Weird thought, but something that comes to mind is notice how Nick always goes after who he considers the boss. In Pippa's case it's Phase and in Josh's case it's about the forum who pays him essentially.
I remember this was something I used to do when I worked for a company as it was an easy way to relate with other employees if the company was kind of shitty, where you could easily get a conversation by shitting on the employer as people were obviously frustrated. The thing is that once I left that world it took a little bit of time but my outlook became more positive as once you're doing your own thing, even if it's harder, it still makes you more optimistic as a whole.
I wonder if Nick being booted off of Youtube and his audience turning on him made him feel like he's not as free as he thought and so he's reverting to that state, as he shit talked the bank he worked at before. Flaggot is very similar where he loves shit talking his former employer, which was probably not the best company to work for, and he's openly admitted his life was shit and he was friendless. Surrounding himself with people like that probably doesn't help Nick dig out.
TL;DR - Nick realized he's an employee doing what he doesn't like.