"MREs are just lunchables but for the military"Nyaru

Hololive L Collection

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Well-known member
Joined:  Jun 14, 2024
So, what seems to be likely for now from other members' words, is that Fauna's case is indeed unique. Whether or not this is true, we'll just have to wait a few months to find out, either someone else leaves citing the same reason, or lemonleaf feeds dramafags some lemons.
For now, with the info we currently have, i doubt Fauna's graduation is a reflection on the state of the company.


Well-known member
Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
So, what seems to be likely for now from other members' words, is that Fauna's case is indeed unique. Whether or not this is true, we'll just have to wait a few months to find out, either someone else leaves citing the same reason, or lemonleaf feeds dramafags some lemons.
For now, with the info we currently have, i doubt Fauna's graduation is a reflection on the state of the company.
Everything is doing fine, things will get better in Cover I'm sure. This is just a very sad setback, but even if Cover has down wrong they always tried to amend it.
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Punished Anime Discusser

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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
I can confidently and optimistically say there will be no departures before Holofes.
I am going to cave your skull in with a lead pipe if you keep doing this. In Marvel 3, I'm a Haggar player.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
I am going to cave your skull in with a lead pipe if you keep doing this. In Marvel 3, I'm a Haggar player.
Yeah i think i made the good choice.



Well-known member
Joined:  Jun 14, 2024
Everything is doing fine, things will get better in Cover I'm sure. This is just a very sad setback, but even if Cover has down wrong they always tried to amend it.
Yeah you of all people might wanna STFU just in case :smugpipi:.
Subaru's comments (member stream)


Early Adopter
Gods Strongest Subatomo
Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
Notes from Subaru's 12/1 members-only stream (was split into 2 parts because the first stream was having buffering issues):

