Well, all of his examples seem easily verifiable, especially the one that happened during her anniversary stream. Hopefully some saplings here can help with that.
Only got through a couple vods because my internet started acting up, but she mentions future stuff a few times and to me doesn't sound like she knows shes quitting or thinking about quitting. But probably cope.
34:41 responding to a comment about chat feeling bad for 5.0 fauna b/c of all the voices-sounds amused, not like she's contemplating graduation or anything. Cope.
I Forgot how funny Fauna roasting herself on multiple levels is.
45:55 "5.0 fauna's gonna cook me for this? You better not. *points at screen* YOU better not." -context is 4.0 fauna was just roasting 3.0 fauna for merch ad for stuff no longer for sale.
1:35:30 -**can't actually tell which Fauna is talking about next year. Think it might've been 3.0, but not sure.
not much, may have missed some mentions. The Fauna reactception i pretty chaotic. And no idea if anything was said during unarchived kareoke
fauna (✿◕‿◕)
2:15:39 -talking about future concert venues and having EN concerts and projects outside the US
2:45:47 -"I'm also excited for what the future holds"
2:58:48 - "thank you for supporting the concert, I was happy to be a part of it. I'm happy it could happen, and I hope for more in holoen's future"
could just be cope. Idk, I am curious about this now myself so I'll likely keep 2xspeeding vods of the last 6 months or so and update this post with anything of her talking about the future.