"Nodoka... you've got no technique when it commes to tickling; The only way to learn is to tickle girls whenever you meet them!"A-chan

TVA's DEADPOOL 2024 (and Morgue)


Resident Undertaker
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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022

TVA's 2024 DEADPOOL :cursedbae:

Just like 2023, this is a place where fellow inmates can cook up the biggest and weirdest rrats and make guesses if their oshis will graduate during 2024. We had some interesting developments this past year (please no month of the rake again).
Rules are the same for the most part save for 3 changes. The total amount of points a pick can give, people can make picks after the cut off date (but will not get points for them), and the Death Row. All of that is detailed below.

Every user must pick 3 talents to participate. Picks can grant a max of 5 points.
  • Picks are worth 3 points
  • Each pick must be accompanied with a prediction of how will the pick graduate (RRAT). RRATs are worth 1 point
  • An extra 1 point might be earned if the prediction correctly called if the pick was terminated (as opposed to a regular graduation)

Example picks:
Vesper Noir, Termination.
RRAT: Got too silly with his manager and flipped him off.
(total 5 points)

Riro Ron, Graduation.
RRAT: Realized she had more subs and financial gain with her Past Life and didn't renew her contract
(total 3 points)

"Death row" picks are the ones that are on the verge of graduation, or are part from a collapsing agency, from December 15th to January 15th. (i.e. SELEN, V-Reverie talents). Picks in the "death row" will not gain points.

  • Participating entries will be open until Jan 15th. Entries received after Jan 15th until Dec 31st will not gain points but may participate if they want.
  • People with insider knowledge are not allowed to participate (i.e. midori)
  • Points will be tallied and published after the New Years.
  • This space will continue to function as an obituary/morgue for the remainder of the year on top of keeping tabs on participant's bets. The thread will be closed after the rakings are published.

Have fun, keep the general rrating to the main thread and remember, anyone can report on any talent's graduation or company going under, just try to follow the usual format.


Talent: [talent]​

Affiliation: [agency]​

Graduation date: [date]​




Agency: [agency]​

Disbanding date: [date]​



Congratulations to @La+ de Central Norte and @Latte'Ninba for prematurely killing Nazuna before the competition even starts. You're gonna leave Mori without a job.
Picks made in this post are valid ONLY if the talent graduates during 2024.
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Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 19, 2022
  1. Hana Macchia - revisiting this one for the same reasons (although the scandal on her alt does change things up a bit), extra special if she's the last one out of ID.
  2. Yuko Yurei - Realizes going indie gives her freedom to double down on coomerbait GFE
  3. Shondo - (RRAT) Health finally spirals out of control


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1. Kureji Ollie - Graduation
Reasoning: Has been doing various activities on her PL alt, along with some doomposting/frustrations. Might just be menhera moments, but I think she might let her contract lapse this year.

2. Fuyo Cloverfield - Graduation
Reasoning: Has PL activity recently, could be related to possible Brave buyout, or worries from Riro termination. Might jump ship if a buyout does in fact happen and it brings in retarded restrictions, since she's done some more sus content, not as much as say Yuko, but stuff that would grind against JP corpo autism.

3. Bonnivier Pranaja - Graduation
Reasoning: Part of the continued former Niji-ID collapse/disintegration. Don't think there's been anything announced about him proper graduating yet (If there is, just let me know and I'll change my pick here), but it wouldn't surprise me if he moves on this year since most of former Niji-ID is already gone. Think he'll graduate before Hana does, if either of them go this year. (Also if this counts as a death row pick, I'll change it to a different one)
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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
Gawr Gura

Gura will graduate after she runs out of burn out excuse. There will be a graduation stream and she will part ways with cover o good terms.

Nanashi Mumei

Mumei will graduate after her health issues increase drastically to the point where she cant continue her activities as a streamer.

Rin Penrose

Rin Penrose will be terminated after Aviel's ego gets hurt during a stream where Rin enjoys making fun of him a little too much.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
1) Yuko Yurei. She has shown that she can retain her core audiences as Rye the question is will she go the extra step and realize that she doesn't have to pay as much of a cut as an indie (while keeping her core audience of down bad coomers)? She also seems very very into :talentfreedom:

2) Elia Stellaria. Despite the growth of V-Dere and her prior walkout she has shown an absurd grasp on raking in numbers. If one of the bigger corpos want numbers would they risk poaching her?

