt, “selen deserves better. good riddance. yapping for 3 pages and 0 accountability, that’s crazy dawg.”

"The most damning condemnation came from vtuber and voice actor, CyYu aka Alejandro Saab, who has a large voice both in and out (mostly out) of the vtuber community (industry), when he simply said, “do better Niji... Do better.” That wasn’t all though. The next day, he would release video detailing his experiences with ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN. He spoke of how he was actually going to join them. He then rejected (the offer) once he saw the terms. They demanded he be exclusive to ANYCOLOR and would no longer be allowed to voice act."
"Back to the original day, many artists also spoke out about how hard Selen Tatsuki had worked. One artist, madi, said, “I just want to say that it was amazing working with Selen. She was very kind and responsive. She even paid out of her own PERSONAL paypal account when the company hadn't paid me after months of waiting.” This meant Selen Tastsuki had to leak her own personal financial information because ANYCOLOR refused to cover the costs of work that (they) had promised to cover. This wasn’t the only time this happened either."

There were also leaked discord screenshots which allegedly showed Selen Tatsuki apologizing to the artists for their work basically being thrown away with the cancellation of her music video. All of this would come to a head, when Dokibird, Selen Tatsuki’s alternate account, finally spoke out about what happened.

People were happy to see the response from Dokibird. It was relieving to hear from someone they hadn’t heard from in over two months. People were happy to see her safe and out of the hospital. They were also quite happy to see her out of the company. Speaking of, people were absolutely livid with ANYCOLOR. They learned that ANYCOLOR had been fostering a toxic work environment of bullying and harassment so extreme that it forced one of their talents to attempt suicide. For most people, this was beyond the pale (thanks for teaching me an idiom I had never heard before) and action needed to be taken.

When ANYCOLOR locked down the Selen Tatsuki YouTube channel, they forgot to remove the fan mod-staff that handled the chat. When the mods heard about this, they immediately began hosting a live chat with the message, “Subscribe to Dokibird.” One moderator, Silent, had signed an NDA but said, “They can sue me if it breaches my NDA with them, don’t care anymore. Go follow Dokibrid and show her some love.” People took Silent’s words to heart and supported Dokibird so much she reached 200,000 subscribers.

On February 6, the day after the termination notice, multiple content creators and companies began pulling their support of ANYCOLOR. The first two were Studio Nekomata, a merchandise company, and animator Frel both announced they would no longer support ANYCOLOR on. Studio Nekomata specifically sold the rest of their ANYCOLOR affiliated merchandise and sent all proceeds to charity. Velo City, a reaction channel, also stated they would no longer be doing reactions to content produced by ANYCOLOR (wow what a loss). It only got worse for ANYCOLOR from here. On February 7, HYTE, a pc company, announced they were terminating their current projects with ANYCOLOR. They even cancelled and refunded all orders. On February 8, MofuMerch, another merchandise company, also cancelled their commissioned merchandise for NIJISANJI EN. They specifically held a sale for all existing NIJISANJI EN merchandise to clean out their inventory and specifically delisted all of Selen Tatsuki’s merchandise. Any remaining Selen Tatsuki and NIJISANJI EN merchandise being sold would have the proceeds of the sales be donated to various charities. Despite all of this, (The sentece just cuts off? You cannot end sentences on commas, nor have sentences split between paragraphs)

On February 7, Dokibrid held her return stream where she talked more about her situation and what she had gone through. She spoke of how the reason she attempted suicide was due to a buildup of stress and that she has spoken to medical professionals and attorneys regarding what she had been through. She talked about how she had attempted to leave the company on more neutral terms but was refused by the company. She didn’t even know she would be out of a job until she saw the notice on Twitter/X. She figured out she had been fired the same time we did. She said it was her intention to keep the matter of bullying and harassment secret from the public. Interestingly, she did not implicate who was responsible for said bullying and harassment. This means either ANYCOLOR divulged the fact the Livers were responsible themselves, or they threw their own Livers under the bus to save their management. She said that ANYCOLOR was also very aware of where she was and why, disputing the termination notice where ANYCOLOR claims they had trouble reaching her. This also makes the shareholder notice look worse as they were treating her as if her very life was, “negligible.” She reveals that she did not make any profit as Selen Tatsuki for the year of 2023. This means that due to her covering the costs of the projects that ANYCOLOR benefited from yet refused to pay for (Cover does this too, if the talent wants to burn a ton of money on projects the company is not responsible, Doki also has a track record of being terrible with spending more money than she should on projects), she was barely scraping by. In the end, she says that she wants to move on and that she doesn’t want anyone else to go through what she did.

I got bored after this, it's mostly a bunch of quotes and simple explanations. You can clearly see how the guy flip flops between shitting out opinions and then giving objective facts. This guy is a self-proclaimed "Prospective Journalist" btw.
My opinion?
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irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
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“HOLOFAGS could be here” the nijisister thought, “ive never been on twitter before. There could be HOLOFAGS anywhere”. Her oshi’s office rape ASMR felt good played through her earphones, “I HATE HOLOFAGS” she thought. Vox's BFE reverberated in her ears, making her head pulsate even as the cheap 1090yen Vox latte circulated through her SSRI clogged veins and washed away her (schizophrenic) fear of holofags on the internet “With discord, you can hugbox anything you want” she said to herself, out loud


Murdered Lurker
Joined:  Dec 19, 2023
"In March, NIJISANJI EN announced the termination (different from graduation, much more severe) (Wow what a great way of explaining it but actually not!) of Zaion Lanza from Xsoleil for, “repeatedly infringing upon the contract and rules Livers must comply to (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) (dude does this like he's writing a legal document but this term is never used again and he explains this exact same concept further down) during her streaming activities.” These alleged violations included many serious allegations such as; (colon is not the same as semicolon nor does it have the same purpose)“Offensive remarks regarding discrimination and sexual assault,” , “Using a copyrighted song without prior authorization,” and, “Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream.” People searched for clips of the original infringements and found the one regarding “offensive remarks.” In this clip, she was playing a game where one of the characters had been sexually assaulted and after seeing her she said, “No wonder she got….uh anyways.”
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"While people in general agreed with the termination at the time, they also felt that the termination notice was incredibly unprofessional and read more like a hit piece than a professional notice from a company. This was due to both the amount of detail in some cases and the lack of detail in others. In some instances, this led people to finding out of context clips and referring to her as a pedophile. After this, multiple Livers would speak very negatively about Zaion (Not gonna mention who so that the reader ends up guessing and pointing fingers?) after her termination and how she was, allegedly, a toxic friend/coworker. This added more fuel to the hate train and people ultimately felt more ("more" is superfluous in this sentence) ANYCOLOR was justified in putting out the notice as it was. This was not the last we would hear about Zaion though."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
"In May, she would publish a document, “One Girl’s Story,” under her new name, Sayu Sincrocity, (Sincronisity you stupid ape) where she addressed all of the allegations, speculation, and harassment she was facing. This document also added important context to the alleged violations that ANYCOLOR had left out in their termination notice (You cannot add context to something that has never been made public) and gave her side (Of the story,) as to why she felt some of these allegations were misleading."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"She explains that she had apologized after making the sexual assault remark to staff, reasoning that due to the nature of streaming she made the joke without considering the implications. (Randomly switches to narration/opinion piece mid paragraph) When you’re making content, you go into a loop of, “Be entertaining all the time,” and you just say whatever without considering if you should say it or if it’s even funny in the first place. While this isn’t an excuse, it does explain why she would do it. I also personally find it hypocritical of ANYCOLOR to only punish Zaion for this(, ) despite there being other members who made remarks that are arguably more insensitive. One case of this would be when Kotoka Torahime of XSOLEIL, said retard, an actual slur, (It isn't a slur you retard) on stream. Another case would be when Enna Alouette of Ethyria made a racist joke referencing and impersonating the, “listen to too much Snoop Dog” accent of another member with the phrase, “Thanks for the chicken, brother!” (For being so anti-Niji this guy sure acts like a pearl-clutching sister) While both of these Livers apologized, there was never an official punishment given to either of them while Zaion was the only one who faced the music. I think all three of these incidents could’ve been prevented or at least mitigated if ANYCOLOR had given the talents proper training and support before and after debut to guide them through these sensitivities. While this lack of training doesn’t absolve these livers of agency and responsibility, it does put most of the fault where it belongs, on the company who didn’t prepare them properly for this and teach them what to avoid."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
(Notice the sheer amount of "I think" in this one)

"The second instance was actually in reference to a chatter asking if the name for her fans would be “Zionists.” She responded, “That would be a bad idea.” Apparently, according to ANYCOLOR, this acknowledgment of the statement was the equivalent of an endorsement in their eyes."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The violation of copyright was in reference to when she played the cover of a song one of the other livers had done, meaning that ANYCOLOR already had permission form the original copyright owner to use the song. Sayu Sincrosity (Sincronisity, bro has written it wrong twice in different ways) explains that due to this being the case, she believed using the cover was fine. ANYCOLOR disagreed."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The allegation of ,“Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream,” was actually an incident where Zaion made a “deez nuts” joke and said she was sponsored by “Dee’s Nuts,” which is apparently a real brand. Yes, you read that right. One of the reasons ANYCOLOR listed for her being fired, was a “deez nuts” joke."
(Did she say she was sponsored by that brand? I didn't know that)
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"An important thing that was revealed in the document that would make people look at ANYCOLOR very differently.:) )Stealth Suspensions were real. This was shown when in the document and in ANYCOLOR’s own termination notice they mentioned multiple suspensions. These suspensions were never made public and instead were called, “breaks.” (Switches to opinion piece yet again) These stealth suspensions are bad for everyone involved. It’s bad for ANYCOLOR because now no one can trust you (Them). It’s bad for the Livers for the same reason and since we don’t know if they are paid despite the suspension, they might lose out on their ability to make money. Finally, it’s bad for the fans because if a Liver has done something bad, you (They) have no idea if the creator is actually taking accountability or just dodging it. These stealth suspensions only serve one purpose, and it is to ANYCOLOR’s benefit, they want to hide how overly strict their contract is. (That is not the main reason nor the only reason, the main reason is because suspensions make the talent and/or company look bad. If you say your talent was suspended then it can only mean two things: Either the talent has done something actually reprehensible which people will take issue with them for, or the issue is negligible (haha) and the company is too strict)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Another important thing that was revealed during this time was that ANYCOLOR('s) talents only make one to two percent of merchandise sales. An incredibly low number for creators and a company like ANYCOLOR. This leak did not come from Sayu Sincrosity(SINCRONISITY) but was seemingly corroborated by her on May 10 when she responded to a comment in which another large vtuber, KSON,(How was it corroborated?) called ANYCOLOR out. This was also further corroborated by Mysta Rias when in his return stream back in December, he said he only got one percent of his merch sales. (The previous sentence makes it sound like Mysta added to this issue AFTER it happened when in reality his 2% comment was the first time it was ever brought up, the Mysta comment was dug up after the Sayu saga began by people looking for evidence) This would also make ANYCOLOR look worse."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"After this document’s release, Sayu’s reputation started to, even if only slightly, recover and people began to heavily scrutinize ANYCOLOR and the management of NIJISANJI EN. However, the damage to her mental health caused by the company and subsequent smear campaign would lead to her eventually attempting suicide. Thankfully, she did not succeed. She would not reveal this fact until 2024. Despite all of this, Sayu Sincrosity (SINCRONISITY) is now a successful Indie Vtuber who seems to be in a much better place."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Going back to the main timeline, NIJISANJI EN released their 9th wave, KRISIS, on June 26. While this may seem to be good news to most, for a lot of people, it only felt like they were focusing on quantity rather than quality. Even these, albeit tainted, good vibes coming from NIJISANJI EN were quickly crushed. Two days later, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Nina Kosaka of ETHYRIA, whose last day would be July 8. This came as a major shock as she was never a part of any major controversies or drama. Nina explained she was leaving because she felt that her own content wasn’t meeting her personal standards and that she wanted to pursue growth elsewhere. On the surface, everything looked quite amicable, but people quickly speculated that there was something more to it. They were right, but that information came later when she, under her new identity Matara Kan, revealed she also left because of the harassment she and her fans faced due to her age and her friendship with the male talents of NIJISANJI EN from the parasocial fans of the male Livers. This is important to Nina Kosaka as ANYCOLOR didn’t do anything to curb the harassment."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"On July 28, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Mysta Rias of LUXIEM. This particular graduation was an even bigger shock than the graduation of Nina Kosaka, as Mysta had over a million subscribers on his channel. He had also not been (Involved) in any drama or controversies as far as anyone was aware. His graduation notice did not give a reason either. Mysta revealed he was quitting due to burnout and that he had lost his passion for making content and streaming. This led to him feeling that he was well and truly done making content, perhaps permanently. He would officially graduate on August 27. Interestingly, he would debut under a new name, Kuro Kurenai, in the company VSHOJO on September 30. This is also the same company Matara Kan, formerly Nina Kosaka, would debut in on October 15."

