Do you have any blank card templates?
Magic The Gathering Card Template
Magic The Gathering Card Template . Users should refer to the titles of the thread that template is stored in. Step into Arena and reward y...
Do you have any blank card templates?
Long live our glorious pink haired mascot
I think the corpos having cards could be a fun idea but could also lead to tribalfaggotry so maybe just some well known individual talent cards?
>Play the peko card to commit war crimes
I personally wouldn't mind if you tagged me for this, it's pretty cool to see. If you need some Korean vtubers or whatever I can assist with that.Rejuvenated from playing in a Prerelease I bring to you all a new batch ofdesign mistakescards.
I fixed the names of Red woman bad and Rrat enforcer, red woman bad is now orange woman bad as it should have always been and Rrat enforcer lost the Typo o in enforcer.
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Given the events that occurred recently I have changed the design of this saga to reflect a more up to date version of events.Finishing off two cycles we have the x woman x cycle with the new additions of
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White woman jump scare is the only instant of cycle as it needed to be a true jump scare. the brown woman card is based on the effect of many magic cards that have "thirst" in the name.
The land cycle is also finished off by these three new additions
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Zocalo is apparently a Mexican meeting spot but if I'm incorrect and one of you want to correct me I Don't care.
Ive also decided that for a common dual land of the set will be x fanclub with x being some assiocted vtuber. If you have suggestions for each colour pair let me know. I currently have one for Green Black as Pippa fanclub.
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Onto new designs that are not apart of a cycle.
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Common creatures needed to make limited work are included above.
Uncommon legendary inmates.
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Devotion counts the number of black pips in the casting cost of permanents you control.
Fat and everyone's favorite fat seer
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I will begin by discussing the Takodachi card. I'm actually really happy with how the design turned out it should play out that after the permanent is marked as being fat they can either attack into a potentially unfavorable board or wait around to be literally one guyed by Tako as if Tako is kill the creature with a fat counter he will likely need to swing alone to ensure a kill. Tako is also the first of potentially many racists. I wanted to also make him an autist but I ran out of room.
Fat counters in general wont do anything on there own and are instead granted benefits or negatives based on the cards that interact with them such as the architects will.
A bunch of rare inmates.
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Weather or not I will include any Koreans is yet to be seen. also just a general note should I ping people when i make cards for them or is that a bad idea.
Normally there is a small color indicator wheel that denotes the color. For some reason mse dose not have it on by default for double faced plansewalkers. I've fixed it hereI haven't played Magic since Ice Age, so maybe I'm missing something, but how do you tell what colors the transformed Rie is? Presumably she retains the same colors as Superduper (black/blue/green), but there doesn't seem to be any indication on her card.
I think most hag appreciators prefer mountains to plains.
Damn I ignored this thread for a while, you really bested me at my own stupid idea huh? It's better this way tbh since I know jack shit about MTG, but hey, if you want to redesign the 3 cards I made or want me to make some flavourtext for your designs then just say so.With this post there are now over a hundred card designs in the set.
I'm not going to ping people for updates.
- Harrow has had art added a slight change to the transforming triggers and a name change.
- The Rrat has been moved up to mythic up from rare and will be a part of highly notable forum members in a shard/wedge color grouping.
- Thrang has been color shifted from blue to black and lost vigilance. thrang is going to be apart of a cycle of monocolor mythics covering forum staff and staff adjacent members.
New Commons
View attachment 57618View attachment 57619View attachment 57620View attachment 57622View attachment 57624View attachment 57626View attachment 57627View attachment 57628
- Delusional suitor fits many of the members here but is particularly designed after the influx of Shiori fans.
- Timeloop Dissenter acts as a common form of graveyard hate which notably works against all of the time looping retrace cards.
- Asylum Automated Drone serves as a common form of mana fixing for limited play
- the cycle of expensive creatures with land cycling seving to aid in the consistency of decks in the early game while serving as sub par top end.
New Uncommons
View attachment 57621View attachment 57630View attachment 57645View attachment 57635View attachment 57634View attachment 57631
- The fall of cards are to represent the various events that transpired. Idea behind the Cyberidol one is start of the drama with Q, then the investigation into the agency followed by the improper selling and exit made by Q.
- The AkioAir card i am a little less impressed by but i think it does its job.
- @Poyoyo & Jill As a full blown Ayame card is unlikely to fit in with the general idea of the set her biggest fan on the forum will have to suffice. as there isn't a major plan to have a large number of Koreans in the set the first line is mostly flavor text. in most cases the card serves as a tapper that is forced to function on both sides of the field.
- @Porean a creature lord that doubles as a way to double certain abilities of creatures you control. the card should have reminder text about how it dose not work with mana ablitites but given that its unlikely that there will be a mana ability that makes 3 or more mana its unlikely to be relevant.
- @IonProxy this effect is not really in greens color pie it would fit more in line with blue or black but it should be fine as is.
New Rares
View attachment 57623View attachment 57625View attachment 57632View attachment 57633View attachment 57638View attachment 57640
- @Lurker McSpic Originally the cycling was only one red mana but the card is already kinda like a mini expressive iteration a would likely be way too good if at only one mana.
- @La+ de Central Norte Demons don't really come in white but it seams to fit here. makes wining a race on the ground nearly impossible against it and heavly boosts both lifegain and token strats.
- Pilly is the dog mascot thing that we never use. the current designs fits as an aggressive lord that you need to protect in order to keep its benefits. it also allows it to act in a similar way to meds by becoming a required creature type for any other creatures requires such as Korean for the yellow fever boys.
- @Dazzle It is a scaled down one sided repercussion on an agressive body with a ftk like effect.
