Actually, maybe it's not templated art, maybe it's repurposed art. It vaguely reminds me of a character called Junko Enoshima who I only know from random third party exposure so she's probably rather popular. The extended nails, teeth, and pigtails match up, and there are a couple art pieces with similar poses from what I can see. Maybe it's just the artist using it as inspiration, but I really wouldn't be surprised if something pops up that's a prior piece with the same general shape but different top layer components.
View attachment 46966View attachment 46967
Edit: The hair sheen is also very prominent in all of the depictions, which explains the lightning bolt.
The shirt collar in the very off art also matches Junko more than Pippa, and in the pouting art they gave her a skirt that matches Junko's style whereas pixel Pippa wears shorts under her sweater. Probably also why they gave her the leg warmers/socks as Junko is depicted in boots, versus Pippa's slippers.
Smug goblin Pippa is best Pippa, you take that back!