"I’m sure you have noticed a pattern of what happens to the graduates of NIJISANJI EN. Once they leave, they start fresh identities or resume using their old ones and become very successful. (Not all of them, depends on what you mean by "successful") They also begin speaking openly about what they are able to do now compared to what they were unable to do under ANYCOLOR, without calling them out specifically. This led to an increase in speculation as to the treatment of their Livers, comparing ANYCOLOR to “black companies.” (Companies that are unethical and abusive to their employees. Usually used in Japan.)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On October 21, NIJISANJI announced the graduations of three former members of their Indonesian branch. This wasn’t too surprising as the Indonesian branch had been dissolved as part of a merge into their main Japanese branch. This had also happened to their Korean branch. What was surprising was that many Livers from the Indonesian branch graduated following the merger. Among them was Mika Melatika, who was very popular with the English-Speaking parts of the fanbase and had collaborated with many of the NIJISANJI ENGLISH Livers (Randomly switches to "English" as opposed to "EN" for whatever reason). Mika would graduate on December 28. Mika, similar to the former NIJISANJI EN Livers, would return with a new identity, KamiiGoo, on X/Twitter. She wouldn’t stream again until she debuted in VSHOJO under another name and identity, Michi Mochievee, on April 20, 2024."

"Michi Mochievee would reveal that she had run into trouble with paying her taxes because she was told that the company she worked for would manage that for her. She later discovered that she was in debt to the government because she hadn’t been paying them. When she asked why the company hadn’t paid them, they told her they had used her money to pay the company’s taxes. The company she is referring to is believed to be ANYCOLOR ("Believed to be" bro has already used a bunch of rrats and speculation as proof in the document, why act like he cares now?). (Switches to narration) This reminds me of when Kuro Kurenai, formerly Mysta Rias, spoke on his own tax situation. He was also left with massive debts and only with the help of VShojo management was he able to pay them off. It makes me wonder if ANYCOLOR had screwed him over in a similar way. Kuro Kurenai never mentioned making or having a similar arrangement so this is only speculation, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Another incident that she would not speak about until early August of this year was that the company threatened to have her arrested when she visited their headquarters. When she arrived for some unrelated business, she saw her Silver Play-Button, an award given by YouTube when a channel reaches 100,000 subscribers, on the wall at ANYCOLOR headquarters. There had been speculation long before this was revealed that talents weren’t allowed to have their own Play-Buttons due to ANYCOLOR policy and them owning the channels. She made a lighthearted joke about her, “yoinking,” the Play-Button and the management threatened to kick her out of the building and (have) her arrested. All of that, for a simple joke."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Back to the main timeline, on October 27, NIJISANJI EN debuted their ninth wave, TTT, to a rather underwhelming start. ANYCOLOR didn’t put as much effort into advertising this wave, with some people not even knowing a new wave had even ("even" is superfluous here and used twice) launched, let alone knowing the new Livers’ names. This left them with lower view and subscriber numbers than their peers. This was, and still is, very saddening to see as they all seemed like entertaining people who deserved better from ANYCOLOR. While this wasn’t the last big controversy of 2023, the actual last controversy is related to a later section where I will cover it in full."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"The Storm kicked off with the announcement of Pomu Rainpuff of LAZULIGHT’s graduation. This was a massive shock as Pomu hadn’t been involved in any major controversies and also had a massive following. The official reason she graduated was due to the fact that she wanted “to pursue other creative avenues.” She stated that she had already planned to graduate but had decided to delay her graduation because NIJISANJI EN already had a lot of graduations over the course of 2023 but couldn’t stay in NIJISANJI EN due to fear of burnout. She did however state that all of her content would remain up after her graduation, as well as making all of her private content public. On the surface, everything here seems quite amicable, similar to the Yugo Asuma situation. However, in one of these private, now public, streams, she was seen being very upset and was talking about how the company denied her request for a “once in a lifetime,” collaboration with her idol. She expressed her frustration with the company and cried on stream. Many now suspect that it was due to this and perhaps other disagreements that she decided to leave the company. She would officially graduate on January 20 and return to her original account, dearqn (dearsqn), not long after her graduation. She would later re-debut as Mint Fantome (She was already Mint before getting into Niji), an Indie Vtuber, on April 1."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"February 1 saw another graduation announcement. This time, it was Kyo Kaneko of ILUNA. While the timing shocked people, including Kyo himself, this wasn’t too surprising. Kyo had always stated he never intended to stay in NIJISANJI EN permanently and would leave at one (Some) point to move on. Most people understood this but still viewed this as another example of ANYCOLOR’s general incompetence in ("in" is superfluous) and inability to retain talent. Others speculated that there was more to the story that made him want to leave. Despite this speculation, he would officially graduate on February 17. This is not the end of the storm though. Another Liver would leave a mere four days after Kyo announced his graduation and this time, it was a termination. This one termination would cause a chain reaction of events to go off, spiraling into a form of ("form of" is superfluous when making a simile, holy ESL) deadly hurricane for NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(PARAGRAPH BREAKS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD) To talk about Selen Tatsuki, and why her termination warrants being called a ‘hurricane,’ we need to talk about who Selen Tatsuki was and what she meant to not just NIJISANJI EN, but the entire Vtuber Community (There is no "Vtuber community" it's an industry) as a whole. To cover the basics, Selen Tatsuki debuted on July 18, 2021, as a member of OBSYDIA, NIJISANJI EN’s second wave. Between her pretty design and bubbly personality, she immediately stood out. She was friendly and outgoing with not just her fans but also the other livers. These things combined meant that whenever the conversation of NIJISANJI EN came up, mention of Selen Tatsuki was never far behind. A big thing that promoted Selen Tatsuki as a major face of NIJISANJI EN and arguably the Vtuber community (Industry) as whole, was her focus on E-Sports Tournaments ("e-sports" and "tournaments" are not proper nouns and thus don't need to be capitalized) and collaborations with those inside and outside the Vtuber community (IN-DUS-TRY). To put into perspective how dedicated she was to these tournaments, between her debut in mid-July of 2021 to the end of 2021, she had participated in five tournaments and a dedicated sponsored stream. She would continue to participate in tournaments and promotions until her termination. She was often involved in the organizing and participating ("participating" is superfluous because it is assumed) of the events, and these would bring in other streamers and viewers from both inside ("inside" is superfluous) other parts of the vtuber sphere and those removed from it. She was almost always the major organizer of collaborations in NIJISANJI EN that involved her.She (Space behind punctuation) worked hard to include as many people as she could in her events, making herself and her community very happy, making NIJISANJI EN look good, and make (making) ANYCOLOR more money. She would also go out of her way to include and promote artists and ensure these artists were compensated. What further cemented her place as a major face in the vtuber sphere and would do so for the rest of her career even after and despite her termination, was her victory at the Vtuber Awards (This barely mattered and it was at the tail end of her tenure as Selen) where she won two categories: Best FPS Vtuber, and Gamer of the Year. People loved her and few could say a bad word about her. However, we would begin to see the cracks forming over the course of her time in NIJISANJI EN, and they had actually shown up a lot sooner than you might expect."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"The first incident was in late November of 2021, when her collaboration with Kureji Ollie, a member of HOLOLIVE Indonesia, was suddenly cancelled (it was indefinitely postponed but whatever). This came as a surprise as this was very unusual for a collaboration to be cancelled at the last minute like this. Especially a collaboration organized by Selen Tatsuki and the two largest vtuber companies (I don't think any of that has any bearing on it being able to be cancelled). What was even stranger was that there was never an official reason given. Only that both Selen Tatsuki and Kureji Ollie tried to make it work but ultimately couldn’t. Fans at the time believed that it must have been a decision by management at the time to cancel the collaboration (You only need to use "at the time" onc, events after that phrase are assumed to be in the same time frame unless stated otherwise). Whose management or why was unknown but this was the start of a trend of Selen Tatsuki having her projects being (be) cancelled at the last minute despite previous permissions (approval) from everyone involved."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(The previous paragraph mentions "a trend" but here we skip to a whole year later which contradicts that point if the next example was a whole year later) The next event to occur was over a year later in December of 2022, when Selen stated that she had gotten a new manager. This seems normal on the surface. (, ) New management replacing the old and new staff ("new staff" is used twice and is superfluous) coming and going is nothing new in the entertainment industry. This was a little different as this was her third manager in under a year and a half. She also stated that those who debuted with her were also getting new management at a similar rate. This is a ridiculous turnover rate. (, ) (he needs to stop making these micro-sentences, you can connect ideas with commas you moron) Even if we assume ANYCOLOR is just moving the managers around rather than the managers resigning or being fired, this is still indicative of a chaotic work environment."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"(Paragraph breaks pleaseeeeee) In May of 2023, Selen Tatsuki announced she would be arranging an art contest on (for) her next outfit. Whoever had the best (submission) would get their design picked to be her new outfit. This seems great on the surface. (; ) Artists get a chance to show their love to a talent and company they enjoy, get some exposure for their art, and get a chance to be recognized and used by a large company. (, ) What’s the issue? Well, the issue comes from the application form and the rules on it. The first rule, “We will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the submission of the work,” means you will not be reimbursed for the cost of your work regardless of if you win or not. This was repulsive treatment of artists and it meant they were not going to be paid for their work. (Nobody had an issue with this, the company is not going to pay you for spending 200 hours on a submission you decided to make, the main reward for the contest was having Selen use it anyways) It only gets worse from here. The third rule, “The copyright, design rights, and all other intellectual property rights of the submitted work will be transferred to our company,” means that once the contestants submit the art, they no longer have any control over it and that ANYCOLOR can use it however they want without asking the artists. It also means that the artists are not owed royalties. They further confirm this with the sixth rule which states, “Regardless of whether your work is selected or not, applicants must agree that their submitted works and related works are allowed to be used on our official social media accounts, official websites, or other websites, books, other media, in our NIJISANJI Livers' streams and displayed at other events without compensation. Also, applicants must agree that their works will be reproduced or displayed and may be adjusted or partly modified,” means that the artists could have their art changed in ways they don’t like and there is nothing they can do about it (the problematic part of this clause is the first bit, not the last, artists routinely sell the rights of their works that allow companies to modify them). The last controversial rule was the fourth rule which states, “Applicants cannot withdraw or cancel their entries,” meaning that even if you change your mind about participating, you can’t back out (Nobody has an issue with this). All of this combined led to many artists stating they wouldn’t feel comfortable participating."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Later, Selen Tatsuki would tweet this (a) message stating, “Negotiated again with management and the form will be corrected soon. 5 designs will be picked and will be awarded $1000 USD each but only 1 will become an official outfit. Please note that I am paying the prize out of my own pocket and not the company🙏” She would go on to say, “I was told No originally and cannot provide prizes and fought for it for a long time as shown on past streams so I am glad that I can finally award artists some form of compensation in the end after fighting for so long to even be able to host it.”

"This did make some people happy but also enraged a great many. Why? Because it shouldn’t be a worker’s responsibility to cover company costs. The worker shouldn’t have to sacrifice their ability to make a living to cover their employer’s ass. This incident would make people see Selen Tatsuki as a true ally and friend of artists. This (It) would also further tarnish ANYCOLOR’s image, showing them as a company that forces its workers to do what the company should be doing."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On August 8, 2023, Selen Tatsuki made an announcement that she would no longer be able to host a previously announced and planned Fall Guys Tournament. This event was going to include most of NIJISANJI, hence the hype around it. She stated that she had tried to make it work but would have to significantly limit the size of it to just NIJISANJI EN. She stated that she thought the permissions she received from ANYCOLOR Management were still valid and had new dates on them. She said she had been in talks with them regarding this for a long time at this point when she received a final rejection and was ordered to cancel it. She also stated that she can (could) no longer host any international tournaments at all. This was shocking as her previous tournaments had been major successes. Fans were disappointed, not with Selen Tatsuki, but with NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR as a whole. This was yet another major project Selen Tatsuki had to battle management at the last minute to make it more inclusive and fun for her fans and in this case her fellow Vtubers. Some people believed that ANYCOLOR was being incredibly incompetent to a point of almost looking malicious and wanted her to leave NIJISANJ EN. In the eyes of her fans, ANYCOLOR was on thin ice. Someone who had done so much for them was being constantly screwed over and they could do nothing but watch in anger and disappointment. When the time of snow and ice rolled around, when joy was in the air and people took to celebrate, ANYCOLOR would crack the ice they were standing on. (Bro tries to be poetic out of nowhere)"
(I got tired of doing these you get the point)