(TLDR at the bottom)​
  • She herself is doing great but she saw how anxious everyone was and wanted to chat.​
  • She really hasn't done much work this year and instead, has focused on taking it easy and doing what she wants to do.
    • Around the start of the year, she told her manager that she wants to prioritize and cherish her own activities. This is the reason why she was able to play SF6 and Yugioh as much as she did this year.
    • She appreciated her manager because she took that request very seriously. Her manager has basically been a bodyguard for her, protecting her from any sponsor deals and extra work that she doesn't want to do.
    • She's been rejecting nearly all sponsor work and requests for guest appearances in stuff like 3D lives. (I can confirm this myself, Subaru has appeared in literally zero 3D lives this year besides her own and 5th Fes.)
    • Like her manager was surprised when Subaru accepted the GTA Police Chief offer because she had no idea about it. (Likely cause Suisei/Miko asked Subaru directly instead of going to her manager).​
    • She accepted some some sponsor stuff like a Seven Deadly Sins gacha game, FFXIV and Metaphor Re:Fantazio but those were all games she was interested in and wanted to play with everyone.​
    • She told Okayu about her work and how she felt like she hasn't been working at all, but Okayu told her she's basically doing a normal level of work now.
    • So overall, while she does have the usual singing/dance lessons and the rare sponsor stuff, this year has been so much lighter for her and she's very happy for it.
  • This is very different from 2-3 years ago, where she felt like her mental was breaking.
    • She kept accepting request after request and pushing herself way too much. Her manager at the time was helpful and did her best, but Subaru could still feel herself reach a breaking point.
  • Talked about HoloGTA and how it was really difficult.​
    • But she accepted it because 1. she wanted to make sure that the cops were having fun and 2. After watching clips for research, she felt that being chief was one of the most difficult roles overall.​
    • if she could do this, she'd end up a stronger streamer overall, which has always been one of her goals. Any issues would stem not from the outside, but from her own management skills, which was an experience that helped her a ton.​
    • Doing HoloGTA helped her realize how much she learned interacting with different members. She thought that she'd be okay just focusing on gaming and game commentary, but these interactions have helped her see where she can improve herself.​
    • Despite the stress, stuff like GTA and ARK felt more like a school culture festival than a job so they were really fun.​
    • Like she was able to get closer to Suisei, who told her about the nose doctor and is the reason Subaru's nose is finally doing much better. And Miko also gave her some very good advice. She feels that Holo is a close, tight-knit group and that the talents truly do have respect for each other.
    • She has gone through many part-time jobs but in terms of the working environment with fellow members, Hololive has been #1 for her. Every passing year, she feels like she can take care of herself better.
  • Now that she's in her 7th year of doing this, she understands that it's better to be on good terms with management.
    • During her first few years, she was essentially doing her own "Hololive Resistance" and considered herself a management-anti. She got into fights with them very frequently and it happened so much, Subaru outright hated management for a very long time.
    • But after talking to them more, she realized that there are good people in management as well. Each person has their own different viewpoint and way of thinking. Kinda like an RPG, each person has their own justice (She was thinking about Persona 5 again). So dealing with your own manager really comes down to compatibility.
    • When seeing someone in management whose "justice" was bad to her, Subaru would think "What's wrong with them?" But her own manager has been so kind and helpful to her, it made her think about "What is justice exactly?"​
    • "Justice" to her is time with her fellow Hololive members and her fans. That is what's most precious to her so she has to take on the responsibility of protecting it. So while Subaru will definitely still argue and get angry with management, she now wants to work things out till the end. Simply being angry and hating them doesn't really help anything at all. Though she will talk to her Ishiyowa doll in her head when angry.
    • Interacting with similar-minded Holo talents, who have gotten into their own fights with management but still did their best, is what really helped her grow as a person this year. Being able to be next to people like that was a big deal for her.
    • A lot has happened for her to get to this point but this is the answer she's reached. She understands that other people have a different mindset and not everyone would reach the same conclusion but ultimately, she just wants to enjoy these precious moments she has with everyone. She is happy when she's having fun with her fellow members and her fans.
  • So overall, she's doing just fine. We don't see what goes on in the background and she knows that can be worrying, so she wanted to reassure us herself.​
    • Recently, she has been more assertive with what she wants. She used to wait a lot and wonder if things worked out but now, she'll go to management and put some pressure on them. She'll continually check on projects and ask stuff like "How are things going with this and that?" If they say that it hasn't happened or there hasn't been progress, she'll say "Alright but please, I'm counting on you!"​
    • Admits there are times where she's the one that's late on submissions but she's been working on that as well.​
    • But overall, she does feel like the talents and management are one team.​
  • Someone in chat asked why so many people are leaving. She said she doesn't really know too but felt that human relationships just go that way sometimes. Remembered her clubs in school where she thought the other members would stay with her forever but ended up leaving very suddenly.​
  • The anniversary live will be next year around the same time (February). While she hasn't heard anything on the solo live, she feels that things have been going smoothly in that regard and has been taking her own steps towards pushing for it.​
    • She's been rather particular about what she does on-stream and off-stream, kinda like building up trust points. Submitting stuff on time, replying to messages quickly, trying to make a ton of original songs and coming up with a schedule for them. Basically showing people that she is very interested in singing.​
    • She wants to aim higher and get even more popular. Doesn't want to just be content with what she has.​
    • If we see something in the future that could be a hint at her working towards the solo live, she really wants us to buy it. She doesn't usually ask us to buy goods for her but this one time, she's really hoping we do.​
