"I have moomed hard. I have moomed for many a day..."Nanashi Mumei

The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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View attachment 32490
Good Nolan, good. No one on that server will think you're crazy now for sharing that.
You know what this sounds like?
"There are a lot of dang dirty trolls who constantly come after me and they made that encyclopedia dramatica page to mock my good name!"
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Full story of the sister incident from July 19, 2018.
View attachment 32536
(MALE) Borderline Personality Disorder.
@NolanCrush No? You've been cleared of this by a Doctor? Well that's really good news! I hope you have learned to manage your outbursts. May I ask how long has it been since you hit another person or animal? How long since you harmed yourself? And I'm not trying to bully about this, that's really great if you've improved your situation.
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Compressed jpg

wtf is happening
Joined:  Dec 21, 2022
When are the auditions gonna open for the part of Liquid Nolan?


Shared joy is double joy
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Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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I’m trying to give you guys the benefit of the doubt
What's the worst part about NolanCrush, you may ask? It's not the profound mental retardation. It's not his autistically violent and confrontational personality, leading to him arguing with mods and beating up his own family. It's not the fact that he's a decrepit uohposter and (allegedly) a discord groomer. It's not even the fact that he's, and may Allah forgive me for saying this, a NijiYamanba. To me, it's the gaslighting. The fact that Nolan can so blatantly and boldly behave the way he does, and autistically overshare it with everyone he possibly can, and then try to manipulate you into thinking something entirely different happened.

  • People on the sites I go to shit on me for being an annoying autist who's impossible to ignore? No way, they're just obsessed stalkers, no way I did anything to warrant their ire!
  • I got banned from a discord server for breaking their rules and throwing slurs around? No way, I was just talking about doxes and calling people cunts in a server that expressly forbids talking about doxes and calling people cunts! The mods just had it out for me, and even if I did break some rules, those rules were stupid to begin with and deserved to be broken.
  • You think I'm a gross weirdo for uoh-posting over lolis? Don't you know that this vtuber also likes lolis? If you call me a disgusting lolicon then you're calling them a disgusting lolicon too, 100%. Nevermind the fact that I'm a degenerate coomer that's been thrown out of servers for "sexually harassing members in multiple servers". Or the fact that, unlike a vtuber, I bring no content or value that might otherwise make up for my disgusting habits. I'm just like Pippa, guys!
  • You think it's fucked up I beat the shit out of my own sister? Heh, wow guys. I'm gonna have to give you the benefit of the doubt, because there's no way a sane and rational person would ever hold something like that against me. Just LOL.

To anyone who wants to talk about "saving" or "fixing" Nolan, or believing he can improve himself beyond where he currently is, don't delude yourselves. He's completely convinced himself he's in the right and that his many explanations and hollow apologies can handwave away the actual problems with him. He said he's sorry, so he doesn't have to improve himself beyond that, even when he does the same exact shit he apologized for a couple weeks later! Once he's convinced himself, he will try any act of manipulation to get you to agree too. Do not give this man an inch, lest he take a mile. Just sit back and laugh at his retarded antics until it stops being funny, at which point Proctor-sama will boot his ass into the shadow realm. And for God's sakes, GIVE THIS MAN A THREAD!!! All this Nolan talk serves no purpose but to wash away all my fantastic and amazing posts about vore ASMR vtubers! And don't say it's to deny him the satisfaction, he gets enough fucking attention here to feed his ego as is.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
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What's the worst part about NolanCrush, you may ask? It's not the profound mental retardation. It's not his autistically violent and confrontational personality, leading to him arguing with mods and beating up his own family. It's not the fact that he's a decrepit uohposter and (allegedly) a discord groomer. It's not even the fact that he's, and may Allah forgive me for saying this, a NijiYamanba. To me, it's the gaslighting.

