Okayu talks about how Korone joined Hololive:
Minecraft shenanigans:
Minecraft shenanigans:
Not everyone is a fat ass like Okayu who can stand being hours glued to a chairFor some reason though, all I hear from this part is "Skill issues"
You can, just don’t still be there in the morning.I wouldn't stick my dick into that kind of crazy either.
or give your real name.You can, just don’t still be there in the morning.
Jokes on you, she likes to stare at you while you're sleeping.You can, just don’t still be there in the morning.
My brother in Christ, this is the kind of crazy where if she lets you dip your meat into her salsa, she already knows where you live.or give your real name.
That's because they only pretend to care about her to this day for reddit's updoots.With another graduation announced I've been seeing some posts and comments made byretardsredditors and I just have to ask why are some femboys obsessed with still acting like Mana Aloe was some beloved member of the community? She wasn't even apart of Hololive for two weeks and Yamanbas behave as if she actually did something that mattered like she's such a tiny little footnote in Holo History that newfags don't even know who the fuck she is
For many EOP NePoLaBo was the first generation that debuted after they discovered Holo and was also the first big vtubing controversy they experienced. The model was great and her singing was great and then she was just ... Gone so she impacted a lot of people as sort of their first vtubing related fan-traumaWith another graduation announced I've been seeing some posts and comments made byretardsredditors and I just have to ask why are some femboys obsessed with still acting like Mana Aloe was some beloved member of the community? She wasn't even apart of Hololive for two weeks and Yamanbas behave as if she actually did something that mattered like she's such a tiny little footnote in Holo History that newfags don't even know who the fuck she is
Why does it seem like all of your posts revolve around the SEA people?
The sea people ended the late stage bronze age, bringing forth humanity's first official "dark age", I would too, be interested in learning more about them.
"These dang SEA people" - AmiSea peoples' ceramics and weaponry suggest a southern Anatolian or Aegean origin. Quite possibly Myceaneans after the local economy collapsed, since the Myceaneans were around half a millenium behind the curve relative to everyone else (still running palace economies at a time when Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Levant had switched to a more laissez faire model). Genetic evidence suggests an origin farther away, Sicily or Spain, but genetic evidence is to be viewed with caution, since people, like for instance the sea peoples, move.
"Dark Age" is also something of a misnomer. While the old empires collapsed (Hittites) or contracted (Assyria and Egypt), or may have become sea peoples (Myceaneans), new states were quick to arise in the areas where Imperial control was lost. The levant's cultural continuum would see the emergence of the Phoenician states in the north, the Hebrew states in the south, and various smaller states around them. The use of alphabets became a lot more widespread, replacing cuneiform and hieratic. The manufacturing of iron led to a much more widespread adoption of metal for basic tools.
The sea peoples are also, maybe, a bit overrated as a military factor. We have one Egyptian inscription telling us about their exploits, but that same Egypt considered the nomad incursions from the southern levant to be a considerably more pressing matter. Inscriptions from Anatolia and the levant tell us of their advances, but we're given more context: Usually the local armies were busy fighting elsewhere on behalf of their imperial overlords, leaving no one to fight at home. The Hittites as the one major empire that fell to the sea people, had been on the decline for a century already, ceasing to check repeated Egyptian advances into the northern Levant after Kadesh.
Demographically, the sea peoples' impact was limited. The levant spoke semitic before and after. Anatolia kept speaking Luwian (which had replaced Hittite while the Hittite empire was still around). The states that rose in the wake of the crisis spoke local languages, were populated by local ethnicities.
Most notably, empires that had no direct contact with the sea peoples contracted as well (Assyria). The crisis was thus very clearly not caused by the sea peoples, although they probably did cause the Hittite empire to go from "Crisis" to "Gone".
All in all, the bronze age collapse wasn't quite the collapsing event it is often said to have been. Few would consider the emergence of alphabets and iron into common usage to be negatives. The Aegean was hit hard, with the written word disappearing for four centuries, but this collapse was specifically Aegean. Nowhere else was hit as hard.
And rather than causing the crisis, the sea peoples were seemingly profiteurs of an economic, which is to say, food crisis among the old empires, striking at an opportune moment of weakness. And depending on their exact origin, may even have been vassals of the great empires who used a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain their freedom and their own overlords' riches.
Next batch of Relax Time (more affordable) figurines announced:
Because he's insecure about being SEA, so he subconsciously talk about it time and time again.Why does it seem like all of your posts revolve around the SEA people?
What is this mythical direction people keep citing on graduations? Is it just reference to things being more corporate behind the scenes?
On one hand, it's a long career, both for an idol and for a streamer. And she's seen and done everything Hololive had to offer, and it's changed so much from when she started.
On the other hand, other members of the company are out there proving that there are even greater heights to reach.
Pure speculation, but I wonder if some of the absentee members got prompted something like "when do you plan on returning to regular activities" or "what are your long term plans", and over the course of many such communications everyone who answered "no plans lol" realizes it's not for them. Whereas people who still have ambitions don't even realize that there's anything wrong. I wonder if that explains the difference between graduating on "differences in direction" vs some of the reassurances other members have put out. Again pure speculation on my part.
About being "forced" to work or not.
I know there have been talents who have implied or even straight-out said that even Fes participation is not mandatory. (I I don't have the source, this is all second hand information.) But I still have some doubts on that.
Sure, maybe on paper it is optional, but there is probably huge "pressure" for a talent to take part in it. Imagine if someone just opted out of Fes, unless you have a very good reason (like Haachama opted out of 5th Fes because she was sick, but still appeared as a guest in the end), I don't think the fanbase will react well.
How many times do we see an actor or director leave a project due to "creative differences" and don't freak out. Means basically the same catch all thing.
Most Zoomers use Keyboards that cut off the numpad. My Keyboard at home has the numpad but lacks keys like Print Screen.
Thinking about the ones who left, who seem like they might not be super into it -- Aqua (shut-in who barely can talk to others), Fauna (not a very good singer/performer, has special needs cat she adores and doesn't want to leave), Shion (another shut-in NEET with health/mental problems who it sounded like tried to or at least contemplated anhero), Chloe (health problems for her too it sounded like?), and Ame (again not a good singer/performer and more in to the technical side rather than idol/singing). I know Fuana said she does like the idol stuff and wants to do it, but I wonder if the quality levels and time demands (has to be done in JP of course) they had were too much for her.
I feel like Bae is more than the signifier of chaos rather than the agent of chaos herself, Much like the Grim reaper signifies someone is going to die but not the cause of someone's death Bae's presence has helped bring forth the agent of Chaos herself.How is it that Gigi has somehow made HoloEn more chaotic than the supposed embodiment of Chaos herself?
You get dropped enough as a kid you will probably be a GigiHow is it that Gigi has somehow made HoloEn more chaotic than the supposed embodiment of Chaos herself?