  • If she had to be honest, she doesn't want to be an "artist." She is satisfied when she gets to have fun with us.
    • But planning stuff like lives and original songs allows her to reflect on herself. She has to think about stuff like what songs does she want to sing vs what songs does the audience want to hear.​
    • It's difficult making something based on her own senses but it's also really fun. And she feels incredibly happy when she sees the results. It's something she hasn't really done before so it's very interesting.​
    • If she had to say, she doesn't want to do a traditional "artist" live but something that feels more like an attraction that will get the audience really excited. Maybe like an idol concert but with some extra elements added to it. She wants this concert to reflect how she is as a person.​
    • Since a lot of the talents show off their singing skills, she thinks it's okay if there's someone like her in the company. But while she may not be an "artist," she has no doubt that she is an idol. This is something she can confidently say after 7 years so she feels that she'll be fine.
  • She feels that a lot of people in Hololive are monsters and she means this in a good way.
    • When you're in the company, you inevitably end up thinking "I need to improve and get better too!"
    • What Hololive wants from a talent is quite a lot. There are a lot of skills needed to be in the company and it can be tough. It's not enough to just be good at streaming or singing.
    • In order to keep up, you definitely lose something in the process. So to take care of yourself, you have to find a good route to become said monster. And in that process, some talents might end up deciding to stop.
    • Streaming is something that you do on your own but being in Hololive, you inevitably form relationships here. On top of that, you have to interact with management, a lot of whom are regular working members of society. This winds up being the most difficult part.
    • As a streamer, most talents are sorta special and different from an average societal worker. So what talent sees vs what management sees will be different as well. And if your view end up too much like that average societal worker, then things will stop being interesting.
    • Subaru herself feels like she's already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she's doing fine where she is. The talents get closer to each other every year and when she spends time with them, she knows she can just go wild and they'll be okay with it. So we don't have to worry about her.
  • After this, she talked about a bunch of miscalleanous stuff so I'll just put the rest here:​
    • Was having some trouble with her washing machine so asked chat how to fix it. Chat told her to read the manual.​
    • Wants to hang out with someone for Christmas cause otherwise she'll be lonely. Hoping someone sets up a Christmas party that she can go to like what Polka did last year.​
    • Will be doing a New Years Party with Mio. (Mio confirmed on her own stream that it'll be 6 people total.)​
    • She'll be busy for most of December as she'll be moving into her new place but after New Years, she should be more free. She plans to visit her parents after New Years as well.​
    • Talked to Chihaya about wanting to get a ride with her, though she admitted she falls asleep easily in cars. Chihaya was completely fine with it though and wants to do a driving date.​
    • Gonna switch from a soundproof room to sound-absorbing padding instead.​
    • Someone in chat asked why her voice is so loud. When she was 3 years old, she realized that the adults would get troubled when she cried. She would use this to her advantage multiple times.​
    • After having done work on TV, she realized how crazy streaming is. With TV, you get told when to speak there's a script for you, so you only need to add a bit of your own commentary. With livestreaming, you're basically talking forever which is much more difficult. A person from a TV studio would likely look at a streamer and wonder if they're insane.​
    • Wants to write down her goals for next year on the next members' stream. Miko recommended it, as writing down your goals helps with your motivation make them come true.​
Summary for the most relevant parts concerning her experiences and management:
  • Subaru's 2024 has been very light in terms of work and she's been happy about it. She told her manager that she wanted to focus on her own activities and doing what she wants to do. Her manager has been very diligent in this, rejecting any extra work that Subaru doesn't want to do like sponsor work and guest appearances in 3D lives. She still has frequent recordings, singing/dance lessons and will accept the sponsor work that she wants to do.
  • 2-3 years ago was the opposite. Subaru was doing too much work and accepting almost any request. Her manager at the time did her best but she still nearly reached a mental breaking point.
  • Back during the earlier days, she would fight with management so frequently, she straight up hated them.​
  • But as she is now, Subaru understands that it's better to be on good terms with management. What matters most to her is the time with her friends and her fans.​
  • She understands that management has their own unique perspective on things and those differences will cause issues. After working with her own manager, she knows that there are good people with good intentions in management. While she'll still argue and get angry with them, she learned how to work things out better and wants to do so till the end.​
  • Talking to other Holos who have had their own issues with management and reached a similar conclusion is what really helped her grow as a person this year. But she knows that not everyone would have the same mindset and would reach their own conclusion.​
  • She believes that dealing with your own manager comes down to compatibility, so experiences will absolutely vary. (The matter of compatibility is something Mio goes into as well).​
  • She has been more assertive with her projects recently. Frequently going to management, asking for updates, putting some pressure on them when they haven't made any progress.​
  • She doesn't want to be an artist and thinks that's fine. Since there are so many talents great at singing, it's fine for someone like her to be in the company.​
  • Being in Holo is tough. It's not enough to be good at streaming or singing, you need a lot of other skills for it. You have to find your own way to keep up with that and improve yourself. In that process, some will decide that it's better to just stop.​
  • Because management has a lot of regular office worker types, it can really feel difficult to interact with them, especially when you're used to being a streamer who does stuff on your own.​
  • Subaru herself has already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she feels fine. Because the talents are close to each other, they can give each other advice, be a shoulder to lean on and a place to just go wild when you need to. So we don't have to worry about her.​