"(HOLY MOTHER OF PARAGRAPHS) On December 25, Selen Tatsuki would upload a Christmas Day song cover for her fans. This music video featured art of her and her fellow NIJISANJI EN talents in a variety of art styles celebrating her time at NIJISANJI EN so far. It clearly had high production value and her singing was great. The response to it was good, until it was suddenly (made) private a mere three hours after release. She would then make a Twitter/X post explaining that it was (made) private by management. She encouraged fans to reupload the video so others could enjoy it even though it was taken down. People were immediately outraged as this was yet another incident of Selen Tatsuki being screwed over by ANYCOLOR. People took to inquiring to ANYCOLOR directly by using their support (support what? Email? Form?). According to FalseEyeD, someone actually got a response where they stated the video in question hadn’t passed some internal verifications and permissions. With this in mind, people went looking for more information and it was uncovered that Selen Tatsuki had received permissions to cover the original song back in August of 2022 (Selen did not "recieve permissions", the creator of the song said anyone could use it) , over a year in advance. People also looked at the artists involved and they stated they had given their permission to use their art. This led people to speculate that she had needed to receive permission to use the depictions of the other Livers. This means she had to receive permission from her own company to use their own assets. This was the only conclusion that made sense and yet it seemed rather contradictory. ANYCOLOR makes it clear that any and all depictions of thweir (their) talents ultimately belong to them based on the Art Contest situation from a few months back. Yet now their own talents suddenly need (needed) permission to use their own company’s assets. This was looking like a classic case of, “Rules for thee, but none for me.” (that expression makes no sense in this context) After this Selen Tatsuki would announce on December 27 that she had to be hospitalized due to an, “accident,” and that she would be under supervision for a few days. People felt that this Tweet was fake because of a theory regarding the “Japanese apostrophe,” where some text has an apostrophe that only appears in Japanese computer when converted to English. This theory about the apostrophe was stupid but most people thought (that, ) regardless of whether that was true, the tweet may not be coming from her. On December 31, she made a statement that she had been discharged from the hospital. After being discharged, Selen Tatsuki was no longer active on any of her accounts. She was not active the entire month of January. In fact, she actually had her panel at Anime Impulse, a convention, cancelled. On January 29, her fans(, ) called Dragoons(, ) started the hashtag, “#WhereisSelen,” after neither her nor the company had acknowledged or even made a statement regarding her wellbeing. The next day, her close friend rpr, another vtuber (He's more of a fleshie with a model but whatever), made a tweet asking to know about what had happened to Selen Tatsuki. This sparked even more concern among fans as rpr had been friends with Selen Tatsuki since before she joined NIJISANJI EN. All of this would come to a head on February 5 when suddenly, all of her (the) content on her channels and her Twitter/X account was removed. Then, after all this time, came the dreaded announcement of her termination."

"(This dude likes his paragraphs like he likes the cocks he takes up the ass: big, long and unwieldly) On February 5, 2024, Selen Tatsuki was terminated from NIJISANJI EN. She had all of her videos, streams, and Tweets removed and all of her accounts were (made) private or deleted. The reason for her termination was “violations of the Activity Rules,” which they explain are a set of rules designed to protect the company and third parties from infringed rights, defamatory statements, and liability. ANYCOLOR claims that Selen Tatsuki had been violating these rules for a long time. They provide little to no details on how she had violated these rules previously, but we finally receive details on how she allegedly violated the rules (every event before this document was "previously", this sentence contradicts the one before it) on page two regarding the Christmas cover. They claim that she had not given them any information on the project at all until December 24, the day before the video was to be uploaded. This was immediately called out as false as it was shown that previously that she had (that she had previously) received permission to make the cover from August of 2022. This effectively confirmed the theory that the assets she didn’t have permission to use were already owned by the company and she didn’t need their permission in the first place (this was never "confirmed", this is still to this day a rrat). It goes on to say that she disregarded requests to wait for further permissions and uploaded the cover. They then say that (they) took down the video and explained why to Selen Tatsuki. They claim she made a misleading statement that, “management privated the Song,” which is strange because it seems like they did that exact thing. They then note that they attempted to come to an agreement about how to resolve the situation and were in direct contact with either Selen Tatsuki or her emergency contact. They claim they couldn’t come to an agreement so locked her out of all of her accounts. Since we don’t know when exactly all of this happened, this means that the Tweets Selen Tatsuki supposedly made on December 27 and 31were (space is required) actually made by ANYCOLOR. That’s right, ANYCOLOR had impersonated one of their own talents while they were in the hospital and undergoing a dispute with the company. They then say the (they) spoke again to Selen Tatsuki and asked her for, “compliance with the Activity Rules from heron (here on).” Selen Tatsuki rejected this and demanded the company be held responsible for what they have (had) put her through. She allegedly claims that because of ANYCOLOR’s incompetence, she had to suffer harassment from her fellow Livers. ANYCOLOR deflects (deflected) claiming that she, “refuses to acknowledge her responsibility.” Selen Tatsuki also allegedly threatened to release a detailed document to the public regarding the alleged “Activity Rule Violations.” They claim this document has, “attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations.” After all of this, they note that they don’t believe ANYCOLOR nor any of their Livers did anything wrong to Selen Tatsuki and that they have decided to terminate her. Not long after this, they would release a notice to their shareholders saying the following. (you can't cut off paragraphs like this, complete your damn ideas and cut it elsewhere you retard, also colon needed)"

“On February 5, 2024, ANYCOLOR made the decision to terminate our affiliation with the NIJISANJI EN Liver, Selen Tatsuki. The impact of this decision on our financial results will be negligible.”

"To say the notice of her termination was met with anger would be an understatement. It was met with fury and sadness from fans and content creators alike. People saw this as a betrayal by ANYCOLOR. This notice (this is confusing for the reader, we are currently talking about the shareholder notice, but this first "notice" refers to the termination notice. Thus the reader has to stop and think about why he's seemingly saying the same thing twice) combined with the shareholder notice made it appear to many that ANYCOLOR saw her as, “negligible.” (it didn't "make it appear" they LITERALLY said her termination was negligible) Many independent and corporate vtubers spoke out."

(In this next section I removed most of the quotes since they don't matter and aren't this dude's writing)

"CottontailVA (this person is not a source I would include due to the bs surrounding her but whatever), vtuber and voice actor, responded to the notice in a way that described how most people felt, “selen deserves better. good riddance. yapping for 3 pages and 0 accountability, that’s crazy dawg.”

"The most damning condemnation came from vtuber and voice actor, CyYu aka Alejandro Saab, who has a large voice both in and out (mostly out) of the vtuber community (industry), when he simply said, “do better Niji... Do better.” That wasn’t all though. The next day, he would release video detailing his experiences with ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN. He spoke of how he was actually going to join them. He then rejected (the offer) once he saw the terms. They demanded he be exclusive to ANYCOLOR and would no longer be allowed to voice act."
"Back to the original day, many artists also spoke out about how hard Selen Tatsuki had worked. One artist, madi, said, “I just want to say that it was amazing working with Selen. She was very kind and responsive. She even paid out of her own PERSONAL paypal account when the company hadn't paid me after months of waiting.” This meant Selen Tastsuki had to leak her own personal financial information because ANYCOLOR refused to cover the costs of work that (they) had promised to cover. This wasn’t the only time this happened either."

There were also leaked discord screenshots which allegedly showed Selen Tatsuki apologizing to the artists for their work basically being thrown away with the cancellation of her music video. All of this would come to a head, when Dokibird, Selen Tatsuki’s alternate account, finally spoke out about what happened.

People were happy to see the response from Dokibird. It was relieving to hear from someone they hadn’t heard from in over two months. People were happy to see her safe and out of the hospital. They were also quite happy to see her out of the company. Speaking of, people were absolutely livid with ANYCOLOR. They learned that ANYCOLOR had been fostering a toxic work environment of bullying and harassment so extreme that it forced one of their talents to attempt suicide. For most people, this was beyond the pale (thanks for teaching me an idiom I had never heard before) and action needed to be taken.

When ANYCOLOR locked down the Selen Tatsuki YouTube channel, they forgot to remove the fan mod-staff that handled the chat. When the mods heard about this, they immediately began hosting a live chat with the message, “Subscribe to Dokibird.” One moderator, Silent, had signed an NDA but said, “They can sue me if it breaches my NDA with them, don’t care anymore. Go follow Dokibrid and show her some love.” People took Silent’s words to heart and supported Dokibird so much she reached 200,000 subscribers.

On February 6, the day after the termination notice, multiple content creators and companies began pulling their support of ANYCOLOR. The first two were Studio Nekomata, a merchandise company, and animator Frel both announced they would no longer support ANYCOLOR on. Studio Nekomata specifically sold the rest of their ANYCOLOR affiliated merchandise and sent all proceeds to charity. Velo City, a reaction channel, also stated they would no longer be doing reactions to content produced by ANYCOLOR (wow what a loss). It only got worse for ANYCOLOR from here. On February 7, HYTE, a pc company, announced they were terminating their current projects with ANYCOLOR. They even cancelled and refunded all orders. On February 8, MofuMerch, another merchandise company, also cancelled their commissioned merchandise for NIJISANJI EN. They specifically held a sale for all existing NIJISANJI EN merchandise to clean out their inventory and specifically delisted all of Selen Tatsuki’s merchandise. Any remaining Selen Tatsuki and NIJISANJI EN merchandise being sold would have the proceeds of the sales be donated to various charities. Despite all of this, (The sentece just cuts off? You cannot end sentences on commas, nor have sentences split between paragraphs)

On February 7, Dokibrid held her return stream where she talked more about her situation and what she had gone through. She spoke of how the reason she attempted suicide was due to a buildup of stress and that she has spoken to medical professionals and attorneys regarding what she had been through. She talked about how she had attempted to leave the company on more neutral terms but was refused by the company. She didn’t even know she would be out of a job until she saw the notice on Twitter/X. She figured out she had been fired the same time we did. She said it was her intention to keep the matter of bullying and harassment secret from the public. Interestingly, she did not implicate who was responsible for said bullying and harassment. This means either ANYCOLOR divulged the fact the Livers were responsible themselves, or they threw their own Livers under the bus to save their management. She said that ANYCOLOR was also very aware of where she was and why, disputing the termination notice where ANYCOLOR claims they had trouble reaching her. This also makes the shareholder notice look worse as they were treating her as if her very life was, “negligible.” She reveals that she did not make any profit as Selen Tatsuki for the year of 2023. This means that due to her covering the costs of the projects that ANYCOLOR benefited from yet refused to pay for (Cover does this too, if the talent wants to burn a ton of money on projects the company is not responsible, Doki also has a track record of being terrible with spending more money than she should on projects), she was barely scraping by. In the end, she says that she wants to move on and that she doesn’t want anyone else to go through what she did.

I got bored after this, it's mostly a bunch of quotes and simple explanations. You can clearly see how the guy flip flops between shitting out opinions and then giving objective facts. This guy is a self-proclaimed "Prospective Journalist" btw.
My opinion?

Thanks for parsing it through for us. It really was what I expected it to be. Rambling nonsense mixed with some partial facts on top of being a poorly written journalistic article. You deserve a goddamn drink for surviving the word vomit. My mind was already going blank trying to get through the long ass paragraphs.
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She's going to make more money off of this single stream than she made in her whole year with Niji :rikutazumi:
Good for her. More sisters pissing themselves in rage that someone dare have a better time after leaving their beloved Kurosanji.

"In March, NIJISANJI EN announced the termination (different from graduation, much more severe) (Wow what a great way of explaining it but actually not!) of Zaion Lanza from Xsoleil for, “repeatedly infringing upon the contract and rules Livers must comply to (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) (Dude does this like he's writing a legal document but this term is never used again and he explains this exact same concept further down) during her streaming activities.” These alleged violations included many serious allegations such as; (Colon is not the same as semicolon nor does it have the same purpose)“Offensive remarks regarding discrimination and sexual assault,” , “Using a copyrighted song without prior authorization,” and, “Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream.” People searched for clips of the original infringements and found the one regarding “offensive remarks.” In this clip, she was playing a game where one of the characters had been sexually assaulted and after seeing her she said, “No wonder she got….uh anyways.”
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"While people in general agreed with the termination at the time, they also felt that the termination notice was incredibly unprofessional and read more like a hit piece than a professional notice from a company. This was due to both the amount of detail in some cases and the lack of detail in others. In some instances, this led people to finding out of context clips and referring to her as a pedophile. After this, multiple Livers would speak very negatively about Zaion (Not gonna mention who so that the reader ends up guessing and pointing fingers?) after her termination and how she was, allegedly, a toxic friend/coworker. This added more fuel to the hate train and people ultimately felt more ("more" is superfluous in this sentence) ANYCOLOR was justified in putting out the notice as it was. This was not the last we would hear about Zaion though."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
"In May, she would publish a document, “One Girl’s Story,” under her new name, Sayu Sincrocity, (Sincronisity you stupid ape) where she addressed all of the allegations, speculation, and harassment she was facing. This document also added important context to the alleged violations that ANYCOLOR had left out in their termination notice (You cannot add context to something that has never been made public) and gave her side (of the story,) as to why she felt some of these allegations were misleading."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"She explains that she had apologized after making the sexual assault remark to staff, reasoning that due to the nature of streaming she made the joke without considering the implications. (Randomly switches to narration/opinion piece mid paragraph) When you’re making content, you go into a loop of, “Be entertaining all the time,” and you just say whatever without considering if you should say it or if it’s even funny in the first place. While this isn’t an excuse, it does explain why she would do it. I also personally find it hypocritical of ANYCOLOR to only punish Zaion for this(, ) despite there being other members who made remarks that are arguably more insensitive. One case of this would be when Kotoka Torahime of XSOLEIL, said retard, an actual slur, (It isn't a slur you retard) on stream. Another case would be when Enna Alouette of Ethyria made a racist joke referencing and impersonating the, “listen to too much Snoop Dog” accent of another member with the phrase, “Thanks for the chicken, brother!” (For being so anti-Niji this guy sure acts like a pearl-clutching sister) While both of these Livers apologized, there was never an official punishment given to either of them while Zaion was the only one who faced the music. I think all three of these incidents could’ve been prevented or at least mitigated if ANYCOLOR had given the talents proper training and support before and after debut to guide them through these sensitivities. While this lack of training doesn’t absolve these livers of agency and responsibility, it does put most of the fault where it belongs, on the company who didn’t prepare them properly for this and teach them what to avoid."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
(Notice the sheer amount of "I think" in this one)

