Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
Hello, it is I, King Beaner, bringing you another certified banger thread for another one of my highly autistic and obsessive projects (that will definitely not get taken over by Io).
Well that's all, if you like the project then I hope you'll be able to pitch in with some of your arcane knowledge, if you don't give a shit then feel free to ignore this thread. From now on I'll only publish finished charts in the general thread, all updates/questions will be posted here.
Current charts:
Hololive V.3
Brave V.2 (+Idol, Globie, V4mirai, VSPO!, Aogiri, Pallete Project, Himehina)
Nijisanji V.1 (+VirtuaReal)
774 & Varium V.1
Planned Charts (No Promises):
General Industry Chart
Zizai (Entum)
Activ8 (Upd8)
Phase Connect
As many of you probably know, last year I researched and created the first of my Orgcharts (organizational charts) on Hololive as a prototype, and then suffered through the absolute ninth circle of hell that was creating the Brave Group chart which took a few months and many hours of my free time.
Well, a couple of weeks ago @Clown Penis made a joke a my expense (many such cases) in the Bondlive thread and got old Nenelove's noggin' joggin' so to say. I went and redesigned the chart format and layout to be more economical in terms of space and easier to understand (for people not called murray), and let's just say that it really wetted my appetite for more charts on other corpos and the industry at large. I have also managed to streamline the process considerably as was evident with the speed at which Brave 2.0 came to be (ignoring that most of the annoying research through 5 year old nip websites and twitter profiles had already been done).
Well, a couple of weeks ago @Clown Penis made a joke a my expense (many such cases) in the Bondlive thread and got old Nenelove's noggin' joggin' so to say. I went and redesigned the chart format and layout to be more economical in terms of space and easier to understand (for people not called murray), and let's just say that it really wetted my appetite for more charts on other corpos and the industry at large. I have also managed to streamline the process considerably as was evident with the speed at which Brave 2.0 came to be (ignoring that most of the annoying research through 5 year old nip websites and twitter profiles had already been done).
Now I have come to an impasse, I want to make more charts, and I will, but I also desire input from you bastards. The Brave chart was mostly made without much outside input, but I did request the forum's help in a few occasions. In an effort to both properly archive and condense these open investigations and to not clutter general I have decided to give the chart madness it's own thread.
I will share updates on my progress here and ask for input whenever necessary, if there are any new developments for the charts I have already made (Holo, and specially Brave) I would be grateful if they could be reposted here so I can have them handy for when I decide to update said charts.
Sharing of old vtuber history is also welcomed, as the chart autism is not only an exercise in company dynamics and ownership of IP, but I also consider it to be a way to preserve "old" vtuber history, specially that which sits untranslated and may be subject to being forgotten or muddied up by the passage of time.
My plans for the future are to create an INDUSTRY-WIDE chart, which includes most corpos, those still around and defunct corpos too. Right now my current project is a Niji chart, which will take me a few weeks at least.
I will share updates on my progress here and ask for input whenever necessary, if there are any new developments for the charts I have already made (Holo, and specially Brave) I would be grateful if they could be reposted here so I can have them handy for when I decide to update said charts.
Sharing of old vtuber history is also welcomed, as the chart autism is not only an exercise in company dynamics and ownership of IP, but I also consider it to be a way to preserve "old" vtuber history, specially that which sits untranslated and may be subject to being forgotten or muddied up by the passage of time.
My plans for the future are to create an INDUSTRY-WIDE chart, which includes most corpos, those still around and defunct corpos too. Right now my current project is a Niji chart, which will take me a few weeks at least.
Thirdly I want to clearly state both what goes in the chart and how it works.
Things that go in the Orgchart:
Things that will not be added:
1. Parent Corporation, the highest ownership level of any corpo. Parent Corpos don't have colored backgrounds.
1b. Logo (if there's no proper logo then a textbox with the name will be used)
1c. Information on the entity's business, previous names and whether it was acquired by another entity above it
2. The yellow line right below the parent corpo level is everything it owns, thus it envelops everything
3. Primary Corpo, this level does have a colored background.
4. The blue is everything the primary corpo owns, but it in itself is also owned by the parent corporation (yellow).
5. D is a company/project/brand within A, but as it doesn't possess vtubers it doesn't get a colored background
6. Secondary corpo. It is the same as A but one level of ownership down.
7. B (in red) owns both the vtuber branch E and also the standalone corpo/brand/service C, but it doesn't own D which is on the same level.
8. Tertiary corpo, this one doesn't have vtubers (I have never encountered a corpo within a corpo within a corpo with vtubers, but it is possible)
9. Branch Logo (additional informative text can be added if needed)
10. E (purple) is a branch within the corpo B (red), but within itself it also contains several generations/groups, their colors are derivative of their parent branch (violet, fuchsia, magenta)
11. Generation/Group, its line is the thinnest. If there aren't generations/groups within the branch then this thin line is omitted.
11b. Vtuber Picture
11c. Vtuber name
11d. Retired vtubers (where the character is no longer used) are marked by a gray background
11e. Retirement reason and date
11f. Vtubers which have become independent and left the company are marked with a segmented gray outline, if they graduated after leaving then they use the default gray background.
12. The segmented line signifies movements/relationships, in this case it signifies the departure of vtuber 3
12b. All segmented lines must have an explanation of their meaning
13. Supplementary info boxes can be added for context whenever needed
14. Branch E Gen 2 has become defunct as it has lost all of its vtubers
14b.The entirety of the inside is greyed out and the name bar and line around it are a lighter gray to signify death of the group. Branches and entire corpos can also become defunct and receive the same treatment.