I was originally going to include Mio's writeup in the same post along with my thoughts, but the past few days have been absolutely exhausting between a bad health scare and work nonsense. I'll try to get her stuff out in the next day or two though.​


Well-known member
Joined:  Sep 29, 2022
So, what seems to be likely for now from other members' words, is that Fauna's case is indeed unique. Whether or not this is true, we'll just have to wait a few months to find out, either someone else leaves citing the same reason, or lemonleaf feeds dramafags some lemons.
For now, with the info we currently have, i doubt Fauna's graduation is a reflection on the state of the company.
I just really wish that Fauna goes guns blazing when she leaves

I want to hear all the spicy details and rrats like how Matara or Sayu did following leaving Niji

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Notes from Subaru's 12/1 members-only stream (was split into 2 parts because the first stream was having buffering issues):
View attachment 84608
(TLDR at the bottom)​
  • She herself is doing great but she saw how anxious everyone was and wanted to chat.​
  • She really hasn't done much work this year and instead, has focused on taking it easy and doing what she wants to do.
    • Around the start of the year, she told her manager that she wants to prioritize and cherish her own activities. This is the reason why she was able to play SF6 and Yugioh as much as she did this year.
    • She appreciated her manager because she took that request very seriously. Her manager has basically been a bodyguard for her, protecting her from any sponsor deals and extra work that she doesn't want to do.
    • She's been rejecting nearly all sponsor work and requests for guest appearances in stuff like 3D lives. (I can confirm this myself, Subaru has appeared in literally zero 3D lives this year besides her own and 5th Fes.)
    • Like her manager was surprised when Subaru accepted the GTA Police Chief offer because she had no idea about it. (Likely cause Suisei/Miko asked Subaru directly instead of going to her manager).​
    • She accepted some some sponsor stuff like a Seven Deadly Sins gacha game, FFXIV and Metaphor Re:Fantazio but those were all games she was interested in and wanted to play with everyone.​
    • She told Okayu about her work and how she felt like she hasn't been working at all, but Okayu told her she's basically doing a normal level of work now.
    • So overall, while she does have the usual singing/dance lessons and the rare sponsor stuff, this year has been so much lighter for her and she's very happy for it.
  • This is very different from 2-3 years ago, where she felt like her mental was breaking.
    • She kept accepting request after request and pushing herself way too much. Her manager at the time was helpful and did her best, but Subaru could still feel herself reach a breaking point.
  • Talked about HoloGTA and how it was really difficult.​
    • But she accepted it because 1. she wanted to make sure that the cops were having fun and 2. After watching clips for research, she felt that being chief was one of the most difficult roles overall.​
    • if she could do this, she'd end up a stronger streamer overall, which has always been one of her goals. Any issues would stem not from the outside, but from her own management skills, which was an experience that helped her a ton.​
    • Doing HoloGTA helped her realize how much she learned interacting with different members. She thought that she'd be okay just focusing on gaming and game commentary, but these interactions have helped her see where she can improve herself.​
    • Despite the stress, stuff like GTA and ARK felt more like a school culture festival than a job so they were really fun.​
    • Like she was able to get closer to Suisei, who told her about the nose doctor and is the reason Subaru's nose is finally doing much better. And Miko also gave her some very good advice. She feels that Holo is a close, tight-knit group and that the talents truly do have respect for each other.
    • She has gone through many part-time jobs but in terms of the working environment with fellow members, Hololive has been #1 for her. Every passing year, she feels like she can take care of herself better.
  • Now that she's in her 7th year of doing this, she understands that it's better to be on good terms with management.
    • During her first few years, she was essentially doing her own "Hololive Resistance" and considered herself a management-anti. She got into fights with them very frequently and it happened so much, Subaru outright hated management for a very long time.
    • But after talking to them more, she realized that there are good people in management as well. Each person has their own different viewpoint and way of thinking. Kinda like an RPG, each person has their own justice (She was thinking about Persona 5 again). So dealing with your own manager really comes down to compatibility.
    • When seeing someone in management whose "justice" was bad to her, Subaru would think "What's wrong with them?" But her own manager has been so kind and helpful to her, it made her think about "What is justice exactly?"​
    • "Justice" to her is time with her fellow Hololive members and her fans. That is what's most precious to her so she has to take on the responsibility of protecting it. So while Subaru will definitely still argue and get angry with management, she now wants to work things out till the end. Simply being angry and hating them doesn't really help anything at all. Though she will talk to her Ishiyowa doll in her head when angry.
    • Interacting with similar-minded Holo talents, who have gotten into their own fights with management but still did their best, is what really helped her grow as a person this year. Being able to be next to people like that was a big deal for her.
    • A lot has happened for her to get to this point but this is the answer she's reached. She understands that other people have a different mindset and not everyone would reach the same conclusion but ultimately, she just wants to enjoy these precious moments she has with everyone. She is happy when she's having fun with her fellow members and her fans.
  • So overall, she's doing just fine. We don't see what goes on in the background and she knows that can be worrying, so she wanted to reassure us herself.​
    • Recently, she has been more assertive with what she wants. She used to wait a lot and wonder if things worked out but now, she'll go to management and put some pressure on them. She'll continually check on projects and ask stuff like "How are things going with this and that?" If they say that it hasn't happened or there hasn't been progress, she'll say "Alright but please, I'm counting on you!"​
    • Admits there are times where she's the one that's late on submissions but she's been working on that as well.​
    • But overall, she does feel like the talents and management are one team.​
  • Someone in chat asked why so many people are leaving. She said she doesn't really know too but felt that human relationships just go that way sometimes. Remembered her clubs in school where she thought the other members would stay with her forever but ended up leaving very suddenly.​
  • The anniversary live will be next year around the same time (February). While she hasn't heard anything on the solo live, she feels that things have been going smoothly in that regard and has been taking her own steps towards pushing for it.​