"The second instance was actually in reference to a chatter asking if the name for her fans would be “Zionists.” She responded, “That would be a bad idea.” Apparently, according to ANYCOLOR, this acknowledgment of the statement was the equivalent of an endorsement in their eyes."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The violation of copyright was in reference to when she played the cover of a song one of the other livers had done, meaning that ANYCOLOR already had permission form the original copyright owner to use the song. Sayu Sincrosity (Sincronisity, bro has written it wrong twice in different ways) explains that due to this being the case, she believed using the cover was fine. ANYCOLOR disagreed."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The allegation of ,“Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream,” was actually an incident where Zaion made a “deez nuts” joke and said she was sponsored by “Dee’s Nuts,” which is apparently a real brand. Yes, you read that right. One of the reasons ANYCOLOR listed for her being fired, was a “deez nuts” joke."
(Did she say she was sponsored by that brand? I didn't know that)
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"An important thing that was revealed in the document that would make people look at ANYCOLOR very differently.:) )Stealth Suspensions were real. This was shown when in the document and in ANYCOLOR’s own termination notice they mentioned multiple suspensions. These suspensions were never made public and instead were called, “breaks.” (Switches to opinion piece yet again) These stealth suspensions are bad for everyone involved. It’s bad for ANYCOLOR because now no one can trust you (them). It’s bad for the Livers for the same reason and since we don’t know if they are paid despite the suspension, they might lose out on their ability to make money. Finally, it’s bad for the fans because if a Liver has done something bad, you (they) have no idea if the creator is actually taking accountability or just dodging it. These stealth suspensions only serve one purpose, and it is to ANYCOLOR’s benefit, they want to hide how overly strict their contract is. (That is not the main reason nor the only reason, the main reason is because suspensions make the talent and/or company look bad. If you say your talent was suspended then it can only mean two things: Either the talent has done something actually reprehensible which people will take issue with them for, or the issue is negligible (haha) and the company is too strict)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Another important thing that was revealed during this time was that ANYCOLOR('s) talents only make one to two percent of merchandise sales. An incredibly low number for creators and a company like ANYCOLOR. This leak did not come from Sayu Sincrosity(SINCRONISITY) but was seemingly corroborated by her on May 10 when she responded to a comment in which another large vtuber, KSON,(How was it corroborated?) called ANYCOLOR out. This was also further corroborated by Mysta Rias when in his return stream back in December, he said he only got one percent of his merch sales. (The previous sentence makes it sound like Mysta added to this issue AFTER it happened when in reality his 2% comment was the first time it was ever brought up, the Mysta comment was dug up after the Sayu saga began by people looking for evidence) This would also make ANYCOLOR look worse."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"After this document’s release, Sayu’s reputation started to, even if only slightly, recover and people began to heavily scrutinize ANYCOLOR and the management of NIJISANJI EN. However, the damage to her mental health caused by the company and subsequent smear campaign would lead to her eventually attempting suicide. Thankfully, she did not succeed. She would not reveal this fact until 2024. Despite all of this, Sayu Sincrosity (SINCRONISITY) is now a successful Indie Vtuber who seems to be in a much better place."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Going back to the main timeline, NIJISANJI EN released their 9th wave, KRISIS, on June 26. While this may seem to be good news to most, for a lot of people, it only felt like they were focusing on quantity rather than quality. Even these, albeit tainted, good vibes coming from NIJISANJI EN were quickly crushed. Two days later, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Nina Kosaka of ETHYRIA, whose last day would be July 8. This came as a major shock as she was never a part of any major controversies or drama. Nina explained she was leaving because she felt that her own content wasn’t meeting her personal standards and that she wanted to pursue growth elsewhere. On the surface, everything looked quite amicable, but people quickly speculated that there was something more to it. They were right, but that information came later when she, under her new identity Matara Kan, revealed she also left because of the harassment she and her fans faced due to her age and her friendship with the male talents of NIJISANJI EN from the parasocial fans of the male Livers. This is important to Nina Kosaka as ANYCOLOR didn’t do anything to curb the harassment."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"On July 28, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Mysta Rias of LUXIEM. This particular graduation was an even bigger shock than the graduation of Nina Kosaka, as Mysta had over a million subscribers on his channel. He had also not been (Involved) in any drama or controversies as far as anyone was aware. His graduation notice did not give a reason either. Mysta revealed he was quitting due to burnout and that he had lost his passion for making content and streaming. This led to him feeling that he was well and truly done making content, perhaps permanently. He would officially graduate on August 27. Interestingly, he would debut under a new name, Kuro Kurenai, in the company VSHOJO on September 30. This is also the same company Matara Kan, formerly Nina Kosaka, would debut in on October 15."

"I’m sure you have noticed a pattern of what happens to the graduates of NIJISANJI EN. Once they leave, they start fresh identities or resume using their old ones and become very successful. (Not all of them, depends on what you mean by "successful") They also begin speaking openly about what they are able to do now compared to what they were unable to do under ANYCOLOR, without calling them out specifically. This led to an increase in speculation as to the treatment of their Livers, comparing ANYCOLOR to “black companies.” (Companies that are unethical and abusive to their employees. Usually used in Japan.)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On October 21, NIJISANJI announced the graduations of three former members of their Indonesian branch. This wasn’t too surprising as the Indonesian branch had been dissolved as part of a merge into their main Japanese branch. This had also happened to their Korean branch. What was surprising was that many Livers from the Indonesian branch graduated following the merger. Among them was Mika Melatika, who was very popular with the English-Speaking parts of the fanbase and had collaborated with many of the NIJISANJI ENGLISH Livers (Randomly switches to "English" as opposed to "EN" for whatever reason). Mika would graduate on December 28. Mika, similar to the former NIJISANJI EN Livers, would return with a new identity, KamiiGoo, on X/Twitter. She wouldn’t stream again until she debuted in VSHOJO under another name and identity, Michi Mochievee, on April 20, 2024."

"Michi Mochievee would reveal that she had run into trouble with paying her taxes because she was told that the company she worked for would manage that for her. She later discovered that she was in debt to the government because she hadn’t been paying them. When she asked why the company hadn’t paid them, they told her they had used her money to pay the company’s taxes. The company she is referring to is believed to be ANYCOLOR ("Believed to be" bro has already used a bunch of rrats and speculation as proof in the document, why act like he cares now?). (Switches to narration) This reminds me of when Kuro Kurenai, formerly Mysta Rias, spoke on his own tax situation. He was also left with massive debts and only with the help of VShojo management was he able to pay them off. It makes me wonder if ANYCOLOR had screwed him over in a similar way. Kuro Kurenai never mentioned making or having a similar arrangement so this is only speculation, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Another incident that she would not speak about until early August of this year was that the company threatened to have her arrested when she visited their headquarters. When she arrived for some unrelated business, she saw her Silver Play-Button, an award given by YouTube when a channel reaches 100,000 subscribers, on the wall at ANYCOLOR headquarters. There had been speculation long before this was revealed that talents weren’t allowed to have their own Play-Buttons due to ANYCOLOR policy and them owning the channels. She made a lighthearted joke about her, “yoinking,” the Play-Button and the management threatened to kick her out of the building and (have) her arrested. All of that, for a simple joke."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Back to the main timeline, on October 27, NIJISANJI EN debuted their ninth wave, TTT, to a rather underwhelming start. ANYCOLOR didn’t put as much effort into advertising this wave, with some people not even knowing a new wave had even ("even" is superfluous here and used twice) launched, let alone knowing the new Livers’ names. This left them with lower view and subscriber numbers than their peers. This was, and still is, very saddening to see as they all seemed like entertaining people who deserved better from ANYCOLOR. While this wasn’t the last big controversy of 2023, the actual last controversy is related to a later section where I will cover it in full."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"The Storm kicked off with the announcement of Pomu Rainpuff of LAZULIGHT’s graduation. This was a massive shock as Pomu hadn’t been involved in any major controversies and also had a massive following. The official reason she graduated was due to the fact that she wanted “to pursue other creative avenues.” She stated that she had already planned to graduate but had decided to delay her graduation because NIJISANJI EN already had a lot of graduations over the course of 2023 but couldn’t stay in NIJISANJI EN due to fear of burnout. She did however state that all of her content would remain up after her graduation, as well as making all of her private content public. On the surface, everything here seems quite amicable, similar to the Yugo Asuma situation. However, in one of these private, now public, streams, she was seen being very upset and was talking about how the company denied her request for a “once in a lifetime,” collaboration with her idol. She expressed her frustration with the company and cried on stream. Many now suspect that it was due to this and perhaps other disagreements that she decided to leave the company. She would officially graduate on January 20 and return to her original account, dearqn (dearsqn), not long after her graduation. She would later re-debut as Mint Fantome (She was already Mint before getting into Niji), an Indie Vtuber, on April 1."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"February 1 saw another graduation announcement. This time, it was Kyo Kaneko of ILUNA. While the timing shocked people, including Kyo himself, this wasn’t too surprising. Kyo had always stated he never intended to stay in NIJISANJI EN permanently and would leave at one (Some) point to move on. Most people understood this but still viewed this as another example of ANYCOLOR’s general incompetence in ("in" is superfluous) and inability to retain talent. Others speculated that there was more to the story that made him want to leave. Despite this speculation, he would officially graduate on February 17. This is not the end of the storm though. Another Liver would leave a mere four days after Kyo announced his graduation and this time, it was a termination. This one termination would cause a chain reaction of events to go off, spiraling into a form of ("form of" is superfluous when making a simile, holy ESL) deadly hurricane for NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(PARAGRAPH BREAKS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD) To talk about Selen Tatsuki, and why her termination warrants being called a ‘hurricane,’ we need to talk about who Selen Tatsuki was and what she meant to not just NIJISANJI EN, but the entire Vtuber Community (There is no "Vtuber community" it's an industry) as a whole. To cover the basics, Selen Tatsuki debuted on July 18, 2021, as a member of OBSYDIA, NIJISANJI EN’s second wave. Between her pretty design and bubbly personality, she immediately stood out. She was friendly and outgoing with not just her fans but also the other livers. These things combined meant that whenever the conversation of NIJISANJI EN came up, mention of Selen Tatsuki was never far behind. A big thing that promoted Selen Tatsuki as a major face of NIJISANJI EN and arguably the Vtuber community (Industry) as whole, was her focus on E-Sports Tournaments ("e-sports" and "tournaments" are not proper nouns and thus don't need to be capitalized) and collaborations with those inside and outside the Vtuber community (IN-DUS-TRY). To put into perspective how dedicated she was to these tournaments, between her debut in mid-July of 2021 to the end of 2021, she had participated in five tournaments and a dedicated sponsored stream. She would continue to participate in tournaments and promotions until her termination. She was often involved in the organizing and participating ("participating" is superfluous because it is assumed) of the events, and these would bring in other streamers and viewers from both inside ("inside" is superfluous) other parts of the vtuber sphere and those removed from it. She was almost always the major organizer of collaborations in NIJISANJI EN that involved her.She (Space after punctuation) worked hard to include as many people as she could in her events, making herself and her community very happy, making NIJISANJI EN look good, and make (making) ANYCOLOR more money. She would also go out of her way to include and promote artists and ensure these artists were compensated. What further cemented her place as a major face in the vtuber sphere and would do so for the rest of her career even after and despite her termination, was her victory at the Vtuber Awards (This barely mattered and it was at the tail end of her tenure as Selen) where she won two categories: Best FPS Vtuber, and Gamer of the Year. People loved her and few could say a bad word about her. However, we would begin to see the cracks forming over the course of her time in NIJISANJI EN, and they had actually shown up a lot sooner than you might expect."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"The first incident was in late November of 2021, when her collaboration with Kureji Ollie, a member of HOLOLIVE Indonesia, was suddenly cancelled (it was indefinitely postponed but whatever). This came as a surprise as this was very unusual for a collaboration to be cancelled at the last minute like this. Especially a collaboration organized by Selen Tatsuki and the two largest vtuber companies (I don't think any of that has any bearing on it being able to be cancelled). What was even stranger was that there was never an official reason given. Only that both Selen Tatsuki and Kureji Ollie tried to make it work but ultimately couldn’t. Fans at the time believed that it must have been a decision by management at the time to cancel the collaboration (You only need to use "at the time" once, events after that phrase are assumed to be in the same time frame unless stated otherwise). Whose management or why was unknown but this was the start of a trend of Selen Tatsuki having her projects being (be) cancelled at the last minute despite previous permissions (approval) from everyone involved."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(The previous paragraph mentions "a trend" but here we skip to a whole year later which contradicts that point if the next example was a whole year later) The next event to occur was over a year later in December of 2022, when Selen stated that she had gotten a new manager. This seems normal on the surface. (, ) New management replacing the old and new staff ("new staff" is used twice and is superfluous) coming and going is nothing new in the entertainment industry. This was a little different as this was her third manager in under a year and a half. She also stated that those who debuted with her were also getting new management at a similar rate. This is a ridiculous turnover rate. (, ) (he needs to stop making these micro-sentences, you can connect ideas with commas you moron) Even if we assume ANYCOLOR is just moving the managers around rather than the managers resigning or being fired, this is still indicative of a chaotic work environment."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"(Paragraph breaks pleaseeeeee) In May of 2023, Selen Tatsuki announced she would be arranging an art contest on (for) her next outfit. Whoever had the best (submission) would get their design picked to be her new outfit. This seems great on the surface. (; ) Artists get a chance to show their love to a talent and company they enjoy, get some exposure for their art, and get a chance to be recognized and used by a large company. (, ) What’s the issue? Well, the issue comes from the application form and the rules on it. The first rule, “We will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the submission of the work,” means you will not be reimbursed for the cost of your work regardless of if you win or not. This was repulsive treatment of artists and it meant they were not going to be paid for their work. (Nobody had an issue with this, the company is not going to pay you for spending 200 hours on a submission you decided to make, the main reward for the contest was having Selen use it anyways) It only gets worse from here. The third rule, “The copyright, design rights, and all other intellectual property rights of the submitted work will be transferred to our company,” means that once the contestants submit the art, they no longer have any control over it and that ANYCOLOR can use it however they want without asking the artists. It also means that the artists are not owed royalties. They further confirm this with the sixth rule which states, “Regardless of whether your work is selected or not, applicants must agree that their submitted works and related works are allowed to be used on our official social media accounts, official websites, or other websites, books, other media, in our NIJISANJI Livers' streams and displayed at other events without compensation. Also, applicants must agree that their works will be reproduced or displayed and may be adjusted or partly modified,” means that the artists could have their art changed in ways they don’t like and there is nothing they can do about it (the problematic part of this clause is the first bit, not the last, artists routinely sell the rights of their works that allow companies to modify them). The last controversial rule was the fourth rule which states, “Applicants cannot withdraw or cancel their entries,” meaning that even if you change your mind about participating, you can’t back out (Nobody had an issue with this). All of this combined led to many artists stating they wouldn’t feel comfortable participating."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Later, Selen Tatsuki would tweet this (a) message stating, “Negotiated again with management and the form will be corrected soon. 5 designs will be picked and will be awarded $1000 USD each but only 1 will become an official outfit. Please note that I am paying the prize out of my own pocket and not the company🙏” She would go on to say, “I was told No originally and cannot provide prizes and fought for it for a long time as shown on past streams so I am glad that I can finally award artists some form of compensation in the end after fighting for so long to even be able to host it.”

