"I loved telling you guys bedtime stories. You guys all had great bedtime stories, and they all went something like this. Once upon a time, there is a little girl named Lia. Lia was walking to the forest, and her mom said Lia, don't walk through the forest by yourself. Lia said, mom, fuck you, I don't care. Mom said, okay, whatever. And all of a sudden, birds swooped out of the sky and pecked out both her eyeballs. The end. You liked those stories when you were younger"Lia Rinkou's mom

The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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View attachment 61504
Nice to see Nolan still hasn't developed any self awareness. The things that damage him most are always his own words, a true lolcow.
I wonder if anyone has read this thread more than Nolan has?
If he doesn't have an alt-account then he's never read it. This thread was made after the trial.


Well-known member
Joined:  Mar 27, 2023
If he doesn't have an alt-account then he's never read it. This thread was made after the trial.
Well I guess that settles it. Nolan would never lie or misrepresent something!



Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Is he still hanging around in spaceballs I mean spacebattles?
edit: Oh yeah he fucking is... honestly his interactions there are pretty fucking sad, he just spams links like everyone else and barely has any conversations, what a boring fucking site.
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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
Is he still hanging around in spaceballs I mean spacebattles?
edit: Oh yeah he fucking is... honestly his interactions there are pretty fucking sad, he just spams links like everyone else and barely has any conversations, what a boring fucking site.
Yeah... i lost pretty much all interest in him since all i see from him is just LMAOING on every discord server, sharing endless links on space battles and arguing in the void on twitter.

I was curious about his messenger/facebook stuff so it took me 30 sec to found his facebook account. Nothing to see in it. His only facebook friend is scoots. But i told scoots to private his shit and to tell Nolan to private his friendlist since i have no interest in scoots getting doxed(again).

Here is the facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095200006595&mibextid=ZbWKwL


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Yeah... i lost pretty much all interest in him since all i see from him is just LMAOING on every discord server, sharing endless links on space battles and arguing in the void on twitter.

I was curious about his messenger/facebook stuff so it took me 30 sec to found his facebook account. Nothing to see in it. His only facebook friend is scoots. But i told scoots to private his shit and to tell Nolan to private his friendlist since i have no interest in scoots getting doxed(again).

Here is the facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095200006595&mibextid=ZbWKwL
He made the Facebook to stay in contact with me so it makes sense I'm the only thing there


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
the thing i don't understand is why FACEBOOK of all the places you two could keep in touch. Sorry if this is a tangent this has been bugging me for a while.


Miia Enjoyer
Joined:  Dec 16, 2023
the thing i don't understand is why FACEBOOK of all the places you two could keep in touch. Sorry if this is a tangent this has been bugging me for a while.
When he somehow gets banned from there what does he try next? MySpace? Carrier pigeons? Snail mail?


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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When he somehow gets banned from there what does he try next? MySpace? Carrier pigeons? Snail mail?
Smoke signals. Three rings and two puffs means "LMAAOOOOOOO"


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Joined:  Oct 23, 2022
When he somehow gets banned from there what does he try next? MySpace? Carrier pigeons? Snail mail?
Tumblr. Looks like Tumblr is revived by Flayon and Rin due to their streaming. It would be funny to see him get banned in Tumblr :smugselen:


Panko of color
Joined:  Dec 27, 2022
When he somehow gets banned from there what does he try next? MySpace? Carrier pigeons? Snail mail?
ham radio. He can endlessly fill up a frequency with live reacting to a stream. If the conditions are right astronauts on the ISS will be able to hear him LMAOOO.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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the thing i don't understand is why FACEBOOK of all the places you two could keep in touch. Sorry if this is a tangent this has been bugging me for a while.
For years I have used Facebook messenger and messenger groups to stay in contact with family, and friends. For as shitty as the app can be the best part of it is the bubble feature where when someone messages me the bubble pops up and stays there until I get rid of it/or click it and open the message ,and it does not expire like a push notification. This way I will hardly ever miss a message unlike say discord, it's also great for multitasking because the bubble will open over whatever am I doing without interruption

For example My immediate family has a group chat where we contact each other for food orders and the like

I also have one for political discussion with friends, and one for vtuber talk with friends of course among others

Other than Facebook messenger the only social media messenger I use is discord and only very rarely because I forget to check it for messages