    • She's been rather particular about what she does on-stream and off-stream, kinda like building up trust points. Submitting stuff on time, replying to messages quickly, trying to make a ton of original songs and coming up with a schedule for them. Basically showing people that she is very interested in singing.​
    • She wants to aim higher and get even more popular. Doesn't want to just be content with what she has.​
    • If we see something in the future that could be a hint at her working towards the solo live, she really wants us to buy it. She doesn't usually ask us to buy goods for her but this one time, she's really hoping we do.​
  • If she had to be honest, she doesn't want to be an "artist." She is satisfied when she gets to have fun with us.
    • But planning stuff like lives and original songs allows her to reflect on herself. She has to think about stuff like what songs does she want to sing vs what songs does the audience want to hear.​
    • It's difficult making something based on her own senses but it's also really fun. And she feels incredibly happy when she sees the results. It's something she hasn't really done before so it's very interesting.​
    • If she had to say, she doesn't want to do a traditional "artist" live but something that feels more like an attraction that will get the audience really excited. Maybe like an idol concert but with some extra elements added to it. She wants this concert to reflect how she is as a person.​
    • Since a lot of the talents show off their singing skills, she thinks it's okay if there's someone like her in the company. But while she may not be an "artist," she has no doubt that she is an idol. This is something she can confidently say after 7 years so she feels that she'll be fine.
  • She feels that a lot of people in Hololive are monsters and she means this in a good way.
    • When you're in the company, you inevitably end up thinking "I need to improve and get better too!"
    • What Hololive wants from a talent is quite a lot. There are a lot of skills needed to be in the company and it can be tough. It's not enough to just be good at streaming or singing.
    • In order to keep up, you definitely lose something in the process. So to take care of yourself, you have to find a good route to become said monster. And in that process, some talents might end up deciding to stop.
    • Streaming is something that you do on your own but being in Hololive, you inevitably form relationships here. On top of that, you have to interact with management, a lot of whom are regular working members of society. This winds up being the most difficult part.
    • As a streamer, most talents are sorta special and different from an average societal worker. So what talent sees vs what management sees will be different as well. And if your view end up too much like that average societal worker, then things will stop being interesting.
    • Subaru herself feels like she's already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she's doing fine where she is. The talents get closer to each other every year and when she spends time with them, she knows she can just go wild and they'll be okay with it. So we don't have to worry about her.
  • After this, she talked about a bunch of miscalleanous stuff so I'll just put the rest here:​
    • Was having some trouble with her washing machine so asked chat how to fix it. Chat told her to read the manual.​
    • Wants to hang out with someone for Christmas cause otherwise she'll be lonely. Hoping someone sets up a Christmas party that she can go to like what Polka did last year.​
    • Will be doing a New Years Party with Mio. (Mio confirmed on her own stream that it'll be 6 people total.)​
    • She'll be busy for most of December as she'll be moving into her new place but after New Years, she should be more free. She plans to visit her parents after New Years as well.​
    • Talked to Chihaya about wanting to get a ride with her, though she admitted she falls asleep easily in cars. Chihaya was completely fine with it though and wants to do a driving date.​
    • Gonna switch from a soundproof room to sound-absorbing padding instead.​
    • Someone in chat asked why her voice is so loud. When she was 3 years old, she realized that the adults would get troubled when she cried. She would use this to her advantage multiple times.​
    • After having done work on TV, she realized how crazy streaming is. With TV, you get told when to speak there's a script for you, so you only need to add a bit of your own commentary. With livestreaming, you're basically talking forever which is much more difficult. A person from a TV studio would likely look at a streamer and wonder if they're insane.​
    • Wants to write down her goals for next year on the next members' stream. Miko recommended it, as writing down your goals helps with your motivation make them come true.​
Summary for the most relevant parts concerning her experiences and management:
  • Subaru's 2024 has been very light in terms of work and she's been happy about it. She told her manager that she wanted to focus on her own activities and doing what she wants to do. Her manager has been very diligent in this, rejecting any extra work that Subaru doesn't want to do like sponsor work and guest appearances in 3D lives. She still has frequent recordings, singing/dance lessons and will accept the sponsor work that she wants to do.
  • 2-3 years ago was the opposite. Subaru was doing too much work and accepting almost any request. Her manager at the time did her best but she still nearly reached a mental breaking point.
  • Back during the earlier days, she would fight with management so frequently, she straight up hated them.​
  • But as she is now, Subaru understands that it's better to be on good terms with management. What matters most to her is the time with her friends and her fans.​
  • She understands that management has their own unique perspective on things and those differences will cause issues. After working with her own manager, she knows that there are good people with good intentions in management. While she'll still argue and get angry with them, she learned how to work things out better and wants to do so till the end.​
  • Talking to other Holos who have had their own issues with management and reached a similar conclusion is what really helped her grow as a person this year. But she knows that not everyone would have the same mindset and would reach their own conclusion.​
  • She believes that dealing with your own manager comes down to compatibility, so experiences will absolutely vary. (The matter of compatibility is something Mio goes into as well).​
  • She has been more assertive with her projects recently. Frequently going to management, asking for updates, putting some pressure on them when they haven't made any progress.​
  • She doesn't want to be an artist and thinks that's fine. Since there are so many talents great at singing, it's fine for someone like her to be in the company.​
  • Being in Holo is tough. It's not enough to be good at streaming or singing, you need a lot of other skills for it. You have to find your own way to keep up with that and improve yourself. In that process, some will decide that it's better to just stop.​
  • Because management has a lot of regular office worker types, it can really feel difficult to interact with them, especially when you're used to being a streamer who does stuff on your own.​
  • Subaru herself has already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she feels fine. Because the talents are close to each other, they can give each other advice, be a shoulder to lean on and a place to just go wild when you need to. So we don't have to worry about her.​