Fucking YTs

I just want to annoy people in peace.
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Full story of the sister incident from July 19, 2018.
View attachment 32536
In the eerie depths of the kitchen, amidst an unsettling ambiance, a tale unfolded. A sinister air loomed over the scene as an individual, consumed by their own malevolence, tormented their unsuspecting sibling. The venomous words uttered by the sibling, "No wonder you have no friends," acted as a catalyst, awakening the dormant darkness within. Strikes rained down upon the defenseless victim, thrice they struck with calculated precision. The first blow jarred their skull, followed by a merciless assault on the vulnerable spine, and a final strike reverberated through the arm.

In the aftermath of this cruel assault, a torrent of emotion flooded the assailant's consciousness. Hastily, they retreated, gathering their belongings from their sibling's room, and sought refuge in their own secluded chamber. The anticipation of the impending confrontation with their father heightened their twisted delight. Their door, seemingly impregnable, was violated by the determined patriarch, who barged in with a mixture of fury and restraint. A meager punishment was doled out, a minor retribution that only served to tantalize the assailant's malevolence.

Surrendering their prized possessions, the assailant relinquished their computer while their coveted Xbox One was cruelly confiscated. A vile ultimatum was delivered by their father, a demand that the assailant's chamber of chaos be cleansed before any restitution would be granted. The looming shadow of deprivation weighed heavy upon their soul.

Thus, consumed by a maleficent fervor, the assailant succumbed to a disturbing self-flagellation. Implements of play transformed into instruments of torment as they relentlessly battered their limbs, fueling their twisted hunger for pain. The agony inflicted, although searing at the time, slowly dulled, granting a macabre satisfaction. A belt-like object became an extension of their dark desires, the back serving as the canvas for their wicked intentions. Unrelenting strikes marked their flesh, further immersing them in the abyss of their own creation.

The relentless assault continued unabated, as the assailant awaited the opportune moment for their sibling to retreat to the sanctity of their own chamber. The passing of time felt like an eternity, as the unsuspecting sibling tended to mundane tasks, walking dogs, and preparing sustenance. Patiently, the assailant bided their time, savoring the impending chaos they would soon unleash upon their captive soul. In a rare moment of clarity amidst the torment, they whispered a chilling sentiment, "The question is not why I am devoid of companionship, but rather why am I burdened with any semblance of camaraderie."

At long last, the sibling retired to their chamber, liberating the assailant to embark on their nefarious plan. Desperate attempts to access the digital realm were thwarted, as every avenue proved futile. The mother's computer lay dormant, the TV's web browser remained lifeless, and even the basement offered no salvation. The father's computer, a realm of forbidden possibilities, was but a mere illusion of secrecy. Frustration mounted, cascading into a tempest of despair, as the assailant stumbled back into their room, wailing in solitude, "I am utterly alone!"

Upon their reluctant return, an enigmatic sight awaited the assailant's haunted gaze. A box of tissues and a journal, bearing the enigmatic markings of their sibling, materialized as if by spectral intervention. Curiosity compelled the assailant to delve into the mysterious writings, a gateway to an understanding yet unknown. An imploring plea for connection pierced the assailant's heart, and an invitation to converse emerged from the shadows.

Seeking solace and redemption, the assailant hesitantly approached their sibling, warily accepting the offered respite. Their sibling, an unexpected source of solace, guided the assailant toward an ephemeral calm. Conversation flowed, and a therapeutic exercise emerged, urging the assailant to recount three positive occurrences within the year gone by. The dog park, the cinematic masterpiece of "Incredibles 2," and the emergence of a fledgling relationship with a mysterious entity named Valen breathed flickers of hope into the assailant's bleak existence.

As the night draped the world in a somber shroud, the discordant echoes of paternal wrath reverberated through the house. Bedtime beckoned, and the assailant complied, preparing for slumber amidst the debris of their disheveled room. Garments, once strewn carelessly, were dutifully gathered, creating an eerie semblance of order. Exhausted and haunted, the assailant succumbed to the oppressive embrace of sleep, their tortured psyche trapped within the labyrinthine corridors of darkness.

Punished Anime Discusser

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La+ de Central Norte

General of the second army commanded by Gozaru
Joined:  Apr 23, 2023
Mister Crush how did you got banned by the Kazama squad ? They are the best HoloX fanbase de Gozaru


Prime Indigenous Pipkin Pippa Appreciator.
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Okay, @Reticule & @thhrang , you tormented souls, come here, read the last few pages and tell us: in your professional opinions, would Nolan be harder to fix than Pippa? I'm asking because @superduper being quite the supportive wife might not be enough after all.
I only fix Pippas, not sure about others, sorry.


