"What's a word to refer to your bodypart, for you guys? Your XY chromosomium sword"Shiori Novella

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Hololive Thread Announcements [Note: All entries are links]

Shion Ominous Announcement New
  • Smelliest007

    I left Kson
    Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
    Translation/Summary of Shion's Graduation Announcement New
  • Shuba

    Early Adopter
    Gods Strongest Subatomo
    Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
    She's graduating, April 26th. Difference in direction being used as the reason again. Her mental was doing incredibly bad and she thought of graduating multiple times over the years. She had hoped that her hiatuses would help but this was the decision she came to. She understands that she has to follow guidelines and rules when you're in a company, but it can be difficult to accept when new rules get added along the way. Simply, it isn't what she originally signed up for. Also said not to go off rumors and just trust in her words.
    Expanding on this after watching again.

    Everything that Shion said in her graduation announcement:

    Her heart hurt to announce it but she's graduating on April 26th due to a difference in direction with the company.

    This is something she felt like doing for years and it's been building up. Her mental was at such a bad state before her hiatus last year, she was genuinely concerned for her life (basically implying she heavily considered suicide). Her mental health and physical health were both doing terrible and she had to visit the hospital multiple times. Her hiatus was meant to help with this, as she didn't want to end up hating this hobby. But even now, she still has to go to the hospital and it's likely that her mental will never be completely fixed.

    However, one thing she's sure of after coming back from her hiatus is that she loves this. If this was her from long ago, she wouldn't have even gone to the hospital and would have just given up on trying to fix herself (again, heavy suicide implications). But because of all the love and support from the fans, she wanted to try harder at taking care of herself last year. She was able to think of the internet as a great place and she wanted to keep smiling with all the love from her fans. This is not a lie.

    Of course, it's right to follow the guidelines and rules of a company you're a part of. But as the years passed, she had to do things that she didn't have to back then or things that she wasn't really ready for. This is where she thinks the gap between her and the company began. This is the main reason for her graduation. She was concerned about announcing it right before 6th Fes, but she wanted everyone to know that this was her final Fes.

    She knows "difference in direction" has been said a ton, but that's really all this is and she apologizes that she can't say more. She plans to go into more detail at a later stream. There will be a ton of rumors and speculation around but please don't get tricked by that and just trust in her words. This is truly how it is, truly what she thinks and she hopes this won't be used maliciously out of context. There's still some time left so she wants to make a lot of memories with everyone. She'll do her best in 6th fes and she hopes we'll keep supporting her until the end.
    Promise Nendos New
  • tarkanoltr

    Well-known member
    Joined:  May 21, 2023
    If only Goodsnile worked quicker, we could've had all of Promise:

    Justice plushies:
    Last edited:
    Huge Amount of Figurine Announcements New
  • WaWa

    Well-known member
    Joined:  May 27, 2023
    Updates on the Playmatea posable model kits.

    Figma Lui and Gamers announced!

    Pop Up Parade updates.

    Gen 0 Hello! GoodSmile figures announced!

    Miko scale figure update and Fubuki, Mio, Suisei and AZKi announced.

    Update on Nendoroids.

    Wedding Dress Style Ichiban Kuji line up revealed.
    Last edited:
    Even more Figurine Announcements New
  • WaWa

    Well-known member
    Joined:  May 27, 2023
    New scale figures of Fubuki and Mio coming from Design Coco!

    PalVerse figures

    Prototype of the Figma Fubuki.

    Want to let the public know you are irresponsible with money? GoodSmile Company has you covered!
    Street Fighter 6 Collabo New
  • Shuba

    Early Adopter
    Gods Strongest Subatomo
    Joined:  Oct 22, 2022
    There's gonna be a collab cafe with Street Fighter 6 :shubaIapprob:

    They got everyone's mains down correctly too!
    Botan Bison
    Pekora Honda
    Towa Ed
    Laplus Blanca
    Aki Guile
    Subaru Kimberly
    Korone Akuma
    Suisei Juri
    Iroha going on break until roughly May New
  • Willemshaven

    Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
    True & Honest Holofan
    Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
    I don't think it was ever brought up in detail here. I looked into it a while ago after realizing that she's been like this for a long time and that it was way more than just a sore throat problem. Kinda forgot to post about it though so thanks for the reminder.

    Basically, Iroha was having the usual streamer throat problems throughout the fall. Too much talking/singing/etc so she cut back on her activities a bit. As she was getting better from that, the psychogenic aphonia literally hit her out of nowhere one day. She said she went to answer her doorbell for food delivery and suddenly, she just couldn't talk. No words would come out no matter how hard she tried. There were a lot of comments attributing it to Chloe graduating or working too much, but she herself said it was nothing in specific, just a bunch of stress that seemed to all hit her at once.

    She did a few silent streams where she'd write out her words so she could update everyone. After talking with her doctor and management though, she decided that she wanted to continue streaming while recovering. Just small streams every so often so she doesn't stress herself out. She eventually got her voice back and began talking again around Christmas, which is when she did her comeback stream. Currently, she's at the point where she can do okay if she's reading a script or some lyrics, but having to speak on her own is where she can really struggle.

    Being in the Minecraft server basically 24/7 has helped her with talking, but there are moments where it definitely gets overwhelming. I gotta shout out AZKi here because she's a damn sweetheart who's been hanging out with Gozaru all the time in Minecraft. There have been a few times where Iroha starts stuttering hard and can't finish her sentences, so AZKi steps in and helps her out. It's been a great way for her to get better without feeling pressured.

    Honestly, the fact that she's talking like that in that clip you posted is a great sign of improvement from December, when she couldn't even get a sound out. Not to mention that was part of an entire 5-hour stream, which she was able to do without too many issues. Even her doctor was surprised at how fast she was recovering. It seems like it's gonna take a while longer, but I'm sure Gozaru will be talking regularly within the next few months. She's still doing dance/singing practice and will still be performing in 6th fes, which shows just how hard she's working at it. It fucking sucks but Gozaru's doing her best and deserves a bunch of love and support.

    Some clips, including a wholesome one where she talks about Suisei giving her a confidence boost after her self-esteem understandably tanked from having to deal with this:

    Iroha is going on a well-deserved break from streaming until around May to focus on recovering from psychogenic aphonia. [Stream announcing it]

    Google TL of the image:
    ■ Notice of suspension of some activities

    To everyone,

    Thank you for your continued support.

    As I have previously announced, since last year I have been struggling to speak due to psychogenic aphonia, but thanks to everyone's support I have been able to get to this point, including performing at the holoX 3rd anniversary live concert and participating in the 6th Fes.
    Thank you very much.

    Now that various events have calmed down, I have consulted with my doctor and company and will be suspending some of my activities for a while in order to focus on my recovery.

    Content to refrain from activities
    ・Live broadcasts (including solo and collaboration)
    ・SNS posts (excluding announcements and advertisements)
    ・Operation using some voices

    Content to continue
    ・Membership wallpaper posting
    ・Posting pre-recorded content
    ・Shorts video submission
    ・Dance and other activities within reasonable limits in consultation with a doctor

    Regarding the suspension of some of the activities mentioned above, we are currently planning to continue this until around May, however, we will make a decision regarding any activities thereafter, giving priority to my health.

    During the break from live streaming, I plan to post shorts and other videos, so I hope you will check them out!
    We look forward to your comments and shorts requests!

    From Gozaru

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