I was originally going to include Mio's writeup in the same post along with my thoughts, but the past few days have been absolutely exhausting between a bad health scare and work nonsense. I'll try to get her stuff out in the next day or two though.​
TLDR: Be you own advocate, Fauna sucks

Nigel Nigerman

bitch please, yo mom's ghey.
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
Notes from Subaru's 12/1 members-only stream (was split into 2 parts because the first stream was having buffering issues):
View attachment 84608
(TLDR at the bottom)​
  • She herself is doing great but she saw how anxious everyone was and wanted to chat.​
  • She really hasn't done much work this year and instead, has focused on taking it easy and doing what she wants to do.
    • Around the start of the year, she told her manager that she wants to prioritize and cherish her own activities. This is the reason why she was able to play SF6 and Yugioh as much as she did this year.
    • She appreciated her manager because she took that request very seriously. Her manager has basically been a bodyguard for her, protecting her from any sponsor deals and extra work that she doesn't want to do.
    • She's been rejecting nearly all sponsor work and requests for guest appearances in stuff like 3D lives. (I can confirm this myself, Subaru has appeared in literally zero 3D lives this year besides her own and 5th Fes.)
    • Like her manager was surprised when Subaru accepted the GTA Police Chief offer because she had no idea about it. (Likely cause Suisei/Miko asked Subaru directly instead of going to her manager).​
    • She accepted some some sponsor stuff like a Seven Deadly Sins gacha game, FFXIV and Metaphor Re:Fantazio but those were all games she was interested in and wanted to play with everyone.​
    • She told Okayu about her work and how she felt like she hasn't been working at all, but Okayu told her she's basically doing a normal level of work now.
    • So overall, while she does have the usual singing/dance lessons and the rare sponsor stuff, this year has been so much lighter for her and she's very happy for it.
  • This is very different from 2-3 years ago, where she felt like her mental was breaking.
    • She kept accepting request after request and pushing herself way too much. Her manager at the time was helpful and did her best, but Subaru could still feel herself reach a breaking point.
  • Talked about HoloGTA and how it was really difficult.​
    • But she accepted it because 1. she wanted to make sure that the cops were having fun and 2. After watching clips for research, she felt that being chief was one of the most difficult roles overall.​
    • if she could do this, she'd end up a stronger streamer overall, which has always been one of her goals. Any issues would stem not from the outside, but from her own management skills, which was an experience that helped her a ton.​
    • Doing HoloGTA helped her realize how much she learned interacting with different members. She thought that she'd be okay just focusing on gaming and game commentary, but these interactions have helped her see where she can improve herself.​
    • Despite the stress, stuff like GTA and ARK felt more like a school culture festival than a job so they were really fun.​
    • Like she was able to get closer to Suisei, who told her about the nose doctor and is the reason Subaru's nose is finally doing much better. And Miko also gave her some very good advice. She feels that Holo is a close, tight-knit group and that the talents truly do have respect for each other.
    • She has gone through many part-time jobs but in terms of the working environment with fellow members, Hololive has been #1 for her. Every passing year, she feels like she can take care of herself better.
  • Now that she's in her 7th year of doing this, she understands that it's better to be on good terms with management.
    • During her first few years, she was essentially doing her own "Hololive Resistance" and considered herself a management-anti. She got into fights with them very frequently and it happened so much, Subaru outright hated management for a very long time.
    • But after talking to them more, she realized that there are good people in management as well. Each person has their own different viewpoint and way of thinking. Kinda like an RPG, each person has their own justice (She was thinking about Persona 5 again). So dealing with your own manager really comes down to compatibility.
    • When seeing someone in management whose "justice" was bad to her, Subaru would think "What's wrong with them?" But her own manager has been so kind and helpful to her, it made her think about "What is justice exactly?"​
    • "Justice" to her is time with her fellow Hololive members and her fans. That is what's most precious to her so she has to take on the responsibility of protecting it. So while Subaru will definitely still argue and get angry with management, she now wants to work things out till the end. Simply being angry and hating them doesn't really help anything at all. Though she will talk to her Ishiyowa doll in her head when angry.
    • Interacting with similar-minded Holo talents, who have gotten into their own fights with management but still did their best, is what really helped her grow as a person this year. Being able to be next to people like that was a big deal for her.
    • A lot has happened for her to get to this point but this is the answer she's reached. She understands that other people have a different mindset and not everyone would reach the same conclusion but ultimately, she just wants to enjoy these precious moments she has with everyone. She is happy when she's having fun with her fellow members and her fans.
  • So overall, she's doing just fine. We don't see what goes on in the background and she knows that can be worrying, so she wanted to reassure us herself.​
    • Recently, she has been more assertive with what she wants. She used to wait a lot and wonder if things worked out but now, she'll go to management and put some pressure on them. She'll continually check on projects and ask stuff like "How are things going with this and that?" If they say that it hasn't happened or there hasn't been progress, she'll say "Alright but please, I'm counting on you!"​
    • Admits there are times where she's the one that's late on submissions but she's been working on that as well.​
    • But overall, she does feel like the talents and management are one team.​
  • Someone in chat asked why so many people are leaving. She said she doesn't really know too but felt that human relationships just go that way sometimes. Remembered her clubs in school where she thought the other members would stay with her forever but ended up leaving very suddenly.​
  • The anniversary live will be next year around the same time (February). While she hasn't heard anything on the solo live, she feels that things have been going smoothly in that regard and has been taking her own steps towards pushing for it.​
    • She's been rather particular about what she does on-stream and off-stream, kinda like building up trust points. Submitting stuff on time, replying to messages quickly, trying to make a ton of original songs and coming up with a schedule for them. Basically showing people that she is very interested in singing.​