"This did make some people happy but also enraged a great many. Why? Because it shouldn’t be a worker’s responsibility to cover company costs. The worker shouldn’t have to sacrifice their ability to make a living to cover their employer’s ass. This incident would make people see Selen Tatsuki as a true ally and friend of artists. This (It) would also further tarnish ANYCOLOR’s image, showing them as a company that forces its workers to do what the company should be doing."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On August 8, 2023, Selen Tatsuki made an announcement that she would no longer be able to host a previously announced and planned Fall Guys Tournament. This event was going to include most of NIJISANJI, hence the hype around it. She stated that she had tried to make it work but would have to significantly limit the size of it to just NIJISANJI EN. She stated that she thought the permissions she received from ANYCOLOR Management were still valid and had new dates on them. She said she had been in talks with them regarding this for a long time at this point when she received a final rejection and was ordered to cancel it. She also stated that she can (could) no longer host any international tournaments at all. This was shocking as her previous tournaments had been major successes. Fans were disappointed, not with Selen Tatsuki, but with NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR as a whole. This was yet another major project Selen Tatsuki had to battle management at the last minute to make it more inclusive and fun for her fans and in this case her fellow Vtubers. Some people believed that ANYCOLOR was being incredibly incompetent to a point of almost looking malicious and wanted her to leave NIJISANJ EN. In the eyes of her fans, ANYCOLOR was on thin ice. Someone who had done so much for them was being constantly screwed over and they could do nothing but watch in anger and disappointment. When the time of snow and ice rolled around, when joy was in the air and people took to celebrate, ANYCOLOR would crack the ice they were standing on. (Bro tries to be poetic out of nowhere)"
(I got tired of doing these you get the point)

"(HOLY MOTHER OF PARAGRAPHS) On December 25, Selen Tatsuki would upload a Christmas Day song cover for her fans. This music video featured art of her and her fellow NIJISANJI EN talents in a variety of art styles celebrating her time at NIJISANJI EN so far. It clearly had high production value and her singing was great. The response to it was good, until it was suddenly (made) private a mere three hours after release. She would then make a Twitter/X post explaining that it was (made) private by management. She encouraged fans to reupload the video so others could enjoy it even though it was taken down. People were immediately outraged as this was yet another incident of Selen Tatsuki being screwed over by ANYCOLOR. People took to inquiring to ANYCOLOR directly by using their support (support what? Email? Form?). According to FalseEyeD, someone actually got a response where they stated the video in question hadn’t passed some internal verifications and permissions. With this in mind, people went looking for more information and it was uncovered that Selen Tatsuki had received permissions to cover the original song back in August of 2022 (Selen did not "recieve permissions", the creator of the song said anyone could use it) , over a year in advance. People also looked at the artists involved and they stated they had given their permission to use their art. This led people to speculate that she had needed to receive permission to use the depictions of the other Livers. This means she had to receive permission from her own company to use their own assets. This was the only conclusion that made sense and yet it seemed rather contradictory. ANYCOLOR makes it clear that any and all depictions of thweir (their) talents ultimately belong to them based on the Art Contest situation from a few months back. Yet now their own talents suddenly need (needed) permission to use their own company’s assets. This was looking like a classic case of, “Rules for thee, but none for me.” (that expression makes no sense in this context) After this Selen Tatsuki would announce on December 27 that she had to be hospitalized due to an, “accident,” and that she would be under supervision for a few days. People felt that this Tweet was fake because of a theory regarding the “Japanese apostrophe,” where some text has an apostrophe that only appears in Japanese computer when converted to English. This theory about the apostrophe was stupid but most people thought (that, ) regardless of whether that was true, the tweet may not be coming from her. On December 31, she made a statement that she had been discharged from the hospital. After being discharged, Selen Tatsuki was no longer active on any of her accounts. She was not active the entire month of January. In fact, she actually had her panel at Anime Impulse, a convention, cancelled. On January 29, her fans(, ) called Dragoons(, ) started the hashtag, “#WhereisSelen,” after neither her nor the company had acknowledged or even made a statement regarding her wellbeing. The next day, her close friend rpr, another vtuber (He's more of a fleshie with a model but whatever), made a tweet asking to know about what had happened to Selen Tatsuki. This sparked even more concern among fans as rpr had been friends with Selen Tatsuki since before she joined NIJISANJI EN. All of this would come to a head on February 5 when suddenly, all of her (the) content on her channels and her Twitter/X account was removed. Then, after all this time, came the dreaded announcement of her termination."

"(This dude likes his paragraphs like he likes the cocks he takes up the ass: big, long and unwieldly, also he uses "they" like 50 thousand times in this single paragraph holy fuck) On February 5, 2024, Selen Tatsuki was terminated from NIJISANJI EN. She had all of her videos, streams, and Tweets removed and all of her accounts were (made) private or deleted. The reason for her termination was “violations of the Activity Rules,” which they explain are a set of rules designed to protect the company and third parties from infringed rights, defamatory statements, and liability. ANYCOLOR claims that Selen Tatsuki had been violating these rules for a long time. They provide little to no details on how she had violated these rules previously, but we finally receive details on how she allegedly violated the rules (every event before this document was "previously", this sentence contradicts the one before it) on page two regarding the Christmas cover. They claim that she had not given them any information on the project at all until December 24, the day before the video was to be uploaded. This was immediately called out as false as it was shown that previously that she had (that she had previously) received permission to make the cover from August of 2022. This effectively confirmed the theory that the assets she didn’t have permission to use were already owned by the company and she didn’t need their permission in the first place (this was never "confirmed", this is still to this day a rrat). It goes on to say that she disregarded requests to wait for further permissions and uploaded the cover. They then say that (they) took down the video and explained why to Selen Tatsuki. They claim she made a misleading statement that, “management privated the Song,” which is strange because it seems like they did that exact thing. They then note that they attempted to come to an agreement about how to resolve the situation and were in direct contact with either Selen Tatsuki or her emergency contact. They claim they couldn’t come to an agreement so locked her out of all of her accounts. Since we don’t know when exactly all of this happened, this means that the Tweets Selen Tatsuki supposedly made on December 27 and 31were (space is required) actually made by ANYCOLOR. That’s right, ANYCOLOR had impersonated one of their own talents while they were in the hospital and undergoing a dispute with the company. They then say the (they) spoke again to Selen Tatsuki and asked her for, “compliance with the Activity Rules from heron (here on).” Selen Tatsuki rejected this and demanded the company be held responsible for what they have (had) put her through. She allegedly claims that because of ANYCOLOR’s incompetence, she had to suffer harassment from her fellow Livers. ANYCOLOR deflects (deflected) claiming that she, “refuses to acknowledge her responsibility.” Selen Tatsuki also allegedly threatened to release a detailed document to the public regarding the alleged “Activity Rule Violations.” They claim this document has, “attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations.” After all of this, they note that they don’t believe ANYCOLOR nor any of their Livers did anything wrong to Selen Tatsuki and that they have decided to terminate her. Not long after this, they would release a notice to their shareholders saying the following. (you can't cut off paragraphs like this, complete your damn ideas and cut it elsewhere you retard, also colon needed)"

“On February 5, 2024, ANYCOLOR made the decision to terminate our affiliation with the NIJISANJI EN Liver, Selen Tatsuki. The impact of this decision on our financial results will be negligible.”

"To say the notice of her termination was met with anger would be an understatement. It was met with fury and sadness from fans and content creators alike. People saw this as a betrayal by ANYCOLOR. This notice (this is confusing for the reader, we are currently talking about the shareholder notice, but this first "notice" refers to the termination notice. Thus the reader has to stop and think about why he's seemingly saying the same thing twice) combined with the shareholder notice made it appear to many that ANYCOLOR saw her as, “negligible.” (it didn't "make it appear" they LITERALLY said her termination was negligible) Many independent and corporate vtubers spoke out."

(In this next section I removed most of the quotes since they don't matter and aren't this dude's writing)

"CottontailVA (this person is not a source I would include due to the bs surrounding her but whatever), vtuber and voice actor, responded to the notice in a way that described how most people felt, “selen deserves better. good riddance. yapping for 3 pages and 0 accountability, that’s crazy dawg.”

"The most damning condemnation came from vtuber and voice actor, CyYu aka Alejandro Saab, who has a large voice both in and out (mostly out) of the vtuber community (industry), when he simply said, “do better Niji... Do better.” That wasn’t all though. The next day, he would release video detailing his experiences with ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN. He spoke of how he was actually going to join them. He then rejected (the offer) once he saw the terms. They demanded he be exclusive to ANYCOLOR and would no longer be allowed to voice act."
"Back to the original day, many artists also spoke out about how hard Selen Tatsuki had worked. One artist, madi, said, “I just want to say that it was amazing working with Selen. She was very kind and responsive. She even paid out of her own PERSONAL paypal account when the company hadn't paid me after months of waiting.” This meant Selen Tastsuki had to leak her own personal financial information because ANYCOLOR refused to cover the costs of work that (they) had promised to cover. This wasn’t the only time this happened either."

There were also leaked discord screenshots which allegedly showed Selen Tatsuki apologizing to the artists for their work basically being thrown away with the cancellation of her music video. All of this would come to a head, when Dokibird, Selen Tatsuki’s alternate account, finally spoke out about what happened.

People were happy to see the response from Dokibird. It was relieving to hear from someone they hadn’t heard from in over two months. People were happy to see her safe and out of the hospital. They were also quite happy to see her out of the company. Speaking of, people were absolutely livid with ANYCOLOR. They learned that ANYCOLOR had been fostering a toxic work environment of bullying and harassment so extreme that it forced one of their talents to attempt suicide. For most people, this was beyond the pale (thanks for teaching me an idiom I had never heard before) and action needed to be taken.