Well that and teams for work

So the short answer is it's the easiest text app to keep in contact with everyone I want to
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Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
For years I have used Facebook messenger and messenger groups to stay in contact with family, and friends. For as shitty as the app can be the best part of it is the bubble feature where when someone messages me the bubble pops up and stays there until I get rid of it/or click it and open the message ,and it does not expire like a push notification. This way I will hardly ever miss a message unlike say discord, it's also great for multitasking because the bubble will open over whatever am I doing without interruption

For example My immediate family has a group chat where we contact each other for food orders and the like

I also have one for political discussion with friends, and friends for vtuber talk of course among others

Other than Facebook messenger the only social media messenger I use is discord and only very rarely because I forget to check it for messages

Well that and teams for work

So the short answer is it's the easiest text app to keep in contact with everyone I want to
>Political discussion


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Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Imagine Nolan has political discussion with you in facebook chat. That gonna be a disasters :smugselen:
It's gonna be like most people discussing politics (Option B) aka "Knows nothing but will argue to the death about subjects he barely understands, understanding of the world is childishly simplistic and hopelessly optimistic". But at least it's not (Option A) "Knows politics but will instantly belittle you unless you're as knowledgeable or on the same side, pompous and passive-aggresive".

I don't get why people like discussing politics online, it's never interesting and you're either screamed at, talked down to, ignored or circlejerking if you agree with someone. I take the same stance as I do with religion: No. Thanks.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
It's gonna be like most people discussing politics (Option B) aka "Knows nothing but will argue to the death about subjects he barely understands, understanding of the world is childishly simplistic and hopelessly optimistic". But at least it's not (Option A) "Knows politics but will instantly belittle you unless you're as knowledgeable or on the same side, pompous and passive-aggresive".

I don't get why people like discussing politics online, it's never interesting and you're either screamed at, talked down to, ignored or circlejerking if you agree with someone. I take the same stance as I do with religion: No. Thanks.
They don't "like it" unless they are extra deluded it's I believe X if you don't also believe X you are the enemy and since you can't kill people over that anymore best just to scream at them till realizing how fruitless that is and declaring yourself the victor having convinced no one who didn't already believe in you.

sane rational debate only exists when two parties agree to keep an open mind welcome to the internet where everyone knows better then you.

TLDR:idiots like screaming at other idiots.


The Pontiff of PonWolf
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Imagine Nolan has political discussion with you in facebook chat. That gonna be a disasters :smugselen:
Nolan is NOT in my political chat I'm not insane


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Wake up babe, new Crush Family domestic situation just dropped.


