Nolan Crush continues to defend Nijisister honours in twitter by having tard fight with other ppl after he can't vent anymore in the chink discord:
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Yeah Nolan, like we take it out of context that you beat the crap out of your sister few years ago, you claimed it didn't matter anymore but it was an actual fact that may contributed to your sister did a flip....
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It makes you a big fucking retard, Nolan.
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Only Nolan is able to bring the argument of Numberfagging Bint and Flipse followers in the tard fight
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After SPERGING too much in the tard fight, Nolan decided that enough is enough, and he need to focus on positive things like DSP:
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Nolan, you are just using ChatGPT to make shit up.....
1 hour later after Nolan said he wanted to focus on positive things....
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Now Nolan used the twitter to do his retarded venting
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Edit: Of course, copy and paste the same shit to the chink discord that haven't ban him yet!