When ANYCOLOR locked down the Selen Tatsuki YouTube channel, they forgot to remove the fan mod-staff that handled the chat. When the mods heard about this, they immediately began hosting a live chat with the message, “Subscribe to Dokibird.” One moderator, Silent, had signed an NDA but said, “They can sue me if it breaches my NDA with them, don’t care anymore. Go follow Dokibrid and show her some love.” People took Silent’s words to heart and supported Dokibird so much she reached 200,000 subscribers.

On February 6, the day after the termination notice, multiple content creators and companies began pulling their support of ANYCOLOR. The first two were Studio Nekomata, a merchandise company, and animator Frel both announced they would no longer support ANYCOLOR on. Studio Nekomata specifically sold the rest of their ANYCOLOR affiliated merchandise and sent all proceeds to charity. Velo City, a reaction channel, also stated they would no longer be doing reactions to content produced by ANYCOLOR (wow what a loss). It only got worse for ANYCOLOR from here. On February 7, HYTE, a pc company, announced they were terminating their current projects with ANYCOLOR. They even cancelled and refunded all orders. On February 8, MofuMerch, another merchandise company, also cancelled their commissioned merchandise for NIJISANJI EN. They specifically held a sale for all existing NIJISANJI EN merchandise to clean out their inventory and specifically delisted all of Selen Tatsuki’s merchandise. Any remaining Selen Tatsuki and NIJISANJI EN merchandise being sold would have the proceeds of the sales be donated to various charities. Despite all of this, (The sentece just cuts off? You cannot end sentences on commas, nor have sentences split between paragraphs)

On February 7, Dokibrid held her return stream where she talked more about her situation and what she had gone through. She spoke of how the reason she attempted suicide was due to a buildup of stress and that she has spoken to medical professionals and attorneys regarding what she had been through. She talked about how she had attempted to leave the company on more neutral terms but was refused by the company. She didn’t even know she would be out of a job until she saw the notice on Twitter/X. She figured out she had been fired the same time we did. She said it was her intention to keep the matter of bullying and harassment secret from the public. Interestingly, she did not implicate who was responsible for said bullying and harassment. This means either ANYCOLOR divulged the fact the Livers were responsible themselves, or they threw their own Livers under the bus to save their management. She said that ANYCOLOR was also very aware of where she was and why, disputing the termination notice where ANYCOLOR claims they had trouble reaching her. This also makes the shareholder notice look worse as they were treating her as if her very life was, “negligible.” She reveals that she did not make any profit as Selen Tatsuki for the year of 2023. This means that due to her covering the costs of the projects that ANYCOLOR benefited from yet refused to pay for (Cover does this too, if the talent wants to burn a ton of money on projects the company is not responsible, Doki also has a track record of being terrible with spending more money than she should on projects), she was barely scraping by. In the end, she says that she wants to move on and that she doesn’t want anyone else to go through what she did.

I got bored after this, it's mostly a bunch of quotes and simple explanations. You can clearly see how the guy flip flops between shitting out opinions and then giving objective facts. This guy is a self-proclaimed "Prospective Journalist" btw.
My opinion?

It's kind of impressive how this mfr wrote a small novella, put in this much effort, and the end result is still less well researched than shit I wrote in middle school.

Honestly I think these self-styled journo's from this or that vtuber fanbase are gonna inevitably have too much bias mixed in for a history of this shit to ever be any good. You'd get a more complete & less biased history simply by going thru this thread's threadmarks in page order.


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
You deserve a goddamn drink for surviving the word vomit. My mind was already going blank trying to get through the long ass paragraphs.
Eh, I was trying to take my mind off of things and reading makes my autistic brain focus (even if the read itself was painful) instead of trying to parse a million things a second like usual which is why I read before going to bed. Yeah, I am really fun at parties...

Helmet-kun Backwards

I can't stop repeating words in longposts :(
Joined:  Feb 29, 2024

So this makes yet another time that someone has broken the rule about using a company account to interact with/reference graduated members. According to Quinn/Enna this rule is technically still active. I'm also very curious about Fulgur's PL explicitly talking about Scarle when she went AWOL for a little bit and where that falls in the rulebook. AFAIK he never got punished for it.

EN's day to day management seems completely absent at this point, and it's obvious a lot of Niji's v-tubers just don't give a fuck anymore. I was always a proponent of the merge rrat, but the Quinn confirmation + increasing rule-breaking from various livers is a step up. The alternative would be that there hasn't been actual day to day management for a LONG time, and Elira + Millie were actually acting as managers until the black screen video fallout.

Interesting. I legitimately have no idea what the hell is going on in the company right now.


Well-known member
Joined:  Jan 26, 2024
EN's day to day management seems completely absent at this point, and it's obvious a lot of Niji's v-tubers just don't give a fuck anymore. I was always a proponent of the merge rrat, but the Quinn confirmation + increasing rule-breaking from various livers is a step up. The alternative would be that there hasn't been actual day to day management for a LONG time, and Elira + Millie were actually acting as managers until the black screen video fallout.

Interesting. I legitimately have no idea what the hell is going on in the company right now.
I can't quote it anymore since its in the old locked General thread but I remembered seeing this:

I never paid any attention to NijiID but if the management truly did fuck right off, then the more and more blatant rule-breaking goes unchallenged the nearer we are to a branch merge. With how little oversight NijiEN seems to have had to begin with, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire JP side of the corpo is completely unaware that this is happening.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
I can't quote it anymore since its in the old locked General thread but I remembered seeing this:
View attachment 79982
I never paid any attention to NijiID but if the management truly did fuck right off, then the more and more blatant rule-breaking goes unchallenged the nearer we are to a branch merge. With how little oversight NijiEN seems to have had to begin with, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire JP side of the corpo is completely unaware that this is happening.
The Last Cup of Coffee incident happened on Christmas. Are we bound for another Christmas present of drama?

Faceless Waifu

prompt: sister cleaire, event horizon, no eyes
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
I can't quote it anymore since its in the old locked General thread but I remembered seeing this:
View attachment 79982
I never paid any attention to NijiID but if the management truly did fuck right off, then the more and more blatant rule-breaking goes unchallenged the nearer we are to a branch merge. With how little oversight NijiEN seems to have had to begin with, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire JP side of the corpo is completely unaware that this is happening.
I wouldn't really say the ID management fucked off like, at once, but its gradual enough that at first glance it still looks like there's some aspect of management but in reality there's nothing and it only really becomes clear post-merge.

It could be possible that maybe the EN managements is slowly trickling down to nothing and it leads to EN talents deciding to toeing the rules a bit for their genmates (ex-genmates included), but certain stuff is still no go.

We can't really know for sure until someone openly say 'yeah we got a skeleton crew', so its down to theories and rrats at this point.


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Joined:  Sep 22, 2022
Eh, I was trying to take my mind off of things and reading makes my autistic brain focus (even if the read itself was painful) instead of trying to parse a million things a second like usual which is why I read before going to bed. Yeah, I am really fun at parties...
you have never sounded more like a lawyer than rn
Reading before bed?? People still do that, when its not fanfiction???

Bug Eater

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Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
9390 Words in this one Nenélove, triple the length of the last one if you're looking for some afternoon reading material.
~1100 of those are because he just straight up copy and pasted Doki's statements in their entirety, without even commenting on them :educateyourself2:


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Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
Even ID wasn't exactly open about the fact that they only had a skeleton crew left with no oversight.

It's in the end but notice the "They (viewers) don't need to know this" part. Just because they know they can say whatever they want, doesn't mean they think they should. But of course EN can't keep their mouths shut and will spill it within a week or something, they have no class


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Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
"In March, NIJISANJI EN announced the termination (different from graduation, much more severe) (Wow what a great way of explaining it but actually not!) of Zaion Lanza from Xsoleil for, “repeatedly infringing upon the contract and rules Livers must comply to (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) (Dude does this like he's writing a legal document but this term is never used again and he explains this exact same concept further down) during her streaming activities.” These alleged violations included many serious allegations such as; (Colon is not the same as semicolon nor does it have the same purpose)“Offensive remarks regarding discrimination and sexual assault,” , “Using a copyrighted song without prior authorization,” and, “Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream.” People searched for clips of the original infringements and found the one regarding “offensive remarks.” In this clip, she was playing a game where one of the characters had been sexually assaulted and after seeing her she said, “No wonder she got….uh anyways.”
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"While people in general agreed with the termination at the time, they also felt that the termination notice was incredibly unprofessional and read more like a hit piece than a professional notice from a company. This was due to both the amount of detail in some cases and the lack of detail in others. In some instances, this led people to finding out of context clips and referring to her as a pedophile. After this, multiple Livers would speak very negatively about Zaion (Not gonna mention who so that the reader ends up guessing and pointing fingers?) after her termination and how she was, allegedly, a toxic friend/coworker. This added more fuel to the hate train and people ultimately felt more ("more" is superfluous in this sentence) ANYCOLOR was justified in putting out the notice as it was. This was not the last we would hear about Zaion though."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
"In May, she would publish a document, “One Girl’s Story,” under her new name, Sayu Sincrocity, (Sincronisity you stupid ape) where she addressed all of the allegations, speculation, and harassment she was facing. This document also added important context to the alleged violations that ANYCOLOR had left out in their termination notice (You cannot add context to something that has never been made public) and gave her side (of the story,) as to why she felt some of these allegations were misleading."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"She explains that she had apologized after making the sexual assault remark to staff, reasoning that due to the nature of streaming she made the joke without considering the implications. (Randomly switches to narration/opinion piece mid paragraph) When you’re making content, you go into a loop of, “Be entertaining all the time,” and you just say whatever without considering if you should say it or if it’s even funny in the first place. While this isn’t an excuse, it does explain why she would do it. I also personally find it hypocritical of ANYCOLOR to only punish Zaion for this(, ) despite there being other members who made remarks that are arguably more insensitive. One case of this would be when Kotoka Torahime of XSOLEIL, said retard, an actual slur, (It isn't a slur you retard) on stream. Another case would be when Enna Alouette of Ethyria made a racist joke referencing and impersonating the, “listen to too much Snoop Dog” accent of another member with the phrase, “Thanks for the chicken, brother!” (For being so anti-Niji this guy sure acts like a pearl-clutching sister) While both of these Livers apologized, there was never an official punishment given to either of them while Zaion was the only one who faced the music. I think all three of these incidents could’ve been prevented or at least mitigated if ANYCOLOR had given the talents proper training and support before and after debut to guide them through these sensitivities. While this lack of training doesn’t absolve these livers of agency and responsibility, it does put most of the fault where it belongs, on the company who didn’t prepare them properly for this and teach them what to avoid."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)
(Notice the sheer amount of "I think" in this one)

"The second instance was actually in reference to a chatter asking if the name for her fans would be “Zionists.” She responded, “That would be a bad idea.” Apparently, according to ANYCOLOR, this acknowledgment of the statement was the equivalent of an endorsement in their eyes."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The violation of copyright was in reference to when she played the cover of a song one of the other livers had done, meaning that ANYCOLOR already had permission form the original copyright owner to use the song. Sayu Sincrosity (Sincronisity, bro has written it wrong twice in different ways) explains that due to this being the case, she believed using the cover was fine. ANYCOLOR disagreed."
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"The allegation of ,“Falsely Claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream,” was actually an incident where Zaion made a “deez nuts” joke and said she was sponsored by “Dee’s Nuts,” which is apparently a real brand. Yes, you read that right. One of the reasons ANYCOLOR listed for her being fired, was a “deez nuts” joke."
(Did she say she was sponsored by that brand? I didn't know that)
(Informative/journalistic paragraph which presents the events simply as they happened)

"An important thing that was revealed in the document that would make people look at ANYCOLOR very differently.:) )Stealth Suspensions were real. This was shown when in the document and in ANYCOLOR’s own termination notice they mentioned multiple suspensions. These suspensions were never made public and instead were called, “breaks.” (Switches to opinion piece yet again) These stealth suspensions are bad for everyone involved. It’s bad for ANYCOLOR because now no one can trust you (them). It’s bad for the Livers for the same reason and since we don’t know if they are paid despite the suspension, they might lose out on their ability to make money. Finally, it’s bad for the fans because if a Liver has done something bad, you (they) have no idea if the creator is actually taking accountability or just dodging it. These stealth suspensions only serve one purpose, and it is to ANYCOLOR’s benefit, they want to hide how overly strict their contract is. (That is not the main reason nor the only reason, the main reason is because suspensions make the talent and/or company look bad. If you say your talent was suspended then it can only mean two things: Either the talent has done something actually reprehensible which people will take issue with them for, or the issue is negligible (haha) and the company is too strict)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Another important thing that was revealed during this time was that ANYCOLOR('s) talents only make one to two percent of merchandise sales. An incredibly low number for creators and a company like ANYCOLOR. This leak did not come from Sayu Sincrosity(SINCRONISITY) but was seemingly corroborated by her on May 10 when she responded to a comment in which another large vtuber, KSON,(How was it corroborated?) called ANYCOLOR out. This was also further corroborated by Mysta Rias when in his return stream back in December, he said he only got one percent of his merch sales. (The previous sentence makes it sound like Mysta added to this issue AFTER it happened when in reality his 2% comment was the first time it was ever brought up, the Mysta comment was dug up after the Sayu saga began by people looking for evidence) This would also make ANYCOLOR look worse."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"After this document’s release, Sayu’s reputation started to, even if only slightly, recover and people began to heavily scrutinize ANYCOLOR and the management of NIJISANJI EN. However, the damage to her mental health caused by the company and subsequent smear campaign would lead to her eventually attempting suicide. Thankfully, she did not succeed. She would not reveal this fact until 2024. Despite all of this, Sayu Sincrosity (SINCRONISITY) is now a successful Indie Vtuber who seems to be in a much better place."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece paragraph which presents events as the author understood them with plenty of possible interpretation)

