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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
Oh brother...I found some drama with kyoresu dating back to 2015. Guys if you want some dirty laundry you better register on VK.
I was going through old stuff kyo has posted before and found a wiki page ( of her utau (it’s like vocaloid google it) and saw something interesting.
First thing is that kyoresu is speaks perfect russian idk why she tries to hide it. She made a 100 covers in russian under the name kysdzsts. There are so many messages and comments I had to go through you have to speak russian to understand everything. Most of this comes from russian utau fans. Some of it comes from group chats but some stuff is still up on public pages. Seems like she used to be really close friends (maybe date, coz that’s what their Wikipedia says) with girl A. They did a lot of stuff (like admin the same page together and I even found a cover they’re singing together tho I’m not sure who is who ( I’m really tempted to contact her as it seems she must have some pics and videos of irl kyo back from the days.
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Maybe ask around discord if anybody already did? Girl A got dragged for talking behind the back of other people and exposing kyo for catfishing. I’m to lazy to translate everything but here’s one screenshot. View attachment 68669 View attachment 68671
Didn’t find more about this except a ton of pictures and weird drawings of girl A. After the Riro ron scandal kyoresu might also be bully or victim? wtffff There are so many people involved it’s carzy I lost a day of my life to this. I can’t find much proof and it’s really confusing but the search was fun I found some pictures of kyoresu without photoshop. Help me find more stuff!!
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kyoresu old nicknames : kysdzsts, alice kyoko, aliaceli and her name is Lisa apparently. The other girls socials are akaneko, akane008. I found her vk and insta but she seems to have deleted pictures with kyoresu. I'm going crazy with vtubers fuck