I hate those kind of posts as well but I think this is just pointing out she's been struggling with mental problems for years thoughOh boy, here come the "Holo ackshually... LE BAD, NO GOOD, YamanbaU CORPO!!"
I hate those kind of posts as well but I think this is just pointing out she's been struggling with mental problems for years thoughOh boy, here come the "Holo ackshually... LE BAD, NO GOOD, YamanbaU CORPO!!"
Yeah, I didn't mean that is what that poster meant, but there will be people using it on screenshots.I hate those kind of posts as well but I think this is just pointing out she's been struggling with mental problems for years though
>now we're going to get graduation queue rrats for the next 7 monthsAlso, just realized Shion's announcement is exactly 7 months after Aqua's, down to the day. Lot of weird parallels here. I wonder if the 6th is the start of the pay period for Cover or something?
RIOT Music's Cocoa Domyoji will end all her activities as of March 6.
I'm a Vtuber.
Don't forget the feeling of finally becoming the Vtuber you always wanted to be. Kannagi Tenri is Kannagi Tenri.
Let's step firmly into the story of one 16-year-old's journey over the past two years together with all our loved ones.
Thank you for the past and the future.
I find more funny that two of the biggest MiguelAlso, just realized Shion's announcement is exactly 7 months after Aqua's, down to the day. Lot of weird parallels here. I wonder if the 6th is the start of the pay period for Cover or something?
Tut Ankh Amun, Moctezuma, Mikeneko.I find more funny that two of the biggest MiguelHololive enemies already graduated
Bettel's dad was not impressed by his tournament win.
Is this big enough to put here
Announcement Regarding Murasaki Shion’s Graduation | COVER Corp.
COVER Corporation is a next-generation entertainment enterprise that shares content that is uniquely Japanese with the rest of the world—principally through hololive production.cover-corp.com
Expanding on this after watching again.
Everything that Shion said in her graduation announcement:
Her heart hurt to announce it but she's graduating on April 26th due to a difference in direction with the company.
This is something she felt like doing for years and it's been building up. Her mental was at such a bad state before her hiatus last year, she was genuinely concerned for her life (basically implying she heavily considered suicide). Her mental health and physical health were both doing terrible and she had to visit the hospital multiple times. Her hiatus was meant to help with this, as she didn't want to end up hating this hobby. But even now, she still has to go to the hospital and it's likely that her mental will never be completely fixed.
However, one thing she's sure of after coming back from her hiatus is that she loves this. If this was her from long ago, she wouldn't have even gone to the hospital and would have just given up on trying to fix herself (again, heavy suicide implications). But because of all the love and support from the fans, she wanted to try harder at taking care of herself last year. She was able to think of the internet as a great place and she wanted to keep smiling with all the love from her fans. This is not a lie.
Of course, it's right to follow the guidelines and rules of a company you're a part of. But as the years passed, she had to do things that she didn't have to back then or things that she wasn't really ready for. This is where she thinks the gap between her and the company began. This is the main reason for her graduation. She was concerned about announcing it right before 6th Fes, but she wanted everyone to know that this was her final Fes.
She knows "difference in direction" has been said a ton, but that's really all this is and she apologizes that she can't say more. She plans to go into more detail at a later stream. There will be a ton of rumors and speculation around but please don't get tricked by that and just trust in her words. This is truly how it is, truly what she thinks and she hopes this won't be used maliciously out of context. There's still some time left so she wants to make a lot of memories with everyone. She'll do her best in 6th fes and she hopes we'll keep supporting her until the end.
You don't like checking 5 more threads then usual?Gotta say, not a fan of the split up threads. I would have never seen much of the phase and indie stuff if it wasn't all in one thread and all it takes to have a general idea of whats going on is to scroll through this one thread. It also avoided echo chambers to a certain degree, since a lot of different people who are interested in a lot of different vtubers where all in one thread. Sure, there is some trolling in between, but I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Look on the bright side, if you just stick to the Holo or Niji threads, you'll never have to read a Proctor post again.Gotta say, not a fan of the split up threads. I would have never seen much of the phase and indie stuff if it wasn't all in one thread and all it takes to have a general idea of whats going on is to scroll through this one thread. It also avoided echo chambers to a certain degree, since a lot of different people who are interested in a lot of different vtubers where all in one thread. Sure, there is some trolling in between, but I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
He could just give everyone an ability to block him and achieve the same result with minimal effortLook on the bright side, if you just stick to the Holo or Niji threads, you'll never have to read a Proctor post again.
If this is indeed "testing" there is literally no incentive to use different threads. No one can tell you it's a wrong thread, because the whole point of "testing" is to see if people will like doing it or not. And if you ignore them and they are dead, then it just goes back to how it was. Proctor woke up from the wrong side of the bed and went "let me do some dumb shit to waste my time and inconvenience everyone who doesn't think keeping 50 tabs open is fine".I'm don't give a fuck about this stupid thread separation. Besides, it was already hard for my little brain, for which English is my 3rd language, to keep track of all the threads, and now there are even more of them. So I will continue to post as I have been posting.
Interesting development:
Ryoma will start utilizing his Twitch account (every NijiEN member has one, most just don't use them) and, what I think is a first for Niji and maybe Japanese corpos in general, he will be multistreaming on both YouTube and Twitch.
He also did a poll on his sub account after this announcement and it seems like most people (90% at time of writing) prefer YouTube, but giving people a choice by multistreaming is still good in my opinion.
Depends on how "trad" corpos are but I dont think anyone in nijisanji and hololive does itI'm gonna pull this into general because I have a discussion question jumping off of this:
I made the claim that simulcasting to Twitch and YouTube is a first for JP based corpos, but I'm actually not quite sure.
Is anybody aware of something like this being tried before by the "trad corpos"?
Simulcasting for bigger streamers is quite a novel concept anyways, even outside of VTubing, so I would be surprised to see the traditionally conservative JP landscape be at the "cutting edge" like that. Even Ryoma being allowed now is quite a surprise to me, and I wonder if more will follow.
to be fair id prefer this kind of retardation then another alex or him going on a banning spree.He could just give everyone an ability to block him and achieve the same result with minimal effort
If this is indeed "testing" there is literally no incentive to use different threads. No one can tell you it's a wrong thread, because the whole point of "testing" is to see if people will like doing it or not. And if you ignore them and they are dead, then it just goes back to how it was. Proctor woke up from the wrong side of the bed and went "let me do some dumb shit to waste my time and inconvenience everyone who doesn't think keeping 50 tabs open is fine".
I'm gonna pull this into general because I have a discussion question jumping off of this:
I made the claim that simulcasting to Twitch and YouTube is a first for JP based corpos, but I'm actually not quite sure.
Is anybody aware of something like this being tried before by the "trad corpos"?
Simulcasting for bigger streamers is quite a novel concept anyways, even outside of VTubing, so I would be surprised to see the traditionally conservative JP landscape be at the "cutting edge" like that. Even Ryoma being allowed now is quite a surprise to me, and I wonder if more will follow.
You do this and then you're gonna bitch about it being a hugbox lol.Discussing here so people can keep their hugbox in the other thread.