"Going back to the main timeline, NIJISANJI EN released their 9th wave, KRISIS, on June 26. While this may seem to be good news to most, for a lot of people, it only felt like they were focusing on quantity rather than quality. Even these, albeit tainted, good vibes coming from NIJISANJI EN were quickly crushed. Two days later, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Nina Kosaka of ETHYRIA, whose last day would be July 8. This came as a major shock as she was never a part of any major controversies or drama. Nina explained she was leaving because she felt that her own content wasn’t meeting her personal standards and that she wanted to pursue growth elsewhere. On the surface, everything looked quite amicable, but people quickly speculated that there was something more to it. They were right, but that information came later when she, under her new identity Matara Kan, revealed she also left because of the harassment she and her fans faced due to her age and her friendship with the male talents of NIJISANJI EN from the parasocial fans of the male Livers. This is important to Nina Kosaka as ANYCOLOR didn’t do anything to curb the harassment."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"On July 28, NIJISANJI EN announced the graduation of Mysta Rias of LUXIEM. This particular graduation was an even bigger shock than the graduation of Nina Kosaka, as Mysta had over a million subscribers on his channel. He had also not been (Involved) in any drama or controversies as far as anyone was aware. His graduation notice did not give a reason either. Mysta revealed he was quitting due to burnout and that he had lost his passion for making content and streaming. This led to him feeling that he was well and truly done making content, perhaps permanently. He would officially graduate on August 27. Interestingly, he would debut under a new name, Kuro Kurenai, in the company VSHOJO on September 30. This is also the same company Matara Kan, formerly Nina Kosaka, would debut in on October 15."

"I’m sure you have noticed a pattern of what happens to the graduates of NIJISANJI EN. Once they leave, they start fresh identities or resume using their old ones and become very successful. (Not all of them, depends on what you mean by "successful") They also begin speaking openly about what they are able to do now compared to what they were unable to do under ANYCOLOR, without calling them out specifically. This led to an increase in speculation as to the treatment of their Livers, comparing ANYCOLOR to “black companies.” (Companies that are unethical and abusive to their employees. Usually used in Japan.)"
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On October 21, NIJISANJI announced the graduations of three former members of their Indonesian branch. This wasn’t too surprising as the Indonesian branch had been dissolved as part of a merge into their main Japanese branch. This had also happened to their Korean branch. What was surprising was that many Livers from the Indonesian branch graduated following the merger. Among them was Mika Melatika, who was very popular with the English-Speaking parts of the fanbase and had collaborated with many of the NIJISANJI ENGLISH Livers (Randomly switches to "English" as opposed to "EN" for whatever reason). Mika would graduate on December 28. Mika, similar to the former NIJISANJI EN Livers, would return with a new identity, KamiiGoo, on X/Twitter. She wouldn’t stream again until she debuted in VSHOJO under another name and identity, Michi Mochievee, on April 20, 2024."

"Michi Mochievee would reveal that she had run into trouble with paying her taxes because she was told that the company she worked for would manage that for her. She later discovered that she was in debt to the government because she hadn’t been paying them. When she asked why the company hadn’t paid them, they told her they had used her money to pay the company’s taxes. The company she is referring to is believed to be ANYCOLOR ("Believed to be" bro has already used a bunch of rrats and speculation as proof in the document, why act like he cares now?). (Switches to narration) This reminds me of when Kuro Kurenai, formerly Mysta Rias, spoke on his own tax situation. He was also left with massive debts and only with the help of VShojo management was he able to pay them off. It makes me wonder if ANYCOLOR had screwed him over in a similar way. Kuro Kurenai never mentioned making or having a similar arrangement so this is only speculation, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Another incident that she would not speak about until early August of this year was that the company threatened to have her arrested when she visited their headquarters. When she arrived for some unrelated business, she saw her Silver Play-Button, an award given by YouTube when a channel reaches 100,000 subscribers, on the wall at ANYCOLOR headquarters. There had been speculation long before this was revealed that talents weren’t allowed to have their own Play-Buttons due to ANYCOLOR policy and them owning the channels. She made a lighthearted joke about her, “yoinking,” the Play-Button and the management threatened to kick her out of the building and (have) her arrested. All of that, for a simple joke."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Back to the main timeline, on October 27, NIJISANJI EN debuted their ninth wave, TTT, to a rather underwhelming start. ANYCOLOR didn’t put as much effort into advertising this wave, with some people not even knowing a new wave had even ("even" is superfluous here and used twice) launched, let alone knowing the new Livers’ names. This left them with lower view and subscriber numbers than their peers. This was, and still is, very saddening to see as they all seemed like entertaining people who deserved better from ANYCOLOR. While this wasn’t the last big controversy of 2023, the actual last controversy is related to a later section where I will cover it in full."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"The Storm kicked off with the announcement of Pomu Rainpuff of LAZULIGHT’s graduation. This was a massive shock as Pomu hadn’t been involved in any major controversies and also had a massive following. The official reason she graduated was due to the fact that she wanted “to pursue other creative avenues.” She stated that she had already planned to graduate but had decided to delay her graduation because NIJISANJI EN already had a lot of graduations over the course of 2023 but couldn’t stay in NIJISANJI EN due to fear of burnout. She did however state that all of her content would remain up after her graduation, as well as making all of her private content public. On the surface, everything here seems quite amicable, similar to the Yugo Asuma situation. However, in one of these private, now public, streams, she was seen being very upset and was talking about how the company denied her request for a “once in a lifetime,” collaboration with her idol. She expressed her frustration with the company and cried on stream. Many now suspect that it was due to this and perhaps other disagreements that she decided to leave the company. She would officially graduate on January 20 and return to her original account, dearqn (dearsqn), not long after her graduation. She would later re-debut as Mint Fantome (She was already Mint before getting into Niji), an Indie Vtuber, on April 1."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"February 1 saw another graduation announcement. This time, it was Kyo Kaneko of ILUNA. While the timing shocked people, including Kyo himself, this wasn’t too surprising. Kyo had always stated he never intended to stay in NIJISANJI EN permanently and would leave at one (Some) point to move on. Most people understood this but still viewed this as another example of ANYCOLOR’s general incompetence in ("in" is superfluous) and inability to retain talent. Others speculated that there was more to the story that made him want to leave. Despite this speculation, he would officially graduate on February 17. This is not the end of the storm though. Another Liver would leave a mere four days after Kyo announced his graduation and this time, it was a termination. This one termination would cause a chain reaction of events to go off, spiraling into a form of ("form of" is superfluous when making a simile, holy ESL) deadly hurricane for NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(PARAGRAPH BREAKS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD) To talk about Selen Tatsuki, and why her termination warrants being called a ‘hurricane,’ we need to talk about who Selen Tatsuki was and what she meant to not just NIJISANJI EN, but the entire Vtuber Community (There is no "Vtuber community" it's an industry) as a whole. To cover the basics, Selen Tatsuki debuted on July 18, 2021, as a member of OBSYDIA, NIJISANJI EN’s second wave. Between her pretty design and bubbly personality, she immediately stood out. She was friendly and outgoing with not just her fans but also the other livers. These things combined meant that whenever the conversation of NIJISANJI EN came up, mention of Selen Tatsuki was never far behind. A big thing that promoted Selen Tatsuki as a major face of NIJISANJI EN and arguably the Vtuber community (Industry) as whole, was her focus on E-Sports Tournaments ("e-sports" and "tournaments" are not proper nouns and thus don't need to be capitalized) and collaborations with those inside and outside the Vtuber community (IN-DUS-TRY). To put into perspective how dedicated she was to these tournaments, between her debut in mid-July of 2021 to the end of 2021, she had participated in five tournaments and a dedicated sponsored stream. She would continue to participate in tournaments and promotions until her termination. She was often involved in the organizing and participating ("participating" is superfluous because it is assumed) of the events, and these would bring in other streamers and viewers from both inside ("inside" is superfluous) other parts of the vtuber sphere and those removed from it. She was almost always the major organizer of collaborations in NIJISANJI EN that involved her.She (Space after punctuation) worked hard to include as many people as she could in her events, making herself and her community very happy, making NIJISANJI EN look good, and make (making) ANYCOLOR more money. She would also go out of her way to include and promote artists and ensure these artists were compensated. What further cemented her place as a major face in the vtuber sphere and would do so for the rest of her career even after and despite her termination, was her victory at the Vtuber Awards (This barely mattered and it was at the tail end of her tenure as Selen) where she won two categories: Best FPS Vtuber, and Gamer of the Year. People loved her and few could say a bad word about her. However, we would begin to see the cracks forming over the course of her time in NIJISANJI EN, and they had actually shown up a lot sooner than you might expect."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"The first incident was in late November of 2021, when her collaboration with Kureji Ollie, a member of HOLOLIVE Indonesia, was suddenly cancelled (it was indefinitely postponed but whatever). This came as a surprise as this was very unusual for a collaboration to be cancelled at the last minute like this. Especially a collaboration organized by Selen Tatsuki and the two largest vtuber companies (I don't think any of that has any bearing on it being able to be cancelled). What was even stranger was that there was never an official reason given. Only that both Selen Tatsuki and Kureji Ollie tried to make it work but ultimately couldn’t. Fans at the time believed that it must have been a decision by management at the time to cancel the collaboration (You only need to use "at the time" once, events after that phrase are assumed to be in the same time frame unless stated otherwise). Whose management or why was unknown but this was the start of a trend of Selen Tatsuki having her projects being (be) cancelled at the last minute despite previous permissions (approval) from everyone involved."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"(The previous paragraph mentions "a trend" but here we skip to a whole year later which contradicts that point if the next example was a whole year later) The next event to occur was over a year later in December of 2022, when Selen stated that she had gotten a new manager. This seems normal on the surface. (, ) New management replacing the old and new staff ("new staff" is used twice and is superfluous) coming and going is nothing new in the entertainment industry. This was a little different as this was her third manager in under a year and a half. She also stated that those who debuted with her were also getting new management at a similar rate. This is a ridiculous turnover rate. (, ) (he needs to stop making these micro-sentences, you can connect ideas with commas you moron) Even if we assume ANYCOLOR is just moving the managers around rather than the managers resigning or being fired, this is still indicative of a chaotic work environment."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"(Paragraph breaks pleaseeeeee) In May of 2023, Selen Tatsuki announced she would be arranging an art contest on (for) her next outfit. Whoever had the best (submission) would get their design picked to be her new outfit. This seems great on the surface. (; ) Artists get a chance to show their love to a talent and company they enjoy, get some exposure for their art, and get a chance to be recognized and used by a large company. (, ) What’s the issue? Well, the issue comes from the application form and the rules on it. The first rule, “We will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the submission of the work,” means you will not be reimbursed for the cost of your work regardless of if you win or not. This was repulsive treatment of artists and it meant they were not going to be paid for their work. (Nobody had an issue with this, the company is not going to pay you for spending 200 hours on a submission you decided to make, the main reward for the contest was having Selen use it anyways) It only gets worse from here. The third rule, “The copyright, design rights, and all other intellectual property rights of the submitted work will be transferred to our company,” means that once the contestants submit the art, they no longer have any control over it and that ANYCOLOR can use it however they want without asking the artists. It also means that the artists are not owed royalties. They further confirm this with the sixth rule which states, “Regardless of whether your work is selected or not, applicants must agree that their submitted works and related works are allowed to be used on our official social media accounts, official websites, or other websites, books, other media, in our NIJISANJI Livers' streams and displayed at other events without compensation. Also, applicants must agree that their works will be reproduced or displayed and may be adjusted or partly modified,” means that the artists could have their art changed in ways they don’t like and there is nothing they can do about it (the problematic part of this clause is the first bit, not the last, artists routinely sell the rights of their works that allow companies to modify them). The last controversial rule was the fourth rule which states, “Applicants cannot withdraw or cancel their entries,” meaning that even if you change your mind about participating, you can’t back out (Nobody had an issue with this). All of this combined led to many artists stating they wouldn’t feel comfortable participating."
(A weird mix of narrative and straight info)

"Later, Selen Tatsuki would tweet this (a) message stating, “Negotiated again with management and the form will be corrected soon. 5 designs will be picked and will be awarded $1000 USD each but only 1 will become an official outfit. Please note that I am paying the prize out of my own pocket and not the company🙏” She would go on to say, “I was told No originally and cannot provide prizes and fought for it for a long time as shown on past streams so I am glad that I can finally award artists some form of compensation in the end after fighting for so long to even be able to host it.”