3) Nene Amano. This is my absolute out of thin air hail Mary shot. She the Queen of Kawaii should be in a very comfortable position. However considering rrats about her behind the scenes behavior one could assume that being the top dog in a fledgling corpo might not be enough, and potentially I could see her attempt to be poached by one of the big three.
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La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023
1-Natsuiro Matsuri Yabs too much and gets terminated
2-Haberu Inaba graduates from 774 inc due to the decline of popularity of this group
3-Nazuna from Vshojo just conservates her character and VSJ doesnt renovate the contract to stop paying her(LOL)
EDITED 3RD PICK: Mikeneko gets terminated from Voice Ore due to her making up enemies in her mind(Thanks Asylum experts)
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I am retarded
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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
Dr. Stupid >Gives deadpool submission format
Inmates >Yeah... but no?
The format is if the talents graduate. Not for predictions. I think?


May we never go to Hell but always be on our way
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
I'll open my post with being happy my last pool was mostly wrong. Pink wigger woman is still here and seems like she's not planning to go. Botan is still with us as well and that's a big win for the :holohag::hololove: crowd. Which is also the correct crowd.
Only WHORES have died! Okay not really but funny I was apparently the only Magni vote.

SO anyway. Hm. Hadn't really considered it thus far yet and it wasn't until i was trying to make this list I realized how I've lost track of just HOW MANY vtubers there are brought up consistently and of so many groups/corpos. I've also beeen losing track of and skimming threads on and off as opposed to keeping up all the time. I feel like I'm working with 1/7th the actual pool options because I fell into mostly just Holo and Phase by this point with a bit of whatever Niji is playing MGS or some other game my autism demands I watch. I mean I like a few of them but preference and therefore priority lie elsewhere.

1: Gavis Bettel-
I said ages ago I expect Bettel to do the Magni/Vesper special and peace out when he gets the chance. Although he hasn't been listed a few times already so maybe it doesn't seem THAT obvious?
He's my number 1 to go to escape corporatism. I don't even think we'll get any specific reasons or whatever, just an announcement of graduation and off he'll go. Assumedly it's a simple turned down contract renewel so he can go hang out on twitch with Randon, Lando, and his brother more. He'll probably dust off his PL and go at it.
->Barring that if it's deemed too "easy" I'll find another to name. He's not in the middle of any specific dumpster fires though so I'm assuming it's fair game.

2: Nazuna- :lumitenmakillhim: She uh.. Fell.
I kinda didn't want to put this mostly because VShojo seems rather content to just let a person sit there to keep the name on their page and list as "ONE OF US/THE TALENTS or whatever. Nazuna herself seems to mostly be letting it rot while pursuing other interests though and frankly I'm vaguely struggling for names because I've lost track of all the small names and corpos amid the junkyard FULL of tire fires started by small group/corpo explosions.
--- Replacement 2: Y'know what I'm going to throw out there? Rin Penrose
NOT because I want her to, think she's going to fuck up, or because she does anything that makes it happen. I just wouldn't be surprised if Idol with the Riro issue and trying to sort the talents out afterward, the "staff shortage" and the potential Brave circumstance ends up in a smaller version of a Tsunderia issue. I can kind of see a situation in which she ends up stuck being "promoted" and has to try and juggle streaming and doing some other happy shit behind the scenes or whatever which taxes her to the point it starts affecting her health in someway which will affect her content creation, so she eventually peaces out. Hell considering her health issues it's arguably logical they try to slide her into doing a chunk of extra shit seeing as how she's kind of limited off stream options.
The main reason I put her over Kattarina is simply because Rin's basically their big talent. Katta might have some kind of experience with some stuff or be more familiar with Aviel and the operations of stuff.
However Rin does the bigger numbers, she managed the algorithm game even if it didn't necessarily translate into batshit live viewer counts or anything which in turn has the prettiest sub count, and just generally does solid work and content. Even though she kind of runs herself ragged once in a while. Rin just seems more likely to me to deal with some backroom silly shit assuming Idol doesn't burn down to the ground around here. And even if it does, I could sort of see THAT also stressing her out to the point she wants out instead of being the sole survivor carrying the weight of the company.

