In this thread as a special move I will be doling out a shitload of tophats to express MAD AT THE INTERNET but this anger is targeted at Kurosanji, not at the poster. And it is a just, Godly, and righteous anger that shakes Creation from its roots to the clouds. Fucking scumbags.
You are a company whose only purpose is to have anime girls play games badly on the Internet and sing songs while talking to weebs. HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT. You have to love fucking up, enjoy fucking up, sexually get off on the drama you cause by fucking them over. There is no other possibility. It is officially malice, not mere incompetence.
But in this Year Of Rage, let us not forget to cast a baleful, burning eye upon the other one to blame. Prostate, we know you dared to sleep and in your sloth, look at what you have wrought!