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I'll miss Tako's 2 view posts, some of them were cute, but otherwise it's whatever. On the other hand, FREE MY NIGGA SHORT. His archiving was valuable, his chinchilla posts were cute, and he was actually good at times from keeping the Pippa thread from becoming a hugbox, however harsh or weirdly he said it. Bring the nigga back.
I cannot think of any other forum owner who would allow somebody to be so egregiously antagonistic towards them as I do. Anyone who thinks Null doesn't do it is a retard. In 99.9% of all communities I have ever been a part of, directly mouthing off to the moderators/owners/etc is an automatically ban-worthy offense.
He had warnings likely for his degen shit in the Pippa thread and the antagonizing he is referring to is probably from when he went in there and verbally bitch slapped them and made an announcement about it
Are there any other marks that we should know about? I have no idea about what went down in a Discord server, probably degen. Any other interactions/warnings besides the ones he shared on KF?
I'm just going to leave my two cents and go back to my life it seems with takodachi the question isn't what he got banned for, its why he didn't get banned sooner and waiting this long with nary a warning makes it seem like proctor was actually fine with his antics until now I don't think that's the case but I get why people might think that way.
I think one thing proctor is missing, is that warning people about their bad behavior is also a warning against people who might otherwise think that the person is behaving acceptably. It also makes it clear when some one is banned that this is a running issue instead of mere pettiness. At the end of the day while I wouldn't go out of my way to be annoying I can't promise to always be an enjoyable human being. no one here can.
I didn't know @Short had three warnings on his profile frankly while short could be incredibly cursed it was at worst like 50 posts of good content and then one incredibly off-color remark and usually a short one at that. Actually useful posters aren't all that common I can only speak for myself but good archives and clips were worth his eccentricities in my book. As for antagonizing administration that could mean anything from the outside. From short criticized my spaghetti to short sent me photo's of decapitated animals and told me I was next. I want to know what short actually did.
The same people who were yelling at me hysterically a few hours ago are already back posting in the general thread.
This entire incident will be forgotten about by all but the most dedicated spergs in about a week at most. Those who keep bringing it up again will be ignored as old news at best or mildly heckled for not letting it go at worst. That's how forum drama works.
The same people who were yelling at me hysterically a few hours ago are already back posting in the general thread.
This entire incident will be forgotten about by all but the most dedicated spergs in about a week at most. Those who keep bringing it up again will be ignored as old news at best or mildly heckled for not letting it go at worst. That's how forum drama works.
Nah they are all still discusing 10 pages later LOL
This shit will never die not because of the first Ban but because you banned two other users that had nothing to do with the matter
If proctor likes you or you are proctor there are no rules, simple as. If he doesn’t like you enjoy the ban fuck-o. Don’t like it? LEAVE! *pees pants* smug.jpg
There will be surely no negative consequences to my actions, I’m infallible! What’s hubris? Sweetie, ugh, just be normal mmmmkay what’s so hard to understand? This will all blow over by next week. No way will I piss my pants again in the future after just just demonstrating I piss my pants in public. t. Proctor
Nah they are all still discusing 10 pages later LOL
This shit will never die not because of the first Ban but because you banned two other users that had nothing to do with the matter
Rrat banbait-posted (even admits this in the KF thread earlier today) and got what he wanted. It was autistic as shit of Proctor to fall for the ban bait, but hell. You might even say if you banbait and get banned, was it really falling for the bait? Like 80% of this fucking thread myself included is telling Proctor he jumped the gun on banning Tako, but Rrat decided he wanted to salt the earth.
Short? You could possibly be right, I don't have the full context Short, his community contributions and/or his fetishes.
Welp that's all the proof I needed to wash my hands over a butthurt hypocrite
God shit like that boils my blood fuckin degenerate traitor I wasn't even in that cord but I can 100% see why those in that cord probably hate his guts
What's worse than a degenerate? A degenerate traitor
So what now? we really didn't know if takodachi had any other issues in this place, same for short, why? none of us can see the warnings in our profiles. as @furaibou said we could get a counter of how many warnings we have, otherwise how are we supposed to know the shit we have been doing is "acceptable" or not, we can't change our behavior for the "best" when we don't know what the janny force considers an issue either, we have a no would posting rule that was buried in 1000+ pages and a clear no thirst posting rule in community guidelines, but what can be said for every other thing the other people that can ban us doesn't like? if one person gets banned for something a janny/admin does too then where is the line drawn? as for takodachi getting banned, i really don't care but if you wanted him gone sooner then you should have pulled the trigger earlier then, otherwise it looks like it was for calling someone fat to their face, and the average user will roll with that as the truth since not everyone cared about discord so that context is gone to them, and we don't even know when anyone gets a warning so we can't even know when a ban is justified.
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