    • She wants to aim higher and get even more popular. Doesn't want to just be content with what she has.​
    • If we see something in the future that could be a hint at her working towards the solo live, she really wants us to buy it. She doesn't usually ask us to buy goods for her but this one time, she's really hoping we do.​
  • If she had to be honest, she doesn't want to be an "artist." She is satisfied when she gets to have fun with us.
    • But planning stuff like lives and original songs allows her to reflect on herself. She has to think about stuff like what songs does she want to sing vs what songs does the audience want to hear.​
    • It's difficult making something based on her own senses but it's also really fun. And she feels incredibly happy when she sees the results. It's something she hasn't really done before so it's very interesting.​
    • If she had to say, she doesn't want to do a traditional "artist" live but something that feels more like an attraction that will get the audience really excited. Maybe like an idol concert but with some extra elements added to it. She wants this concert to reflect how she is as a person.​
    • Since a lot of the talents show off their singing skills, she thinks it's okay if there's someone like her in the company. But while she may not be an "artist," she has no doubt that she is an idol. This is something she can confidently say after 7 years so she feels that she'll be fine.
  • She feels that a lot of people in Hololive are monsters and she means this in a good way.
    • When you're in the company, you inevitably end up thinking "I need to improve and get better too!"
    • What Hololive wants from a talent is quite a lot. There are a lot of skills needed to be in the company and it can be tough. It's not enough to just be good at streaming or singing.
    • In order to keep up, you definitely lose something in the process. So to take care of yourself, you have to find a good route to become said monster. And in that process, some talents might end up deciding to stop.
    • Streaming is something that you do on your own but being in Hololive, you inevitably form relationships here. On top of that, you have to interact with management, a lot of whom are regular working members of society. This winds up being the most difficult part.
    • As a streamer, most talents are sorta special and different from an average societal worker. So what talent sees vs what management sees will be different as well. And if your view end up too much like that average societal worker, then things will stop being interesting.
    • Subaru herself feels like she's already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she's doing fine where she is. The talents get closer to each other every year and when she spends time with them, she knows she can just go wild and they'll be okay with it. So we don't have to worry about her.
  • After this, she talked about a bunch of miscalleanous stuff so I'll just put the rest here:​
    • Was having some trouble with her washing machine so asked chat how to fix it. Chat told her to read the manual.​
    • Wants to hang out with someone for Christmas cause otherwise she'll be lonely. Hoping someone sets up a Christmas party that she can go to like what Polka did last year.​
    • Will be doing a New Years Party with Mio. (Mio confirmed on her own stream that it'll be 6 people total.)​
    • She'll be busy for most of December as she'll be moving into her new place but after New Years, she should be more free. She plans to visit her parents after New Years as well.​
    • Talked to Chihaya about wanting to get a ride with her, though she admitted she falls asleep easily in cars. Chihaya was completely fine with it though and wants to do a driving date.​
    • Gonna switch from a soundproof room to sound-absorbing padding instead.​
    • Someone in chat asked why her voice is so loud. When she was 3 years old, she realized that the adults would get troubled when she cried. She would use this to her advantage multiple times.​
    • After having done work on TV, she realized how crazy streaming is. With TV, you get told when to speak there's a script for you, so you only need to add a bit of your own commentary. With livestreaming, you're basically talking forever which is much more difficult. A person from a TV studio would likely look at a streamer and wonder if they're insane.​
    • Wants to write down her goals for next year on the next members' stream. Miko recommended it, as writing down your goals helps with your motivation make them come true.​
Summary for the most relevant parts concerning her experiences and management:
  • Subaru's 2024 has been very light in terms of work and she's been happy about it. She told her manager that she wanted to focus on her own activities and doing what she wants to do. Her manager has been very diligent in this, rejecting any extra work that Subaru doesn't want to do like sponsor work and guest appearances in 3D lives. She still has frequent recordings, singing/dance lessons and will accept the sponsor work that she wants to do.
  • 2-3 years ago was the opposite. Subaru was doing too much work and accepting almost any request. Her manager at the time did her best but she still nearly reached a mental breaking point.
  • Back during the earlier days, she would fight with management so frequently, she straight up hated them.​
  • But as she is now, Subaru understands that it's better to be on good terms with management. What matters most to her is the time with her friends and her fans.​
  • She understands that management has their own unique perspective on things and those differences will cause issues. After working with her own manager, she knows that there are good people with good intentions in management. While she'll still argue and get angry with them, she learned how to work things out better and wants to do so till the end.​
  • Talking to other Holos who have had their own issues with management and reached a similar conclusion is what really helped her grow as a person this year. But she knows that not everyone would have the same mindset and would reach their own conclusion.​
  • She believes that dealing with your own manager comes down to compatibility, so experiences will absolutely vary. (The matter of compatibility is something Mio goes into as well).​
  • She has been more assertive with her projects recently. Frequently going to management, asking for updates, putting some pressure on them when they haven't made any progress.​
  • She doesn't want to be an artist and thinks that's fine. Since there are so many talents great at singing, it's fine for someone like her to be in the company.​
  • Being in Holo is tough. It's not enough to be good at streaming or singing, you need a lot of other skills for it. You have to find your own way to keep up with that and improve yourself. In that process, some will decide that it's better to just stop.​
  • Because management has a lot of regular office worker types, it can really feel difficult to interact with them, especially when you're used to being a streamer who does stuff on your own.​
  • Subaru herself has already gotten past this hurdle though, which is why she feels fine. Because the talents are close to each other, they can give each other advice, be a shoulder to lean on and a place to just go wild when you need to. So we don't have to worry about her.​

