Seriousface for a moment, I feel like Council was heavily nerfed by management. Mumei's stream content seems to have been restricted pretty heavily, Irys had her model debuff and management being clueless about English music output, Rrat exists for 3D concerts which didn't happen forever, and Sana was a hiring mistake.
If Council appeared at the time Advent appeared, all but the Sana issue would be significantly reduced or disappear altogether. Vice versa, if Advent appeared at the time Council did, Shiori would've been giganerfed (and probably called it quits), Nerissa forced into a damn near pure singer role only to fall flat on her face, and the retarded canines would've failed auditions because they didn't match Omega's ~lore~
It wasn't Niji tier bad, but even so, it can hardly be overstated how fucked Holo EN's management was in late 2021- late 2022, and how much fixing it helped later gens.
Council actually did pretty well despite the management nerf, all things considered.