3: Shiori Novella-
DESPITE the weird fucking cult she has developed here I rather like her. It feels like that girl flies pretty fucking close to the sun sometimes though and makes me worry she's going to dive in on the premise of "forgiveness rather than permission" by accident at some point and say something they pump the brakes on.
I'm hesistant to really expect anything to happen to her because while she's a tad unhinged most of it doesn't seem offensive or anything. It's more like she has a lot of trains of thought that manage to not only jump off the rails, but land on an entirely separate track and continue rolling. Sometimes JP corpotism tries to overcorrect though so maybe?
This is more my "I hope not but maybe?" pick like Botan last year was.

BONUS autism if you're bored-
Frankly most of them still seem to act pretty happy about their situations. Maybe I'm missing some shit between the lines. The Selen issue I think will definitely cause some ripples if she graduates. (And upgrade that to especially cause waves if it's a termination.) But anyone who remains mostly seems to be getting the most basic amount of attention to be able to feel like COMPANY CARES.
Honestly Vox was almost my number 2 because he still has manhara moments and the fan issues on and off, but amid all the other dumpster fires he's been easy to glance over.
Lazulight is finally getting some attention with Pomu's model fix/finish and Elira seems content to chill. (Finana who?) Petra and Rosemi seem content to cruise along.
I honestly think Ethyria will stay PURELY off the virtue of being buddy buddy and the 3 of them doing a WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER WE ALL STAY OR ALL GO thing.
Everyone else I either don't know about well enough or care about. They're hard to judge because most of them seem good at playing the "FAMILY LOVE" game (Or their manages are)

They're on top of keeping people hush hush since Mysta accidentally said too much. Nina seemed fine til she was gone so who knows. It's easy to forget that non-termination graduations are sometimes months old decisions.

Not familiar with half of them by this point. Rin seems fine with her situation outside of some brain worming and her actual health issues. I was going to say Yuko but we had like 4 name her already. The Riro thing really makes me wonder how some of them are handling it with their more "sus" content. No personal experience in any of it but others have said it's pretty to the point and blunt stuff. Since Yuko's got her PL revved up I think she might be lookin to lose the leash. Katta seems to have fun playing menhara and skirting whatever lines she can without actually escalating too far so not sure if I expect her to go anywhere.
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Yuko Yurei - Graduation
Reasoning: she's restarted her past life accounts and there's a chance idol might be a sinking ship so it makes sense she'd wanna jump

Selen - Graduation
Reasoning: management very clearly hates her and with the tweets on her account plus her being more active on her PL them removing that song might have been the straw that broke the camel's back

Shiori Novella - Termination
RRAT: she's gonna fly too close to the sun get suspended several times over the year till eventually she gets terminated


May we never go to Hell but always be on our way
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Double posting but uh.. I guess me and and @La+ de Central Norte need two new guesses?? lol

Edit: Oh what timing, it's not a double post! but yeah

Edit edit: Actually keep the L. It's funnier this way let's be real.
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The Pontiff of PonWolf
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I'm reupping my last year predictions

Matsuri: sexual harassment lawsuit
Do I need to elaborate?

Noel: quits to go full porn star and makes bank

Haachama : gets fed up with restrictions and joins Vshojo JP

I was gonna pick Selen than I realized that there was a reason no one else already did
Edit: spoke too soon

Selen - Graduation
Reasoning: management very clearly hates her and with the tweets on her account plus her being more active on her PL them removing that song might have been the straw that broke the camel's back

Selen is disqualified cause she's too easy a guess
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Gyudon is tasty
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Amelia Watson - Graduates due to waning interest and general burnout.

Pomu Rainpuff - Decides to leave Nijisanji because of poor treatment by management and the chance of being able to collab with Kiara more often.

Hana Macchia - Graduates to join Mika in Vshojo because she realizes that theres no point in staying when the other ID members will all be gone within the next 1-2 years.