"This did make some people happy but also enraged a great many. Why? Because it shouldn’t be a worker’s responsibility to cover company costs. The worker shouldn’t have to sacrifice their ability to make a living to cover their employer’s ass. This incident would make people see Selen Tatsuki as a true ally and friend of artists. This (It) would also further tarnish ANYCOLOR’s image, showing them as a company that forces its workers to do what the company should be doing."
(Narrative/Opinion Piece)

"On August 8, 2023, Selen Tatsuki made an announcement that she would no longer be able to host a previously announced and planned Fall Guys Tournament. This event was going to include most of NIJISANJI, hence the hype around it. She stated that she had tried to make it work but would have to significantly limit the size of it to just NIJISANJI EN. She stated that she thought the permissions she received from ANYCOLOR Management were still valid and had new dates on them. She said she had been in talks with them regarding this for a long time at this point when she received a final rejection and was ordered to cancel it. She also stated that she can (could) no longer host any international tournaments at all. This was shocking as her previous tournaments had been major successes. Fans were disappointed, not with Selen Tatsuki, but with NIJISANJI EN and ANYCOLOR as a whole. This was yet another major project Selen Tatsuki had to battle management at the last minute to make it more inclusive and fun for her fans and in this case her fellow Vtubers. Some people believed that ANYCOLOR was being incredibly incompetent to a point of almost looking malicious and wanted her to leave NIJISANJ EN. In the eyes of her fans, ANYCOLOR was on thin ice. Someone who had done so much for them was being constantly screwed over and they could do nothing but watch in anger and disappointment. When the time of snow and ice rolled around, when joy was in the air and people took to celebrate, ANYCOLOR would crack the ice they were standing on. (Bro tries to be poetic out of nowhere)"
(I got tired of doing these you get the point)

"(HOLY MOTHER OF PARAGRAPHS) On December 25, Selen Tatsuki would upload a Christmas Day song cover for her fans. This music video featured art of her and her fellow NIJISANJI EN talents in a variety of art styles celebrating her time at NIJISANJI EN so far. It clearly had high production value and her singing was great. The response to it was good, until it was suddenly (made) private a mere three hours after release. She would then make a Twitter/X post explaining that it was (made) private by management. She encouraged fans to reupload the video so others could enjoy it even though it was taken down. People were immediately outraged as this was yet another incident of Selen Tatsuki being screwed over by ANYCOLOR. People took to inquiring to ANYCOLOR directly by using their support (support what? Email? Form?). According to FalseEyeD, someone actually got a response where they stated the video in question hadn’t passed some internal verifications and permissions. With this in mind, people went looking for more information and it was uncovered that Selen Tatsuki had received permissions to cover the original song back in August of 2022 (Selen did not "recieve permissions", the creator of the song said anyone could use it) , over a year in advance. People also looked at the artists involved and they stated they had given their permission to use their art. This led people to speculate that she had needed to receive permission to use the depictions of the other Livers. This means she had to receive permission from her own company to use their own assets. This was the only conclusion that made sense and yet it seemed rather contradictory. ANYCOLOR makes it clear that any and all depictions of thweir (their) talents ultimately belong to them based on the Art Contest situation from a few months back. Yet now their own talents suddenly need (needed) permission to use their own company’s assets. This was looking like a classic case of, “Rules for thee, but none for me.” (that expression makes no sense in this context) After this Selen Tatsuki would announce on December 27 that she had to be hospitalized due to an, “accident,” and that she would be under supervision for a few days. People felt that this Tweet was fake because of a theory regarding the “Japanese apostrophe,” where some text has an apostrophe that only appears in Japanese computer when converted to English. This theory about the apostrophe was stupid but most people thought (that, ) regardless of whether that was true, the tweet may not be coming from her. On December 31, she made a statement that she had been discharged from the hospital. After being discharged, Selen Tatsuki was no longer active on any of her accounts. She was not active the entire month of January. In fact, she actually had her panel at Anime Impulse, a convention, cancelled. On January 29, her fans(, ) called Dragoons(, ) started the hashtag, “#WhereisSelen,” after neither her nor the company had acknowledged or even made a statement regarding her wellbeing. The next day, her close friend rpr, another vtuber (He's more of a fleshie with a model but whatever), made a tweet asking to know about what had happened to Selen Tatsuki. This sparked even more concern among fans as rpr had been friends with Selen Tatsuki since before she joined NIJISANJI EN. All of this would come to a head on February 5 when suddenly, all of her (the) content on her channels and her Twitter/X account was removed. Then, after all this time, came the dreaded announcement of her termination."

"(This dude likes his paragraphs like he likes the cocks he takes up the ass: big, long and unwieldly, also he uses "they" like 50 thousand times in this single paragraph holy fuck) On February 5, 2024, Selen Tatsuki was terminated from NIJISANJI EN. She had all of her videos, streams, and Tweets removed and all of her accounts were (made) private or deleted. The reason for her termination was “violations of the Activity Rules,” which they explain are a set of rules designed to protect the company and third parties from infringed rights, defamatory statements, and liability. ANYCOLOR claims that Selen Tatsuki had been violating these rules for a long time. They provide little to no details on how she had violated these rules previously, but we finally receive details on how she allegedly violated the rules (every event before this document was "previously", this sentence contradicts the one before it) on page two regarding the Christmas cover. They claim that she had not given them any information on the project at all until December 24, the day before the video was to be uploaded. This was immediately called out as false as it was shown that previously that she had (that she had previously) received permission to make the cover from August of 2022. This effectively confirmed the theory that the assets she didn’t have permission to use were already owned by the company and she didn’t need their permission in the first place (this was never "confirmed", this is still to this day a rrat). It goes on to say that she disregarded requests to wait for further permissions and uploaded the cover. They then say that (they) took down the video and explained why to Selen Tatsuki. They claim she made a misleading statement that, “management privated the Song,” which is strange because it seems like they did that exact thing. They then note that they attempted to come to an agreement about how to resolve the situation and were in direct contact with either Selen Tatsuki or her emergency contact. They claim they couldn’t come to an agreement so locked her out of all of her accounts. Since we don’t know when exactly all of this happened, this means that the Tweets Selen Tatsuki supposedly made on December 27 and 31were (space is required) actually made by ANYCOLOR. That’s right, ANYCOLOR had impersonated one of their own talents while they were in the hospital and undergoing a dispute with the company. They then say the (they) spoke again to Selen Tatsuki and asked her for, “compliance with the Activity Rules from heron (here on).” Selen Tatsuki rejected this and demanded the company be held responsible for what they have (had) put her through. She allegedly claims that because of ANYCOLOR’s incompetence, she had to suffer harassment from her fellow Livers. ANYCOLOR deflects (deflected) claiming that she, “refuses to acknowledge her responsibility.” Selen Tatsuki also allegedly threatened to release a detailed document to the public regarding the alleged “Activity Rule Violations.” They claim this document has, “attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations.” After all of this, they note that they don’t believe ANYCOLOR nor any of their Livers did anything wrong to Selen Tatsuki and that they have decided to terminate her. Not long after this, they would release a notice to their shareholders saying the following. (you can't cut off paragraphs like this, complete your damn ideas and cut it elsewhere you retard, also colon needed)"

“On February 5, 2024, ANYCOLOR made the decision to terminate our affiliation with the NIJISANJI EN Liver, Selen Tatsuki. The impact of this decision on our financial results will be negligible.”

"To say the notice of her termination was met with anger would be an understatement. It was met with fury and sadness from fans and content creators alike. People saw this as a betrayal by ANYCOLOR. This notice (this is confusing for the reader, we are currently talking about the shareholder notice, but this first "notice" refers to the termination notice. Thus the reader has to stop and think about why he's seemingly saying the same thing twice) combined with the shareholder notice made it appear to many that ANYCOLOR saw her as, “negligible.” (it didn't "make it appear" they LITERALLY said her termination was negligible) Many independent and corporate vtubers spoke out."

(In this next section I removed most of the quotes since they don't matter and aren't this dude's writing)

"CottontailVA (this person is not a source I would include due to the bs surrounding her but whatever), vtuber and voice actor, responded to the notice in a way that described how most people felt, “selen deserves better. good riddance. yapping for 3 pages and 0 accountability, that’s crazy dawg.”

"The most damning condemnation came from vtuber and voice actor, CyYu aka Alejandro Saab, who has a large voice both in and out (mostly out) of the vtuber community (industry), when he simply said, “do better Niji... Do better.” That wasn’t all though. The next day, he would release video detailing his experiences with ANYCOLOR and NIJISANJI EN. He spoke of how he was actually going to join them. He then rejected (the offer) once he saw the terms. They demanded he be exclusive to ANYCOLOR and would no longer be allowed to voice act."
"Back to the original day, many artists also spoke out about how hard Selen Tatsuki had worked. One artist, madi, said, “I just want to say that it was amazing working with Selen. She was very kind and responsive. She even paid out of her own PERSONAL paypal account when the company hadn't paid me after months of waiting.” This meant Selen Tastsuki had to leak her own personal financial information because ANYCOLOR refused to cover the costs of work that (they) had promised to cover. This wasn’t the only time this happened either."

There were also leaked discord screenshots which allegedly showed Selen Tatsuki apologizing to the artists for their work basically being thrown away with the cancellation of her music video. All of this would come to a head, when Dokibird, Selen Tatsuki’s alternate account, finally spoke out about what happened.

People were happy to see the response from Dokibird. It was relieving to hear from someone they hadn’t heard from in over two months. People were happy to see her safe and out of the hospital. They were also quite happy to see her out of the company. Speaking of, people were absolutely livid with ANYCOLOR. They learned that ANYCOLOR had been fostering a toxic work environment of bullying and harassment so extreme that it forced one of their talents to attempt suicide. For most people, this was beyond the pale (thanks for teaching me an idiom I had never heard before) and action needed to be taken.

When ANYCOLOR locked down the Selen Tatsuki YouTube channel, they forgot to remove the fan mod-staff that handled the chat. When the mods heard about this, they immediately began hosting a live chat with the message, “Subscribe to Dokibird.” One moderator, Silent, had signed an NDA but said, “They can sue me if it breaches my NDA with them, don’t care anymore. Go follow Dokibrid and show her some love.” People took Silent’s words to heart and supported Dokibird so much she reached 200,000 subscribers.

On February 6, the day after the termination notice, multiple content creators and companies began pulling their support of ANYCOLOR. The first two were Studio Nekomata, a merchandise company, and animator Frel both announced they would no longer support ANYCOLOR on. Studio Nekomata specifically sold the rest of their ANYCOLOR affiliated merchandise and sent all proceeds to charity. Velo City, a reaction channel, also stated they would no longer be doing reactions to content produced by ANYCOLOR (wow what a loss). It only got worse for ANYCOLOR from here. On February 7, HYTE, a pc company, announced they were terminating their current projects with ANYCOLOR. They even cancelled and refunded all orders. On February 8, MofuMerch, another merchandise company, also cancelled their commissioned merchandise for NIJISANJI EN. They specifically held a sale for all existing NIJISANJI EN merchandise to clean out their inventory and specifically delisted all of Selen Tatsuki’s merchandise. Any remaining Selen Tatsuki and NIJISANJI EN merchandise being sold would have the proceeds of the sales be donated to various charities. Despite all of this, (The sentece just cuts off? You cannot end sentences on commas, nor have sentences split between paragraphs)

On February 7, Dokibrid held her return stream where she talked more about her situation and what she had gone through. She spoke of how the reason she attempted suicide was due to a buildup of stress and that she has spoken to medical professionals and attorneys regarding what she had been through. She talked about how she had attempted to leave the company on more neutral terms but was refused by the company. She didn’t even know she would be out of a job until she saw the notice on Twitter/X. She figured out she had been fired the same time we did. She said it was her intention to keep the matter of bullying and harassment secret from the public. Interestingly, she did not implicate who was responsible for said bullying and harassment. This means either ANYCOLOR divulged the fact the Livers were responsible themselves, or they threw their own Livers under the bus to save their management. She said that ANYCOLOR was also very aware of where she was and why, disputing the termination notice where ANYCOLOR claims they had trouble reaching her. This also makes the shareholder notice look worse as they were treating her as if her very life was, “negligible.” She reveals that she did not make any profit as Selen Tatsuki for the year of 2023. This means that due to her covering the costs of the projects that ANYCOLOR benefited from yet refused to pay for (Cover does this too, if the talent wants to burn a ton of money on projects the company is not responsible, Doki also has a track record of being terrible with spending more money than she should on projects), she was barely scraping by. In the end, she says that she wants to move on and that she doesn’t want anyone else to go through what she did.

I got bored after this, it's mostly a bunch of quotes and simple explanations. You can clearly see how the guy flip flops between shitting out opinions and then giving objective facts. This guy is a self-proclaimed "Prospective Journalist" btw.
My opinion?

No wonder @Nenélove needs to laugh at me on the Nolan thread. You all fuckers forced him to read through these shits, causing him irreversible physical and mental damages!
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