15. Non-segmented lines signify acquisitions
15b. These also require explanation with the year of the acquisition
16. F is another corpo altogether, it rests outside of any of corpo &'s subdivisions so it is completely independent from it
16b. When vtubers are transferred to another corpo which isn't part of the corpo they used to be in (F isn't part of & or any of it's subdivisions) then they appear under their NEW owner, if a corpo is acquired and it has graduated vtubers then the buyer also "acquires" the graduations
17. In corpos which don't have branches or generations/groups, vtubers are free-floating inside of the company level
Exceptions and special cases section coming soon, I'm tired dammit...
Things that go in the Orgchart:
- All Companies/Brands/Vtubers owned by a Company which is MAINLY based around managing/creating Vtubers.
- Graduated Vtubers
- Retired Vtubers who have become indies/been transferred to another corpo WITH THE SAME CHARACTER
- Corpo splits, mergers, acquisitions, dissolutions
- Defunct corpos, groups, generations, companies (only when they used to possess vtubers in them)
- Apps. platforms and services, Music Labels
- Corpo business relationships, alliances, partnerships
Things that will not be added:
- Companies which own vtubers but are not CENTERED around vtubers will only have their vtuber-centric properties added (ie; Sony has vtubers but I'm not gonna add everything fucking SONY owns)
- Merch brands, games and events or concerts
- Commercial partnerships such as pop-up stores, merch collabs, product licensing, sponsorships or conventions
- Reincarnations (This may be considered in the future but it is messy to say the least)
- Indies (Sorry indiebros but indies are both hard to track and break the rules of the chart as they don't belong to anyone and aren't forced to graduate)
- Companies not related to vtubers or companies that have been merged or renamed
- Creators which don't have a 2D or 3D model or don't create at least 50% of their content with an avatar
- Vtubers that never debuted, projects that never left the announcement stage
- Managers, CEOs, mascots, vtuber alteregos, characters which are dependent on a vtuber even if they have a model (Ankimo, A-chan, Kurokami, Pekora's Mom)
- Virtual Idols/singers/performers/artists which don't possess models
- Investment funds, most metaverse platforms or other investment schemes
- Talent/fan made groups and units which conflict with official generations/groups
- Talents signed but not owned by music labels
- Casual groups
- For a group to be considered for a chart it needs at least 2 of these things:
- Debuts/re-debuts vtubers under their banner (people don't just join as indies, they actually fork over some of their revenue to the group)
- Has graduations (people don't just leave whenever)
- Has branding (logo, website, merch)
- Has a company structure (employs people which aren't vtubers, is registered as an org, has a CEO)
1. Parent Corporation, the highest ownership level of any corpo. Parent Corpos don't have colored backgrounds.
1b. Logo (if there's no proper logo then a textbox with the name will be used)
1c. Information on the entity's business, previous names and whether it was acquired by another entity above it
2. The yellow line right below the parent corpo level is everything it owns, thus it envelops everything
3. Primary Corpo, this level does have a colored background.
4. The blue is everything the primary corpo owns, but it in itself is also owned by the parent corporation (yellow).
5. D is a company/project/brand within A, but as it doesn't possess vtubers it doesn't get a colored background
6. Secondary corpo. It is the same as A but one level of ownership down.
7. B (in red) owns both the vtuber branch E and also the standalone corpo/brand/service C, but it doesn't own D which is on the same level.
8. Tertiary corpo, this one doesn't have vtubers (I have never encountered a corpo within a corpo within a corpo with vtubers, but it is possible)
9. Branch Logo (additional informative text can be added if needed)
10. E (purple) is a branch within the corpo B (red), but within itself it also contains several generations/groups, their colors are derivative of their parent branch (violet, fuchsia, magenta)
11. Generation/Group, its line is the thinnest. If there aren't generations/groups within the branch then this thin line is omitted.
11b. Vtuber Picture
11c. Vtuber name
11d. Retired vtubers (where the character is no longer used) are marked by a gray background
11e. Retirement reason and date
11f. Vtubers which have become independent and left the company are marked with a segmented gray outline, if they graduated after leaving then they use the default gray background.
12. The segmented line signifies movements/relationships, in this case it signifies the departure of vtuber 3
12b. All segmented lines must have an explanation of their meaning
13. Supplementary info boxes can be added for context whenever needed
14. Branch E Gen 2 has become defunct as it has lost all of its vtubers
14b.The entirety of the inside is greyed out and the name bar and line around it are a lighter gray to signify death of the group. Branches and entire corpos can also become defunct and receive the same treatment.
15. Non-segmented lines signify acquisitions
15b. These also require explanation with the year of the acquisition
16. F is another corpo altogether, it rests outside of any of corpo &'s subdivisions so it is completely independent from it
16b. When vtubers are transferred to another corpo which isn't part of the corpo they used to be in (F isn't part of & or any of it's subdivisions) then they appear under their NEW owner, if a corpo is acquired and it has graduated vtubers then the buyer also "acquires" the graduations
17. In corpos which don't have branches or generations/groups, vtubers are free-floating inside of the company level
Exceptions and special cases section coming soon, I'm tired dammit...
Well that's all, if you like the project then I hope you'll be able to pitch in with some of your arcane knowledge, if you don't give a shit then feel free to ignore this thread. From now on I'll only publish finished charts in the general thread, all updates/questions will be posted here.
Current charts:
Hololive V.3
Brave V.2 (+Idol, Globie, V4mirai, VSPO!, Aogiri, Pallete Project, Himehina)
Nijisanji V.1 (+VirtuaReal)
774 & Varium V.1
Planned Charts (No Promises):
General Industry Chart
Zizai (Entum)
Activ8 (Upd8)
Phase Connect
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