Subscribers only mode
Right now, you only need to have subbed for five minutes, so not a huge deal at the moment.
Subscribers only mode
Was it on subs only during the collab earlier?Right now, you only need to have subbed for five minutes, so not a huge deal at the moment.
If memory serves me right, the dono that set off her called her mod(s?) a groomer. So if that guy is still around in her mod team, that is pretty concerning regarding the secondhand info regarding the situation.Which would explain that one meltdown she had during her outfit reveal stream when someone brought up her mods.
AhemThankfully the soyfags and sektur people are focusing on kiki and not Mori.
YeahIf memory serves me right, the dono that set off her called her mod(s?) a groomer. So if that guy is still around in her mod team, that is pretty concerning regarding the secondhand info regarding the situation.
I feel like Kiki's parents needed to do a lot more than just monitoring her online activity.The real takeaway from all this is that parents need to monitor their children's online activity, and not let them on 4chan.
I feel like Kiki's parents needed to do a lot more than just monitoring her online activity.
Honestly, I'm kind of on the side of "Let kids explore." I fondly remember circumventing my parents' rules on what was acceptable content on TV, back before parental controls came built in (fuck that shit, btw).
But this kind of presupposes parents paying close enough attention to their kid so it doesn't start doing meth and fucking random strangers for drugs at fourteen.
That's a little bit more concerning than kids feeling super edgy and adult for browsing 4chan.
Though I am admittedly talking from a pre internet point of view. I'm not sure how I'd have turned out if my socially isolated tween & teen self had had access to the internet and been fed desperately craved social interactions.
Parasi is CUTE. I'm talking about Kiki. I like menheras, not sociopaths.
E: Maybe some people aren't aware but she is basically a chan-tuber, the tl;dr is that she was a robot, used to post a lot of nudes, baited a dude into a relationship when she was between 14 and 15 years old, pledged she was sexually abused, dude is serving 10 years now, and this was back in 2020.
I don't know if the archives still got all her information, some haters still tell the short version of the story from time to time. I get why she would be that broken with a whore of a mother but she was narcisism incarnated, she was on a big wave upwards until she was doxxed and the relationship with another robot was disclosed.
I double down on the point Proctor makes here. We probably don't share the same circles, and every vtuber that I know who didn't grew as a millenial is extremely naïve and get their rug pulled on the regular, and not in a dorkly, cutesy way, I'm talking about women who get hundreds of dollars scammed out of them because they can't look at things from an outsider perspective.This is the only part of your post I strongly and passionately disagree with. Most vtubers are clueless of anything but their immediate surroundings and never investigate anyone they interact with beyond the surface level. They are not men, and they are especially not demented autistic men like us who obsessively dig into the pasts of everyone we take interest in with pseudo-voyeuristic glee. There are some who do, but they do it because they've been brutally mistreated and prosecuted so many times they've developed that skill as a defence mechanism.
Beyond that, these are zoomers; late teenagers to early 20-somethings, with Hexa being by far the oldest in the group, and I don't need to think I need comment on her judge of character. You are ascribing a level of world-weary suspicion and calculating analysis to people who simply don't possess it.
I don't believe she is to blame for this incident, really hard to link it to her.was kiki the one that posted cp of someone else in VT once? or was that someone else?
Indie vtubing in the west have the same 1,000 people skinwalking models left and right until they make it.Just how incestuous is the god damn vtubing scene?
Just how incestuous is the god damn vtubing scene?
Which to me if true recontexualizes the fall of Cyberlive and the whole Lumi/Mean Girls scandal.
All I can say is that in all the time since Cyberline collapsed, I've only heard good things about one ex-talent, and only bad things about the others (or nothing whatsoever, in the case of Menace, who I should note seems to have glued herself to V-Dere's wagon, another group I never hear anything about).
Lumi's mods are not good people (lumi herself isn't a good person but I can't get into that) the only thing I can say is her headmod xalamon is a doxerBecause if true then one of the groomers who was going after Kiki may still very well be involved with Lumi in her career at Phase. Which would explain that one meltdown she had during her outfit reveal stream when someone brought up her mods.
Honestly my opinion on menace is only getting betterAll I can say is that in all the time since Cyberline collapsed, I've only heard good things about one ex-talent, and only bad things about the others (or nothing whatsoever, in the case of Menace, who I should note seems to have glued herself to V-Dere's wagon, another group I never hear anything about).