"When I think about talking, my mouth just opens"Hayama Marin

Nijisanji L Collection


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Makes sense for him to reiterate this now to manage expectations. The way it's worded he doesn't really confirm or deny that Noctyx 3D is still planned, just that conversations happened and that if it happens, his won't.

If I remember irl Fulgur is quite fat, like 300+lbs fat. One of the rrats for why he withdrew from AR live was he couldn't be properly tracked cause of his weight. Unless he gets something drastic done we might never see a 3d from him.
Fulgur is known to have back problems, stemming from an accident (heard it's vehicular, I just assume he's just FAT)
The question is which came first accident or fat.

Nigel Nigerman

Choo Choo Motherfuckers!
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022
If I remember irl Fulgur is quite fat, like 300+lbs fat. One of the rrats for why he withdrew from AR live was he couldn't be properly tracked cause of his weight. Unless he gets something drastic done we might never see a 3d from him.

The question is which came first accident or fat.


Joined:  Oct 21, 2023
Out of curiosity, does anyone know when might this be happened based on Mika's timeline activities? She must been to the Japan at some point, and talk about it in her previous stream. So we might have some ideas that when was it happened, and check what kind of shit Kurosanji events happened around that period
The Japan trip was between post-graduation Mika but pre-debut Michi. During that time she appeared under the name Kami (short for her alt Twitter name Kamiigoo which is now privated) in a stream playing Lethal Company with Tenjin and other ID VTubers in Jan 2024 and one month later she popped up in an Onigiri stream together with Matara in Japan. Based on what we know of the contract it stipulates that equipment paid by Niji has to be returned once the liver no longer works under the company. Pomu did the same as well when she said she no longer has a streaming PC during that time.


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The amount of Ls AnyColor takes is so bad that you don't look at this thread for a weekend and you're 12+ pages out of date, and it isn't just spam posts. It's sad how bad this is.

Referencing the meme obviously. I didn't expect Michi to add more context which makes the situation regarding the Play Buttons even more retarded. Imagine threatening your own Livers over asking to pose with their Play Buttons. How do they keep getting scummier and scummier.

We have enough information about AnyColor to pretty clearly just assume that rather than a generic Japanese Black Company, their leadership culture is a bunch of possessive morons that happened to luck into a profitable business. It wasn't skill; it was dumb luck, right place and no sense of risk calculation. It was FTX but for Vtubers. They really don't know what they're doing and anyone assuming they do is clearly wrong.

I wonder if total branch collapse is the only thing holding back the motherload of vtubing exposés at this point

Maybe, though I honestly feel it's more just rampant and severe incompetence. It isn't really that juicy when it comes to drama. No one has a clue what they're actually doing and it's one extremely visible example of the Peter Principle.

