"I'm just taking a walk in the park while murdering some elementary school students"IRyS

Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp


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Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
The problem here is that she herself is trying to bail from Idol, and the realistic timetable for tons of these goals are probably 6 months if not a year. She herself is the one that made it seem like she wants out ASAP. And she also clearly has a history completely fucking up fulfilling all of her donothon goals. This 'narrative' she's complaining about is one of her own doing because of how she's conducted herself.
Maybe she should stop reading /vt/ and reply to them in real time on twitter, because I don't think any other place is posting accusations of her PL doing exactly the same thing before. She will just spill more and more things she should've kept her mouth shut about, and definitely get in trouble, if somehow Aviel was going to overlook her ongoing little rebellion


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
Adviel should check out for antisemitics joining his company
Also Pochi:



El Rrata

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The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
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The more I read, the more I think Pochi was trying to take the money and bail without fulfilling all her donothon goals. And her own document doesn't do any good to paint the story in her favor. There's just too much that smells about this situation. And although my opinion of Idol has gone down a bit in the last few months, my inclination is more fault is lying with Pochi unless something catastrophic is revealed about how Idol is run in the mean time.
As I become more informed about Pochi and her past, in large part thanks to your posts, I'm inclined to agree that there's a lot of evidence pointing to her being in the wrong and being upset that she's now being pressed to take responsibility.

If this is the case, she's really shot herself in the foot with this one. Her history of not fulfilling donothon rewards, and as Pochi holding a second donothon less than a year after the first and without having fulfilled all the rewards from the first one a year later is not a good look. Not only is that a breach of trust between her and her fans and the company, but it paints her as lazy, uncooperative, and deceitful.

I still stand by what I said about Aviel earlier. He needs to sit down and stop trying to act like a trendsetter in the industry and start figuring out what's going on in his company and with the talents. How this was able to get this far should be a cause for concern for him.

God's Strongest Mozumite

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La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
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Archivist edit: a
She put this is hidden replies
SHE is 100% hidding important context
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Well-known member
Joined:  Sep 17, 2022
Sounds like maybe Idol gave them a bit too much "Talent Freedom" with deciding on content and donothon goals and just kind of expected the girls to pick reasonable things and then complete those in a reasonable time frame because it's their job. Hopefully they get this worked out, especially since it involves rewards that fans donated to get. I wonder whether it is mostly on the talent or on management for organizing the various parties needed to complete some of these higher end rewards though. From Pochi's post, it seems like she thinks it's on Idol to contract with whoever for this stuff and they just aren't doing it but I'd be a bit surprised if it wasn't meant to be mainly the talent assuming they are allowed to mostly choose whatever goals they want.


Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
You gotta wonder how lax or dumb Idol's management is to let a talent do a second donothon while the rewards for the first one are still pending. Makes it feel like they both have a "Get the money now, worry about literally everything else later" mindset which is how I've felt about Idol since the beginning.
Not saying that absolves Pochi or anything. Just that her and her employers are maybe a bit too like minded.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Why aren't they "transparent" about the company and fanbase culture? Because while Hololive, Phase, and even tiny corpos like Kawaii have found comfortable niches (idol performances/chaotic "sad girls"/GFE respectively), Idol still feel like they're in the "throwing ideas around to see what sticks" phase.
Nah Idol's niche is rejected chumcons.
Sounds like maybe Idol gave them a bit too much "Talent Freedom" with deciding on content and donothon goals and just kind of expected the girls to pick reasonable things and then complete those in a reasonable time frame because it's their job. Hopefully they get this worked out, especially since it involves rewards that fans donated to get. I wonder whether it is mostly on the talent or on management for organizing the various parties needed to complete some of these higher end rewards though. From Pochi's post, it seems like she thinks it's on Idol to contract with whoever for this stuff and they just aren't doing it but I'd be a bit surprised if it wasn't meant to be mainly the talent assuming they are allowed to mostly choose whatever goals they want.
It's funny how every agency that was supposed to "DESTROY HOLOLIVE" because their PR gimmick made them "BETTER AND FREER!" blows up while Holo keeps chugging along with their vile idolshit slavedriving.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Sounds like maybe Idol gave them a bit too much "Talent Freedom" with deciding on content and donothon goals and just kind of expected the girls to pick reasonable things and then complete those in a reasonable time frame because it's their job.
Imagine starting a vtuber agency and thinking your talents won't be majority menhera girlfailures in desperate need of tight management.