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
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Full story of the sister incident from July 19, 2018.
View attachment 32536
Buddy why the fuck are you sharing this with us? Pity points? Like takodashi said. Kill Yourself. Man you're so miserable. I dont know the full story with ur sister and i dont want to know more of it keep this shit for yourself retard. How can you open the internet everyday knowing too many people knows about ur family's private life because of you? You are just a nuisance to society and nothing would be lost if you were to be gone tomorrow.

Im sorry but this retard disgust me no pride no shame no fucking dignity

Henrik Carter

Disco Contagium!
Joined:  Mar 30, 2023
I’m going to be honest. I’m trying to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and assume you don’t agree with Takodachi going after me for the sister thing.
Are you fucking retarded? There is no angle where you're in the right here! You ASSAULTED YOUR SISTER OVER A FUCKING JOKE! The fact that you had the audacity to even attempt to defend yourself instead of owning up to how fucking horrible your actions were is straight-up fucking evil. A decent human being, when faced with the gravity of what they've done, would have the goddamn decency to admit that they were wrong, and did something fucking horrible. But not you. Quite frankly, I know you never will. Why? Because your first thought wasn't about your sister or the pain you caused her. It wasn't about going to her and saying you're sorry and asking for her forgiveness. No, it was about your own narcissistic ass.

Nolan Crush is not some retard who has no social skills to save his own skin, he's a fucking monster.



opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Are you fucking retarded? There is no angle where you're in the right here! You ASSAULTED YOUR SISTER OVER A FUCKING JOKE! The fact that you had the audacity to even attempt to defend yourself instead of owning up to how fucking horrible your actions were is straight-up fucking evil. A decent human being, when faced with the gravity of what they've done, would have the goddamn decency to admit that they were wrong, and did something fucking horrible. But not you. Quite frankly, I know you never will. Why? Because your first thought wasn't about your sister or the pain you caused her. It wasn't about going to her and saying you're sorry and asking for her forgiveness. No, it was about your own narcissistic ass.

Nolan Crush is not some retard who has no social skills to save his own skin, he's a fucking monster.

My sister loved me very much and she would be disgusted at you for bringing up something 5 years ago to attack me. You don't care about my sister.
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Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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Okay, @Reticule & @thhrang , you tormented souls, come here, read the last few pages and tell us: in your professional opinions, would Nolan be harder to fix than Pippa? I'm asking because @superduper being quite the supportive wife might not be enough after all.


Nevermind, I've already got my answer.
Pippa is about a 7 or 8 out of 10 on the insane autism scale, and Nolan is about 200.

Henrik Carter

Disco Contagium!
Joined:  Mar 30, 2023
Lexi, is that you?
I know that it's a wild concept to your rotting brain, you godforsaken Yamanba. But new people can find out and realize just how fucking horrible of a human being you are.

100% not Hakka

Don't tell Yagoo
Joined:  Mar 1, 2023
Nolan, I beg you, become a vtuber. When twitter and faggit get even the faintest whiff of your shit, the ensuing meltdown would be the stuff of legends.
You could even become the unofficial forum mascot, finally getting you that attention you so desperately crave.

Don't forget to graduate from life once twitter is done with you; end your career with a BANG :smugrys:


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
I know that it's a wild concept to your rotting brain, you godforsaken Yamanba. But new people can find out and realize just how fucking horrible of a human being you are.
Yeah, tbh if you were Lexi you would've called me a psychopath.

Aquatic Novellite

Freshwater Shiorin
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Been dumpster diving after Nolan's little outburst the other day. Finding some fun stuff, but I thought this was especially funny. Found on the Mika Melatika fan server.View attachment 32144
I do wonder if Nolan would have more success if he played the "I have autism" card, or if it'd just lead to the moderators opting to make autism a bannable offence.

Superduper Samurai

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