Disclaimer: Some of my links lead to posts on this forum recapping streams or other content, rather than archives of primary sources. If you have primary sources and timestamps for anything I've sourced in this manner, feel free. Recaps are still incredibly helpful and I thank everyone who did one. Tweet archives were vital, as we can see from the deleted tweets under some bullet points.
9 February 2023:
In this members stream Riifu said that she was not previously a Vtuber, she did not think EIEN would give her the spot, and that EIEN had given her permission to "express herself" as long as she did not break TOS.
Her memberships were tiered such that gifted memberships would not give access to this content.
Riifu was also a workaholic, streaming daily, 2-3 times a day, with 7-8 hour streams included.
15 April 2023:
17 April 2023:

3 May 2023:
5 June 2023:
Let me know if I missed anything. I will edit in screenshots and summaries of the more recent statements when I have time.
9 February 2023:
- EIEN Project's CEO, MOERI (eri), announces a hiatus of her Vtubing activities which started in 2020, explicitly citing her EIEN Project activities. (Archive)
- Her last stream is on 24 February 2023.
- Riifu Evergreen debuts alongside Kiki Lockheart, Kilia Kurayami, and Skye Shinryu as EIEN Project's first gen, Museia.
- Riifu's PLs, SoeASMR (exoeLUL) and Dude That's Wholesome/Lewd (depending on display name settings), are quickly identified; Scottish ASMRtists who sound like her are not common. Dude That's Lewd had 180k subs at the time. Another alias, Pwupster, was identified later.
- Dude That's Lewd had a channel intended for Vtubing, Dude's Crusade. The channel was created in 2016, suggesting that the channel previously had another focus. In 2021 she was in an ARMA3 collab with Rimmy Downunder, also featuring Rye Project (Yuko Yurei's PL), Whiskey, and many others. Dude's Crusade has a highlight reel of the collab. In a community post around October 2022 she talks about having abandoned the channel some time prior, citing voice strain, and rebranding to a meme/manga reading channel (archive of community post). The most recent public video is from November 2022 (archive of date stamp, not the video itself).
- I have no evidence any of these PLs announced a hiatus prior to Riifu's debut. In fact, the channels were updated while she was active as Riifu.
- Trivia: Dude That's Lewd has collabed with Lemonleaf (Ceres Fauna's PL) and FallenShadow and was very open to collabs.
- In a monetisation celebration stream on 4 March, Kilia claims that the gen was active for 3 months pre-debut, and that EIEN paid for the debut covers and assets as well as the models and rigging.

File on MEGA
Her memberships were tiered such that gifted memberships would not give access to this content.
Riifu was also a workaholic, streaming daily, 2-3 times a day, with 7-8 hour streams included.
15 April 2023:
- EIEN Project issues a "Notice of Changes to Talent Riifu Evergreen's Scheduled Streams". (Archive)
- The notice states:
- This is not a health issue or recent family issue
- "Management has decided that it is best for the Talent to take some time off after a rigorous schedule since the Talent's debut."
- Activity is to resume on 17 April.
17 April 2023:
- Riifu has her comeback stream. She cries at the start, wonders if she can read her Maros (which are generally incredibly degenerate) and decides not to, and tries to brush off questions about her schedule or concern about her well-being.
- Of note, she hits all of the "bullet points to say during my comeback stream" in the Discord screenshots.
- Per /vt/, Riifu is only allowed to stream three times a week and speculation in the EIEN Discord is not allowed.
- Riifu/Exoe seethes on Twitter:
- 05:44 UTC - "Life advice: Don't sign contracts. Don't sign NDAs. Only work for yourself if you can and for god sake get a lawyer involved the moment something seems off instead of holding on for so long because you think it will get better. It won't. Step fucking 8." (Archive)
- 05:45 UTC - "I am SO DAMN happy to annouce that we are watching LOTR trilogy tomorrow at 7am AEST ~ 10PM GMT ~ 2PM PDT. I am ecstatic to be back and I can only apologise for even leaving in the first place. Never again. Saruman's reign on my Shire is over." (Archive)
- 08:22 UTC - "Obviously I can't legally say anything so if you are seeking answers, I cannot give you any for my safety. I am under NDA. I had such high hopes and amazing plans to execute. It's unlikely I will return to fulltime streaming or consistent at all. The situation has shaken me up." (Archive)
- 16:00 UTC - EIEN Project issues a Notice of Talent Riifu Evergreen's Termination. (Archive) Points of note:
- "We regret to announce that Riifu Evergreen has submitted her terminal leave this morning. This was not expected, and we deeply apologize to all her supporters."
- "Riifu had been struggling to abide by EIEN Project's Talent Contract for some time. We ask that you give us time before we share additional details."
- 20:11 UTC - Exoe tweets again: "Due to legal implications I cannot stream. My apologises." (Archive)