It'd be great to have an agency composed entirely of Rins and Mios and Luis, but it's not gonna happen.


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
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Last year Pippa evelved into reasonable and level-headed person, now universe try to restore balance.

YGO Link Monster

Knightmare Unicorn ATK 2200 LINK-3
Joined:  May 26, 2023
Let’s talk about that time I worked at NotStarbucks.NotStarbucks has not provided an Extended Break notice despite my request to do so a longwhile ago. This situation has caused me significant worries. I wanted to take a break fromaccumulated stress from the very start to the present, because of several issues thatNotStarbucks has had. While I recognize some internal issues are being worked on, there hasbeen limited acknowledgment of responsibility for past incidents. I have experienced difficultiesprimarily in my interactions with Mr. Man.I was scheduled to receive my share of the second Promo Event earnings, given to me insupport by Customers, in early February to help and facilitate my move to another country,including various expenses like furniture, sound proofing, better equipment – as agreed & beingthe sole reason for my second Promo Event, but I did not receive anything. The lack of fundshas caused me financial hardship. I have been under the impression that I would be paid. I wastold it was sent, or being sent at the time, and like the first Promo Event, and all the other PromoEvents, I should have received the funds on my next paycheck.I was then recently told that the funds were frozen due saying I wouldn’t do my Tasks, which isfalse. We were still discussing and in the middle of negotiations. There were mentions of othertasks over which I had no control over (e.g a NotStarbucks Mini Game, NotStarbucks StuffedMascot), and that was what I was referring to. This concerned me, because I stated multipletimes I could do my Tasks. It seemed illogical, as I had learned I would not receive the fundsprior to this part in our negotiations. I was told by someone else at NotStarbucks that the actualreason was because I had a Work Leave Notice active. Regardless, this shouldn’t havechanged anything since there was a significant established lapse of time before my leave, and Iwas more than open to negotiate and compromise to do my Tasks during that time, and extendthe Work Leave Notice.Around the start of January, I had issued a Work Leave Notice because of my experiences atNotStarbucks. I want to emphasize that issuing the Work Leave Notice was not related to thePromo Event. I planned to see what was possible, what my options were, what we could agreeon, finish my Tasks of the Promo Event and exit with no complications. Keep in mind, we areEnd of March as of writing this, and I could have worked on Tasks for the Promo Event thisentire time.There were instances of undue pressure and coercion over the past months, going back andforth, such as punitive terms in documents I was given to sign, and threats. I refused to signanything for my own mental well-being and to protect my freedom. Other well-meaningindividuals joined in the negotiation near the tail-end, but it was still unfruitful, as Mr. Manrefused to budge. In the end, I knew refunds might have to be issued, despite being a lastoption because of my financial situation, and possibilities of resolving this. I was very recentlymade aware by Customers that, upon asking for refunds, messages sent by NotStarbucks toCustomers indicated no refunds would be offered because I was presently working on, and onmy way to finishing my Tasks (false, as we had not yet come to an agreement, whilesimultaneously claiming I would not do my Tasks. I hadn’t received anything either way). In theend, it is the right thing to do for Customers because we were unable to find a way forNotStarbucks to let me complete my Tasks.I have been feeling very unwell because of this situation, and have made this known toNotStarbucks. It has affected me mentally and physically, where I have needed to see a doctor.Most days I feel very depressed and brain fogged, completely out of it, and I struggle to doanything, including Coffee Making. I have felt lonely and isolated, worsening my anxieties. I amvery exhausted. I tried my best.I have respectfully asked NotStarbucks to respect my privacy and discontinue anyfurther attempts to contact me. Despite holding evidence, I've chosen not to disclosefurther details out of consideration for the other Baristas and NotStarbucks Staff. Ibelieve it prudent for all parties to move forward and disengage from this matter.Continued engagement serves no purpose and will only perpetuate harm and validate myexperiences.
Finally i decided to read it and the last part sounds like a passive-aggresive threat
I have respectfully asked NotStarbucks to respect my privacy and discontinue any further attempts to contact me. Despite holding evidence, I've chosen not to disclose further details out of consideration for the other Baristas and NotStarbucks Staff. I believe it prudent for all parties to move forward and disengage from this matter.Continued engagement serves no purpose and will only perpetuate harm and validate my experiences
What does she mean with "validate my experiences"
I tough the issue was with the money?