Where do I begin? My father ranges from horrible to mean, from arrogant to almost narcissistic, he's so horrible that if this $20/hour job doesn't work out I think I'm going to take my older brother's advice and find a
I think I'm going to take my big brother's advice and find a group home, because I can't take it anymore. The work I've been doing this week consists of moving a bucket of wood every day and a few other things. Today I worked for 30 minutes carrying a bucket of firewood, pouring water, and washing dirty dishes. Dad asked
me to follow up on the application, but I didn't do it because I was going to do it on Monday. He took my cell phone and I yelled and tried to get him to listen to me explaining that no, I didn't say I'd do it on Friday, I said I'd do it on Monday. (He thought I said
(He thought I said I was doing it on Friday) He was trying to get the router out, and in an attempt to stop him I grabbed him and apparently accidentally hurt him (I recently apologized for this), and in response he grabbed a metal chair and threatened to hit me and slammed the chair on the floor, and he was trying to get him to listen to me, and no, I didn't say I was doing it on Friday, I said I was doing it on Monday.
In response, he grabbed a metal chair, threatened to hit me, slammed the chair on the floor, and said I had to get out of the way of the router or pack my bags. Finally, I told him I would follow up on the application on Monday, but he said he didn't care and told me to do it today. Because I was yelling at him, he was
He yelled like a madman and threatened to hit me with a chair because they accidentally hurt him, a hypocritical behavior that overwhelmed him. I went to my room and lay on my bed sobbing. (Because of all this, I also missed a music video and a few hours of my life.
(Because of all this, I also missed a music video and a couple of hours of important video streaming that I was watching).
He came into my room and started yelling again, telling me to get up and get dressed and get to work. Said I wasn't doing enough work and that it was costing my brother and I $1000 a month each (that's what we each pay for utilities). He
acted like he wasn't kicking us out, he was totally anti-social and caused his own kids to starve, so he was a great guy. Apparently, he also threw my brother's chair on his bed.
(The chair was brought from where he used to live), which is what my brother said later when we were doing woodworking together. I was very upset, and to make matters worse, I felt completely isolated, with no phone or internet, and my emotional support system was gone.
My emotional support system was gone and I was sobbing because I missed my sister so very, very much. I did some work, ate some food, and tried to call my big brother so I could at least talk to someone, but whatever it was, it was not a good idea.
I tried to call my big brother so that I could at least talk to someone, but for whatever reason the call didn't go through (I called him from the house phone). I was about to make firewood again, but Dad was doing it, and I told him I'd rather shoot myself in the face, than be with him.
than be with him, so she said something, but I don't know what it was, but it was probably something really bad. I took the dog out and helped my brother with the last load, but Dad left to go somewhere, so I waited.
But Dad left to go somewhere, so I waited to do other work.
My mom was drunk and somehow came to the conclusion that because my dad had bottled up his anger for days, what he did made sense. You know, one of the things he did to me was that I didn't follow up on my application as he told me to.
One of the things that made me angry was that I didn't follow through on the application as he told me to, because if Dad wanted to do it, it was a fact of life, and who cares about other people's opinions. When Dad came home, I tried to talk to him about giving me the phone so I could follow up on the application.
He said no, the managers had already left. He started off by saying, with all sincerity, that we wouldn't be allowed to get back on the tech and the network until we had completed all of our outstanding work for the week. You could say that was fucked up, and he even changed his mind.
He even changed his mind. But the one thing he didn't do was apologize, because he's a ruthless monster who does things as if they're justified. His first reaction is to be impulsive, and then no matter how bad he's done, he doubles down on it.
He's going to double down no matter how bad he's done it. A man with no concrete sense of right and wrong, no ability to take responsibility for those he has hurt, no ability to empathize with those who have spoken ill of him, no sense of guilt or shame.
A man with no sense of guilt or shame. After all he's done today, he has the fucking nerve to tell me not to play with my cell phone. This is my father, a serious egomaniac, a horrible hypocrite, and I hate him, and I hate being with him.
I hate him. I hate being with him.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Reinigen edit - original image host shit the bed. Had to rehost and reupload post.
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Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Wake up babe, new Crush Family domestic situation just dropped.
Yeesh, honestly reading about Nolan's home life depresses me. I was never the most fortunate person growing up and I had my issues (like we all do) but at least I always got along well with my parents and I have some innate respect for them even if they aren't the greatest people. My mother in particular would break my face in two if I ever dared to swear at her, she'd have thrown Nolan out of the house already if he were her son, I can't begin to express how much patience his parents have dealing with this shit.

Nolan is so fucking sure he can make it on his own, he's the stereotypical millennial/gen Z fag who can't cope with reality and has mental breakdowns over every petty thing. I bet if he went into a communal home they'd kick him out for being a whiny bitch or a maladjusted weirdo. Motherfucker doesn't realize how much shit his parents have had to go through to raise one troon son, a daugter who killed herself and this violent mongoloid of a fucking autist, I think there's a good reason why his mom drinks.

Idk why these tards are lugging wood around (Do they still use wood stoves/heating in ohio?), but yeah, when someone tells you to do something it usually means do it now. The chair thing is weird because Nolan obviously twists the truth around, but maybe the dad is also kinda schizo idk, this shit IS genetic after all, not that it helps Nolan's case at all.


Nigel Nigerman

Choo Choo Motherfuckers!
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
Wake up babe, new Crush Family domestic situation just dropped.
"Oh woe is me, I'm an autistic fucktard with a victim complex. Everyone's ganging up on me because they are all assholes even though I treat everyone like shit and I don't get the mental help I need."

Fuck Nolan, fuck him and his whole situation. I am absolutely fed up with all his ramblings and shit from his life. Fuck him, I hope he becomes homeless and die in a ditch somewhere holding his merch. His family did all that he could do to help him but nope, he's a fucking lost cause. A rabid dog has a better chance of getting its life together than Nolan. God, what a shithead.
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