- @John Vtuber👁️ ever faithful is he and so to represent his undying faith to whoever he has pledged himself to this week i made his card have soulbond to represent the unyielding bonds he forms. This should work within the rules but the un pairing method dose not exist on any other cards so I am not sure.
Im just going to preface the mythic section with an overview of how i want the mythics to be filled out. in modern magic sets each set has 20 mythics. in this set 5 of those mythics are for plansewalkers that will be representations of chuubas and will all be monocolured so far the black and white solts are taken. 5 will go to forum staff/staff ajacent members and will also be a mono colored cycle. the remaining ten will go to miscellaneous members and things that are core to the TVA tm experience such as the nolan crush trial card.
@reinigen the red member of the staff cycle. card acts as a punisher that can make for some rather tough choices. discover is just cascade with the diffence being that you can chose to not cast the card and instead put it in your hand. if there is a seconday creature type that you think would fit let me know. @Fucking YTs the Blue member of staff cycle. Acts as a contiual card and mana advatage machine once you have enough artifacts on field. it might need a buff to include being able to cast non artifacts spells but for now the design is fine. Mirori is the pick for the white plansewalker for this set. the card acts as an agressive only mother of runes that helps get smaller creatures through combat. the -x might be a bit overtuned but we will see. @superduper so i did initally state that there would only be plansewalkers but i felt an eception should be made for the vtuber that so fragrently posts here on the forum. both sides of the card are looking for death to further the value generation this card provides.
set file can be found here:
This has gone WAY too far! I love it!With this post there are now over a hundred card designs in the set.
I'm not going to ping people for updates.
- Harrow has had art added a slight change to the transforming triggers and a name change.
- The Rrat has been moved up to mythic up from rare and will be a part of highly notable forum members in a shard/wedge color grouping.
- Thrang has been color shifted from blue to black and lost vigilance. thrang is going to be apart of a cycle of monocolor mythics covering forum staff and staff adjacent members.
New Commons
View attachment 57618View attachment 57619View attachment 57620View attachment 57622View attachment 57624View attachment 57626View attachment 57627View attachment 57628
- Delusional suitor fits many of the members here but is particularly designed after the influx of Shiori fans.
- Timeloop Dissenter acts as a common form of graveyard hate which notably works against all of the time looping retrace cards.
- Asylum Automated Drone serves as a common form of mana fixing for limited play
- the cycle of expensive creatures with land cycling seving to aid in the consistency of decks in the early game while serving as sub par top end.
New Uncommons
View attachment 57621View attachment 57630View attachment 57645View attachment 57635View attachment 57634View attachment 57631
- The fall of cards are to represent the various events that transpired. Idea behind the Cyberidol one is start of the drama with Q, then the investigation into the agency followed by the improper selling and exit made by Q.
- The AkioAir card i am a little less impressed by but i think it does its job.
- @Poyoyo & Jill As a full blown Ayame card is unlikely to fit in with the general idea of the set her biggest fan on the forum will have to suffice. as there isn't a major plan to have a large number of Koreans in the set the first line is mostly flavor text. in most cases the card serves as a tapper that is forced to function on both sides of the field.
- @Porean a creature lord that doubles as a way to double certain abilities of creatures you control. the card should have reminder text about how it dose not work with mana ablitites but given that its unlikely that there will be a mana ability that makes 3 or more mana its unlikely to be relevant.
- @IonProxy this effect is not really in greens color pie it would fit more in line with blue or black but it should be fine as is.
New Rares
View attachment 57623View attachment 57625View attachment 57632View attachment 57633View attachment 57638View attachment 57640
- @Lurker McSpic Originally the cycling was only one red mana but the card is already kinda like a mini expressive iteration a would likely be way too good if at only one mana.
- @La+ de Central Norte Demons don't really come in white but it seams to fit here. makes wining a race on the ground nearly impossible against it and heavly boosts both lifegain and token strats.
- Pilly is the dog mascot thing that we never use. the current designs fits as an aggressive lord that you need to protect in order to keep its benefits. it also allows it to act in a similar way to meds by becoming a required creature type for any other creatures requires such as Korean for the yellow fever boys.
- @Dazzle It is a scaled down one sided repercussion on an agressive body with a ftk like effect.
- @John Vtuber👁️ ever faithful is he and so to represent his undying faith to whoever he has pledged himself to this week i made his card have soulbond to represent the unyielding bonds he forms. This should work within the rules but the un pairing method dose not exist on any other cards so I am not sure.
Im just going to preface the mythic section with an overview of how i want the mythics to be filled out. in modern magic sets each set has 20 mythics. in this set 5 of those mythics are for plansewalkers that will be representations of chuubas and will all be monocolured so far the black and white solts are taken. 5 will go to forum staff/staff ajacent members and will also be a mono colored cycle. the remaining ten will go to miscellaneous members and things that are core to the TVA tm experience such as the nolan crush trial card.
@reinigen the red member of the staff cycle. card acts as a punisher that can make for some rather tough choices. discover is just cascade with the diffence being that you can chose to not cast the card and instead put it in your hand. if there is a seconday creature type that you think would fit let me know. @Fucking YTs the Blue member of staff cycle. Acts as a contiual card and mana advatage machine once you have enough artifacts on field. it might need a buff to include being able to cast non artifacts spells but for now the design is fine. Mirori is the pick for the white plansewalker for this set. the card acts as an agressive only mother of runes that helps get smaller creatures through combat. the -x might be a bit overtuned but we will see. @superduper so i did initally state that there would only be plansewalkers but i felt an eception should be made for the vtuber that so fragrently posts here on the forum. both sides of the card are looking for death to further the value generation this card provides.
set file can be found here:
Fixed was given reach as opposed to hasteI think most hag appreciators prefer mountains to plains.