You gotta to better than that or you'll get monkey-pawed to fuck and we'll all have to pay for it. Wanting India to 'stop existing' would just end up with some stupid shit like the global identification of India as a nation being eradicated but doing nothing about the populace, which is the real issue you want to address. Indians without an India will just be nationless shit that will even more become a problem for everyone else.
What you need is a clause more like "and I want all peoples whose genetic background originates from the geographical region of the currently known Indian subcontinent to burst into flames and die screaming as the flames only consume their flesh, bones and presently worn personal effects leaving all other surroundings, precious metals/stones and easily repurposed electronics unharmed to be collected and recycled". Plus, uh, whatever else for the other shit so you don't just end up with like a hot wheels ferrari and an empty box with Titanfall 3 written on it.