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Finally i decided to read it and the last part sounds like a passive-aggresive threat

What does she mean with "validate my experiences"
I tough the issue was with the money?
It's a passive-aggressive way of saying "if you fire back it'll make you look bad".

Also Jesus fucking Christ please format that spoiler better.


Pig in human clothing
Joined:  Oct 3, 2022
She very clearly thinks she will get to Doki lil' ol' Idol Corp. She's wrong. That's very last month and the plebs will want a new story with a new ending.
So is this timeline correct as far as we know it:
Does Donothon 1, ambitious goals reached. Idol pays for these goals (she does not need that money to complete them).
Delivers most but not all of it/gets paid.
Does Dono 2, ambitious goals again, piled onto Dono 1 outstanding goals.
Wants money without finishing all these outstanding goals. Thinks her lack of planning/life circumstances constitute an emergency/urgency on Idol's part.
Idol says "you'll get your money when you do your job." Changes policy to state what it obviously should have all along.

Is this about right?


Well-known member
Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
Nah Idol's niche is rejected chumcons.

It's funny how every agency that was supposed to "DESTROY HOLOLIVE" because their PR gimmick made them "BETTER AND FREER!" blows up while Holo keeps chugging along with their vile idolshit slavedriving.
Meanwhile the agency that started as an autistic larp of hololive is #4 in the ENsphere


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
She very clearly thinks she will get to Doki lil' ol' Idol Corp. She's wrong. That's very last month and the plebs will want a new story with a new ending.
So is this timeline correct as far as we know it:
Does Donothon 1, ambitious goals reached. Idol pays for these goals (she does not need that money to complete them).
Delivers most but not all of it/gets paid.
Does Dono 2, ambitious goals again, piled onto Dono 1 outstanding goals.
Wants money without finishing all these outstanding goals. Thinks her lack of planning/life circumstances constitute an emergency/urgency on Idol's part.
Idol says "you'll get your money when you do your job." Changes policy to state what it obviously should have all along.

Is this about right?
From what I've gathered from what Pochi has said, a new clause in their contract she missed when she renewed changed policy and that's what's biting her in the ass, yes. It does seem like an accurate summary.

Also add in to the fact people are claiming she scammed a donothon on her PL before joining Idol, but I've found nothing definitive on that yet. Still searching for it. Either way, it doesn't paint a good picture for her.


No one in particular
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
She very clearly thinks she will get to Doki lil' ol' Idol Corp. She's wrong.
Most everyone who tries this is going to fail. It wasn't really Doki that Doki-ed Nijisanji, it was Nijisanji shooting themselves in both feet with both barrels....

Idol still has the opportunity to fuck this up for themselves, but the fact that she didn't provoke a knee jerk reaction suggests their response is gonna be more considered.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Fellas, girls, if you promise shit during a donothon you'd better deliver.
It ain't worth the hassle and hussle to try and -self-ransom your ass out of a commitment made through paid money.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Joined:  Oct 10, 2022
Most everyone who tries this is going to fail. It wasn't really Doki that Doki-ed Nijisanji, it was Nijisanji shooting themselves in both feet with both barrels....
A looooot of people aren't going to understand this and will fail while trying to "emulate" Doki.

Doki didn't fire the first shot. Nijisanji pulled the trigger after over a month of silence, coming across as vindictive, in an environment in which Nijisanji was already being meme'd on through silver playbuttons and 2%.

Only then did Selen fire back. While benefitting from her extensive contacts outside of Nijisanji, thereby reaching tourist audiences, as well as from Nijisanji casually confirming that yes, they'd ghostwalked the suicide girl's twitter account and harrassed her during her hospital stay.

It is difficult to imagine a more slanted battlefield in the court of public opinion.

The talent firing the first shot, against a corp that if not beloved, is at least not being meme'd on (TVA's usual antisemitic diatribes notwithstanding), well, one only needs to take a look at /jidf/ to see how that goes.

Talents can't kill corpos. Corpos can only kill themselves.
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