Sorry for the double post but the second clip here has so much context and so much information that deserves to be written down.
She talks in kayfabe about that she's not from the same place as everyone else as she's from Indonesia (NijiID for those who don't get the context) and talks about grinding there, like doing her job and having moderate success but not being a huge star and believing that once she gets to 100k she would get some merch or something... only for that to never happen, so she tried for 150k and the again until she just gave up. Says that she had her first sponsor and merch with Vshojo, which honestly fits the image of NijiID being left to the side/not paid as much attention as the JP/EN branch. She doesn't mind growing that fast. Talks about people saying Michi doesn't care about ID and her friends only numbers and admits they were right because that's what she was doing but not that she wanted to do it.
Talks about a meeting a long time ago, where she was grinding for a long time and doing the best, 6 days a week, scheduling collabs videos etc. and the other day work offline. Admits neglecting EVERYTHING in order to make things work. Had conversation with people in her old work where she left her feelings out, things could have been worse but things are not as bad. In her head she thought that if she slowed down it was going to affect everyone, didn't want the situation to get worse. SHE DOUBLED HER WORK so that things don't get worse for everyone, and then things got worse. Never got the chance to participate in a lot of events with her friends. Says that in all groups there's going to be clashes, totally understands where they are coming from. She was M.I.A a lot and that she couldn't join stuff and people made assumptions that she was up her ass in the "I'm a big streamer and you are small, fuck you". But that was because at that point she didn't have the energy to clear her name and earn enough so people could see them as valuable.
Michi found out some people didn't like her and felt sad because this group of people was the reason she wanted to join in the first place, she couldn't even complain about it because she felt it was the consequence of her actions. And in the present she feels like a distant parent, wants to apologise but she has been ignoring that feeling, to the point she would play the villain than to change the people's mind. She couldn't show her coworkers proof because of NDA. Like literally couldn't apologise to her friend at one point because of NDA.
When echai/ichel reached her for a charity event (WHO????) hearing their voices again felt nice. Wanted to apologise at first but it was a nice situation, hearing them laugh and making cringe jokes. Admits some fault nonetheless because she was a very "intense" person. No one forces her to work hard but if a lot of things depend on her doing well then she has to do things perfectly. Seems like she was working super hard so there was less "pressure" on the people around her.
Talks about a metaphor: Landlord calls and says that if apartment doesn't get cleaned every single day the apartment will get demolished, there's a chance that if things are not "clean" someone in power will look at it and take it down. That was the kind of situation she was in, never said it like that, but if she didn't do well things could have gone worse(???) Says bayme she misunderstood but that was the place where her mind was "I need to keep this place afloat". At the same time the people around her didn't put pressure on her eveyone was nice, she was very paranoid "we still exist ding ding ding". The charity was nice because it was everyone being themselves. She was so focused on numbers she forgot being a good friend and missed all that. Says that her manager was very nice AND THEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED, and the fire nation managers "are a different topic for a different day". Says she's not here to judge to say "this good this bad". Then it segues into the original part of the stream or another one, not sure

TLDR: This paints such a grim picture of what it must have been like working in NijiID post merger, according to Michi and translating from kayfabe it seems like she grinded HARD within her time in Niji, to the point of working 6 days a week, not because she wanted to grow her brand or channel but because there apparently was "pressure" that if things did not do excellent then there was the chance the branch would be axed, says she grinded so hard she left her friendships and family apart, to the point some of her coworkers had the idea she was a stuck up asshole in the "I'm a big channel and you aren't, fuck off" kind of way, when she was trying to work hard to mantain her working place afloat. She even says her managers were nice but then "the fire nation attacked" and the fire nation managers are "a topic for a different day". Seems like she had the chance to reconnect with some of her old co-workers at a charity event from echai/ichel/ichol??? and that it felt nice to just hang out with people, an experience that she sadly missed a lot of times in her stay in Niji

AnyColor leaves a Sword of Damocles over everyone while playing favorites. This isn't too surprising and it causes conflict among the group. The Kurosanji Management Approach clearly operates on a Zero Sum assumption.

They really went out of their way to block every single opportunity headed her way and she was still the biggest female talent in NijiEN and was still gaining recognition in the EN scene. It's fucking wild and I bet they were seething that she kept growing out of control while they kept trying to hamstring her.

I expect we'll be seeing a lot of "my story" posts pop up when that branch gets folded like a katana. That whole branch is a black mark in the EN scene after all the shit they've done and I expect people that escape are going to release some dirt to make themselves look pretty, regardless of whether the info is true or not.

I don't think we're going to get too much that's actually spicy. Just very, very petty.

It might be a nothingburger but Hana was absent from Mika’s graduation stream. It doesn’t look like they’ve interacted much apart from a few collabs when NijiID was starting out in the early days. Consider this as my rrat but I get the feeling that Hana tried hard to conform within the expectations of her ID colleagues but despite blowing up in numbers she can’t lead the branch as a non-native because the rest of branch would not allow it even if she wanted to. Now anecdotes are not facts but I do know someone that has a similar parentage as Hana and they get fucked over frequently whenever they try to get a formal leadership role in ID.

