This MiguelYamanba kneels to the one and only HoloGod of this forum
I'm just a guy that loves a duck
But I think I'll share my opinion since I haven't had the chance to yet. The discussion on here and basically everywhere over the past few days has essentially been "
These graduations are worth dooming about, Cover is fucking screwed" vs "
No, it doesn't feel like it's that bad yet." I obviously lean towards the latter. I think between Subaru, Kiara and especially Mio's statements, there seems to be a clear picture of what's going on in Cover. That being that middle management sucks ass and the talents have had massively different experiences cause of it. It's nothing new, talents have complained about management for years after all. But it feels far more prevalent now. Cover quickly had to hire a ton of people after the boom. It stands to reason that a lot of them are Takeshi-esque normie wage slave nips who only see things in profit and results.
The best way the talents have dealt with this has been by having a competent talent manager. One who will work with them and back them up no matter what the various Takeshis say. I think most of them have that sort of manager. You can easily find so many clips about how the talents love their manager or how their manager was a huge help with whatever issue. But it stands to reason that not all talents have a good manager, which leads to feeling absolutely miserable at times.
It also makes sense for the girls to just get tired of dealing with it for so long. 3-4 years of the same job can wear you down no matter what it is. And after Doki on the EN side + Sakuna on the JP side, the talents have seen that it's possible to be successful without your corpo. Maybe that led to their bullshit tolerance for nip management getting lower. That's basically what I think it comes down to and what it'll always come down to: how much you're willing to deal with corpo nonsense for the sake of your goals.
I don't think there's anything like a huge company shift or a forced focus on idol stuff that's making talents want to leave. Nor that Cover became a black company that will burn down in a few months. For the most part, they still seem to understand that keeping the talents happy and healthy is the best option. The talents still seem to have decent control over the work they do and can prioritize what they want to. However, I do think that Cover is fucking retarded and uncoordinated, which has led to various frustrations building up and the graduations we got now, with a chance of even more on the way.
Graduation after graduation was tiring to see but I think my overall feelings haven't changed. This still seems to be a place where Subaru and her friends work towards their goals and be happy together. That's what matters most for me. I don't consider myself a Cover shill. I have never cared about Hololive as a brand, nor Cover as a whole. My job has shown me over the years that all corporations are dumbfuck number slop in one way or another. Whenever I've said I love Hololive, I've always meant the talents themselves who do their best to entertain, make people smile and make their dreams come true. That hasn't changed even a little bit.
However, I generally assumed Cover knew what they were doing and knew how to help the girls achieve their goals without sacrificing too much of their sanity. With the huge amount of staff and lack of cohesiveness though, it feels like the talents have even more annoying roadblocks than I thought. It makes perfect sense why some would want to leave after dealing with that for a long time. I can't say I'm exactly sure how, but management needs to get their shit together, have more cohesion and improve some of their guidelines. Otherwise, more talents will be bleeding out sooner rather than later, which will fuck up the morale for both the remaining talents and the fans. Because Cover built this "Hololive family" image, each graduation hits that much harder no matter who it is. So whatever they gotta do to hold those off and keep the talents happy, they absolutely should do.
But they are Japanese so we might be fucked