Just like 2023, this is a place where fellow inmates can cook up the biggest and weirdest rrats and make guesses if their oshis will graduate during 2024. We had some interesting developments this past year (please no month of the rake again).
Rules are the same for the most part save for 3 changes. The total amount of points a pick can give, people can make picks after the cut off date (but will not get points for them), and the Death Row. All of that is detailed below.

Every user must pick 3 talents to participate. Picks can grant a max of 5 points.
- Picks are worth 3 points
- Each pick must be accompanied with a prediction of how will the pick graduate (RRAT). RRATs are worth 1 point
- An extra 1 point might be earned if the prediction correctly called if the pick was terminated (as opposed to a regular graduation)
Example picks:
Vesper Noir, Termination.
RRAT: Got too silly with his manager and flipped him off.
(total 5 points)
Riro Ron, Graduation.
RRAT: Realized she had more subs and financial gain with her Past Life and didn't renew her contract
(total 3 points)

"Death row" picks are the ones that are on the verge of graduation, or are part from a collapsing agency, from December 15th to January 15th. (i.e. SELEN, V-Reverie talents). Picks in the "death row" will not gain points.

- Participating entries will be open until Jan 15th. Entries received after Jan 15th until Dec 31st will not gain points but may participate if they want.
- People with insider knowledge are not allowed to participate (i.e. midori)
- Points will be tallied and published after the New Years.
- This space will continue to function as an obituary/morgue for the remainder of the year on top of keeping tabs on participant's bets. The thread will be closed after the rakings are published.
Have fun, keep the general rrating to the main thread and remember, anyone can report on any talent's graduation or company going under, just try to follow the usual format.
Talent: [talent]
Affiliation: [agency]
Graduation date: [date]
Agency: [agency]
Disbanding date: [date]
Congratulations to @La+ de Central Norte and @Latte'Ninba for prematurely killing Nazuna before the competition even starts. You're gonna leave Mori without a job.
Picks made in this post are valid ONLY if the talent graduates during 2024.
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