Using my PhD in People Saying Shit On The Internet, I can safely say that nobody I've ever known in my entire online career has ever killed themselves after publicly saying they will, no matter what venue and no matter the context. It's highly at-odds with suicidal ideation in general.
Usually people who've decided to kill themselves actually experience a period of unusual positivism, and often go out of their way to seem cheerful and energetic. This is partially to shield themselves from detection, but also because committing to the act of committing unalive.exe tends to engender a sense of powerful relief at the prospect of your suffering ending soon, coupled with a desire to 'clean up loose ends' and leave people with a positive impression of you. It's a twisted way to try and make the sudden passing easier. You'll get over it quicker if your last memories of Dangling Dan were of him laughing and joking with you in the pub, rather than weeks of desperately worrying about his health and well-being.
None of this means dear feeder's pet bunny doesn't need serious help, but my impression of her is that she suffers from a massive case of First World Problems[TM]. She lives like a fucking tramp, but that just means she's not in a situation where anyone is forcing her or bullying her into living normally. She can get huge amounts of money she sincerely believes she doesn't need with a few hours worth of effort, so she's not desperate for dosh or a day from getting evicted. Honestly, Tenma having neighbors that are outright trying their best to murder her pet dog is a much worse situation than Pippa seems to be in right now.
Pippa just comes across as totally aimless. It's true that she doesn't deserve what she has, at least not in the absolute, coldest, most overly analytical value-vs-effort analysis. She was lucky to more or less randomly stumble into fame and fortune with just the right personality at the right time, and was noticed by the right people. Far more talented people than her are out there sitting at 5 views a stream after three years of effort. But that's just the way the world works. You can't sit around whining that you got more than what you think you deserve, because there's always some guy with worse luck than you. The man with the potential to be the greatest mathematician who ever lived was probably some Irish literate farmhand who died of alcoholism after being thrown off his fields by a greedy landlord, never having seen a book of figures in their life. You can't base your decisions and existence over some ephemeral emotional calculation like that. You just get shit done with your life.
Anyway, that's just my take on stuff.