Fucking Riggers
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Yuria's Husband
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
might as well...
1. Calliope Mori - Graduation - Reason being she feels like her music is too different from what she would like, and doesn't want the Calliope Mori name to chase her for her whole life, so she focuses on DemonDice instead.
2. Natsuiro Matsuri - Termination - She will push her lewdness to the next level and get in trouble for going too far on her RM, will probably get a sextape leaked by someone.
3. Amelia Watson - Graduation - She is clearly burned out with Hololive and will either become an indie or stop streaming all together.

La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023
Double posting but uh.. I guess me and and @La+ de Central Norte need two new guesses?? lol

Edit: Oh what timing, it's not a double post! but yeah

Edit edit: Actually keep the L. It's funnier this way let's be real.
Heh i knew it
The vshojo fans coping in the general thread are funny tough


Panko of color
Joined:  Dec 27, 2022
1. GX Aura - Graduation
The chinese spyware developers decide that the project has not met expectations and pull the plug.

2. Coni Confetti - Graduation
Coni does not renew her contract. Revives her Menace persona and joins V-dere.

3. Chikafuji Lisa - Graduation
Lisa retires her streaming career to focus solely on music production.


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
1) Pomu Rainpuff - graduate - I know many people consider Pomu to be a Niji ride or die, but I think between all the crazy shit that happened this year to Niji and Nina being in vShojo now, she might say fuckit and bail. The Selen situation in particular might push her over the edge.

2) Hana Macchia - terminated - After being the final Niji ID remaining, she will go scorched earth and leak every major Niji secret because she just doesn't fucking care anymore. Nearly triggers the final yab.

3) Chikafuji Lisa - graduate - I love Sheepy, but she's been sadgirling a bit more on main recently. I'm thinking she might fall out of love with the hobby and move on to focus more on music full time. Though I really hope it doesn't happen.

Gawr Gura - Streams less than 50 non-manditory streams (Birthdays, merch drops, sponsorships, post-major event recaps, etc).

Idol Corp - Will backslide after the acquisition and spend much less on advertising and other things. Will reveal just how much of their fame was bought through pumping investor money in

Production KAWAII - Somehow premiers another new wave even after the debacle of Gen 3 revolting. Proceeds to be met with a wet thud, company continues to languish as it can never figure out how to actually advertise itself. Nene continues to seethe.

Fredrik Knudsen - Menharas off the face of the internet yet again

Pipkin Pippa - despite all logic, the Pippa self-improvement arc continues and she even manages to visit Phase members in SoCal for a trip.

Ironmouse - No less than 10 new outfits this next year.
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Resident Undertaker
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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
@Latte'Ninba and @La+ de Central Norte I'm sorry to inform you that since Nazuna graduated before 2024 your picks are not in effect yet, so you'd need to edit your post with an extra pick.
BUT, you two motherfuckers will get a notable mention as hitmen/shinigami.

@Atlas you can keep your Selen pick if you want, but she's a Death Row pick so you won't get points from it.
You can change it if you want.


May we never go to Hell but always be on our way
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
@Latte'Ninba and @La+ de Central Norte I'm sorry to inform you that since Nazuna graduated before 2024 your picks are not in effect yet, so you'd need to edit your post with an extra pick.
BUT, you two motherfuckers will get a notable mention as hitmen/shinigami.

@Atlas you can keep your Selen pick if you want, but she's a Death Row pick so you won't get points from it.
You can change it if you want.
Sad part is now I'm not sure who to go with. If I'm going to be blessed with the gift of prophecy I want to name Kyo. :Pekora-EVILGRIN:
But I don't think I'll get lucky if I WANT it to happen. I'll have to consider figure out who exists again. Yuko has a lot of votes already and anyone else I kind of consider after doing more catching up in the main is also named.

La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023
@Latte'Ninba and @La+ de Central Norte I'm sorry to inform you that since Nazuna graduated before 2024 your picks are not in effect yet, so you'd need to edit your post with an extra pick.
BUT, you two motherfuckers will get a notable mention as hitmen/shinigami.

@Atlas you can keep your Selen pick if you want, but she's a Death Row pick so you won't get points from it.
You can change it if you want.
If only she did it in 2024
Welp dont worry
I will think in another JP vtuber
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