3 May 2023:
- Exoe aims to upload a video a day "next year" and plans to open a Discord server.
- "I plan on opening a discord server in the mean time which I'm very excited about but it's going to be very 1984
ETA on Discord drop is 1 month (?) Depending if anything else happens but I think (and pray to Talos) it's over
" (Archive)
- "I plan on opening a discord server in the mean time which I'm very excited about but it's going to be very 1984
- Exoe says she will set up a Discord in the next week. The tweet has been deleted. (Archive)
- Exoe opens her Discord. This link is to a forum post; the tweet has been deleted. (Archive)
- In Discord chats Exoe claims to have a lawyer.
- "Lawyer said not to push it and leave it alone for 10 months so I guess we are restricted to VC and kareoke [sic] and like screenshots of the fucking codes in the lobbies to get in"
- "Nah my lawyer is legit, well looks like we're just stuck to VC"
- "So I guess sometime next week lotr someone gotta stream it and I can only VC that bad boy."
- Exoe holds the previously-planned LOTR watchalong and deletes the Discord afterwards. (I remember seeing that she had announced her plan to delete the Discord beforehand, but I can't find a source.)
- Rentry links to audio archives for the watchalong
- Catbox links in the Rentry are not working as of 9 June 2023. Wayback Machine links added in this thread.
- Recap of the watchalong by @Azehara
- Started reading /vt/ and too much stupid shitty rrats which made her seethe. Stopped because she couldn’t take it.
- Hates that she is autistic and ADHD as fuck so she says things before she speaks and she basically got a hit with a NDA that makes this a problem.
- 10-month streaming ban (non-compete)
- Thought up a concept of a Vtuber that would stream for 1 year and then get graduated.
- Communication went to shit to the point of it’s just their lawyers only talking to each other
- Doesn’t want the ship to sink.
- Says that she is amazed at Vtubers that play a character. She was just being herself
- Seems there are some people in that Discord server that didnt know what she was doing these last 4 months.
- Apparently bunch of people sent her videos and photos of tributes. Started doing cock rating but management told her to stop it.
- Talks about post nut clarity and that most of the degen shit she does is because shes just horny. Gets instantly turned off when she gets off.
- She was going to suggest chastity cage thing as merch, says she got a bit too much into it.
- She is extremely happy at how the fans had her back and all of the love she has gotten from people.
- They (EIEN) didn’t think she would go to a lawyer to fight shit back
- She will probably be moving and changing her name. Says that giving her personal information is a double edge sword and she doesn’t trust them with her personal information. If she randomly gets doxxed she knows that its probably because of this since she has never given out her personal information to anyone else.
- Talked again about how much she loves the other girls. Said she had written out a Christmas list to give the girls 2 presents each. Wants the fans to support the 3 girls.
- Hopes they didn’t feed the other girls lies. She is really sad that she probably won’t get to ever speak to them again.
- Really wants the girls to succeed and even considered opening a TikTok account to promote them. Says it hurts to look at them from the sidelines and looking at their models.
- She loves Hatsune Miku.
- She is happy with her community and it hurt her not being able to reply because at some point the fans were blaming themselves.
- Glad she could offer something different even if it didn’t last long. She did have a great time.
- Someone was asking for the Mori horse cock sucking video. She found horse porn on Youtube.
- Spent the last 20 minutes or so crying
5 June 2023:
- EIEN Project issues a "Statement Regarding Riifu Evergreen", written in first person singular and signed by MOERI. (Archive)
- Exoe soft-counters with a Twitter thread. (Archive)
- Skye Shinryu streams "【 ZATSUDAN || supposed to be MONSTER RANCHER 】I talk about more serious topics here !" and addresses her thoughts on Riifu starting from 49:04. The VOD was initially privated for undisclosed reasons but is currently available.
- Recap by @Lurker Throwaway in this thread
- The EIEN Manager account appeared in chat once, when Skye expressed the opinion that as a talent in a small company, Riifu could have negotiated for a contract revision. "She never asked for a revision unfortunately"
Let me know if I missed anything. I will edit in screenshots and summaries of the more recent statements when I have time.
Edit 7 June 2023:
- Added info about Riifu's 2021 foray into Vtubing as Dude's Crusade
- Added Exoe tweets from 3 May 2023 about her Discord server
- Added info about MOERI's hiatus from Vtubing to focus on EIEN Project
- Added Skye Shinryu's statement
- Added timestamps and rearranged the events of 28 April 2023, the day the termination notice was issued - one of Exoe's tweets was made after the termination notice, not before as previously implied
- Added Wayback Machine links for the audio of Exoe's Discord watchalong on 28 May 2023
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