I have no proof other than my years of having to put up with female bullshit but my money is on petra, enna and elira being the cunts of Yamanbasanji. I've always figured selen was just too autistic to not hang out with other EN but after this, jesus christ the poor girl must've been living in highschool again, right at the end she seemed to bond with pomu hard, maybe due to shared experiences and I still think pomu is a bit of a cunt but not on the level to bullying someone to suicide.
Jokes aside I hope she's doing better because trying to neck yourself over some Yamanba company isn't worth it. I hope she woke up from the failed attempt said "FUCK OFF!!" and chose violence as revenge.
As a phasefag is my duty to say this: Doki for invaders wave 3 with Lisa too
Someone floated the idea that she fucked up the dosage cause she's fatI'm so glad women are so bad at killing themselves. I can only imagine how many oshi's would be lost to us due to menheracide and people like Selen/ dokibird deserve to live.

As a phasefag is my duty to say this: Doki for invaders wave 3 with Lisa too