I was originally going to include Mio's writeup in the same post along with my thoughts, but the past few days have been absolutely exhausting between a bad health scare and work nonsense. I'll try to get her stuff out in the next day or two though.​
Nigga, ur da boss for this. You deserve the title "God's Strongest Subatomo" because dayum son.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Joined:  Oct 10, 2022
...are we sure they didn't just pick Suisei because she has the same color scheme as Elira? Blue woman hate and all
Sora, Elira, Suisei, Pekora, Gura, Kanata, Kobo.

The Blue Meanies.

In true Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain fashion, Sora is the overlord who sits around and cackles maniacally, Elira is the minion who fucks up a lot yet is the only one who ever actually won against the heroes, Suisei is the detached killer with a presentable public persona, Pekora is a psychopath whose bloodlust and sadism ruin every plan she's involved in, Gura appears in background scenes and has inexplicably amassed a gigantic fandom despite not having a single voiceline, Kanata is the fallen angel who looks on her past choices with regret yet has no choice but to push forward, and Kobo is the kid character the writers included to appeal to the kids only to be hated by the show's manchild audience.
I thought the clique was Miko and Aqua
Miko isn't blue, so she got accidentally mixed up with the rest.
Last edited:


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Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
Sora, Elira, Suisei, Pekora, Gura, Kanata, Kobo.

The Blue Meanies.

In true Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain fashion, Sora is the overlord who sits around and cackles maniacally, Elira is the minion who fucks up a lot yet is the only one who ever actually won against the heroes, Suisei is the detached killer with a presentable public persona, Pekora is a psychopath whose bloodlust and sadism ruin every plan she's involved in, Gura appears in background scenes and has inexplicably amassed a gigantic fandom despite not having a single voiceline, Kanata is the fallen angel who looks on her past choices with regret yet has no choice but to push forward, and Kobo is the kid character the writers included to appeal to the kids only to be hated by the show's manchild audience.

Truly diabolical.


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Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
Sora, Elira, Suisei, Pekora, Gura, Kanata, Kobo.

The Blue Meanies.

In true Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain fashion, Sora is the overlord who sits around and cackles maniacally, Elira is the minion who fucks up a lot yet is the only one who ever actually won against the heroes, Suisei is the detached killer with a presentable public persona, Pekora is a psychopath whose bloodlust and sadism ruin every plan she's involved in, Gura appears in background scenes and has inexplicably amassed a gigantic fandom despite not having a single voiceline, Kanata is the fallen angel who looks on her past choices with regret yet has no choice but to push forward, and Kobo is the kid character the writers included to appeal to the kids only to be hated by the show's manchild audience.
I thought the clique was Miko and Aqua


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
Everything is doing fine, things will get better in Cover I'm sure. This is just a very sad setback, but even if Cover has down wrong they always tried to amend it.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Whilst I appreciate the writeup on Subaru, I also remember that she is Yagoo's Chosen Idol, I think whatever hell comes down the pike she will be alright. Also her sunny disposition makes her hardier and more resilient to any managerial cockery.
Holo comment clips


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
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Cptn Snshn

Proctors least favorite child.
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Cptn Snshn

Proctors least favorite child.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
I want to hear all the spicy details and rrats like how Matara or Sayu did following leaving Niji
I can tell you all those after I left.

For example did you know the reason Gura takes so many breaks is that she doxxes each and every superchatter who sends her one to laugh at them and how pathetic their lives are!

Source: I am Amelia Watson.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
I think you guys need to calm down. Surely there won't be any more people leaving. I think we should listen to the other members, its not like Japanese companies use their talents as mouthpieces. Honestly, how bad could it get? It's not like another manager ended up being a creep like the one Mel had. What's the worse that could happen? Do you guys really think another talent is going to announce they're leaving before 2024 is finished? One of the twins aren't going to suddenly die of a heart attack, causing the other twin to either carry on their career in the most awkward way possible or graduate to keep the death a secret.


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Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
I think you guys need to calm down. Surely there won't be any more people leaving. I think we should listen to the other members, its not like Japanese companies use their talents as mouthpieces. Honestly, how bad could it get? It's not like another manager ended up being a creep like the one Mel had. What's the worse that could happen? Do you guys really think another talent is going to announce they're leaving before 2024 is finished? One of the twins aren't going to suddenly die of a heart attack, causing the other twin to either carry on their career in the most awkward way possible or graduate to keep the death a secret.
I agree with all of this, things are overblown. These have been a rough few months but in 3 months we will be cheering our oshis in Holofes and everything will be fine.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
Can we rename this thread as "the worse baitposts collection"?
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