I know you are just hyperboling but imma answer you anyway
the things that can be improved:
- better mouth tracking
- polka get to sing longer than 2 minutes
- still some questionable song choices like azki's. Why are you even a cat lady anyway you are married.

matsuri can pick a better solo song, so on and so forth.
- I know shally is great but Aki definitely can do better
- nerissa & fuwamoco addition
- actually 0 complain about the stage they did their best hard to improve. The only thing they can is somehow find a bigger venue and add 5 screens,
- an ID song from ID or an EN song from EN
- aqua hanging up a pink cat live
- More combinations can be made, e.g: put the brain rot kpop into a group, st like bae kiara laplus kobo
- Luna singing ifuudoudou to one up the godish performance and instead of moaning she just go naaa, naaa, naaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- shiori duo with suisei.
I can go on and on more but I will just leave it at these.