Given the nature of social hierarchies that form, that's entirely possible that internal politics was just as important as anything else and spoiled the situation. I'm reminded of the issues that Twitter had that suddenly went away when they fired most of their regional staffs.

This is in line with other ID talents, is it not? ID liked its own branch management, but the issue was and has always been the JP side's fucked up attitude towards any non-JP members. Which is why the most interesting thing from the Raziel doc to me was always Luca's bizarre dinner meeting with JP upper management, who seem to be entirely separate from most of the rest of the company. Whoever he met in Japan was very likely the people who have been purposefully making so many people's lives hellish.

After looking through the clips and some of the vod myself, I'm actually kind of willing to believe that Elira is in the same boat that Michi was in. Some of Michi's description of her situation seems very... in line with the discrepancies that have consistently bothered me about this whole situation. Michi's description of how management alluded to things without outright saying them is 100 percent a bullshit management tactic straight from the playbook, for one. Michi wrote it off as her being paranoid and possibly misreading things and doing too much, but THAT is how black company lizard-men get good people to overwork themselves to death or do illegal things while keeping their hands clean. I've personally seen it maybe a half-dozen times, and I'm sure Japanese companies are even worse about it.

Anyways: when Michi was talking about how she felt somewhat responsible for keeping the branch afloat for other members stood out to me as well. Elira has some of her oldest friends in that company. The first ones who joined did so without telling her first. So you're pushing to keep your friends in management's good graces, because Millie is dumb and keeps pissing off management so you have to work really hard. You didn't even really want them here in the first place, but now contracts are signed and you're stuck for a while. And now certain purple BPD dragons keep pushing the envelope and you wish they wouldn't. And suddenly you hate each other in the same way that people apparently hated Michi. And then things get worse from there....

I'm not defending actions taken by NijiEN members before and after the SELEN INCIDENT(tm). But something has always stunk about this situation to me, it has seemed particularly out of character for some of the people involved (not all of them, but most). Now we have a bit more insight into why these decisions may have been made.


Part of the reason for a lack of complete collapse for NijiSanji is that most of the livers actually need their IP. That initial funding start can be very hard to get around, but now the streamers are stuck within a management structure that destroys that potential. It causes a whole lot of weird decisions to happen. Especially if to survive making a career like this Elira ended up becoming the de facto management. It takes a lot of time to learn how to manager leadership positions when you get rewarded for them yourself and there's always (ALWAYS) going to be friction because humans will human. That said, I doubt anyone in AnyColor came in with those skill sets and there's no way they've learned them well. Once you add in Zero Sum Logic, things get bad.

its still a rrat, but for some the Hanamori people being some of the ones batting somewhat harder for Niji and also people like Elira being at the forefront of some merch is somewhat suspect, although that can be reasonably made to assume that its because its first gen, but Pomu being snuffed for some mysterious collabs also made some people think
Theres just alot of mysterious circumstances and its a fairly simple assumption to make, not to mention, somewhat juicy, i dont think we'll get a true answer unless someone snitches

A bigger rrat that on paper, seems somewhat plausible to me is that someone with bigger earning clout like the boys could be someone who indirectly calls the shots, we do have smug sorta confirmation from Vox that he has done some shit that he got away with. Luca was more or less revealed to be the source of a slack leak and had his own personal menhera woman as a corpo slave

Japanese Male Hierarchy systems tends to work out you're either trash or you're at the top and can do no wrong. That this overtakes itself into a business culture is probably to be expected since AnyColor doesn't do anything to shield itself from Japanese Cultural Impulses that may be bad for business. That AnyColor brass would take a pure Oligarchy view of things should probably be expected. The guy at the top can do whatever he wants, as long as he's up there.


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I'm fairly certain a competent leadership could double the revenue that AnyColor brings in within 2 years and make their Livers a lot happier, which would bring you in even more money. But, at this point, we're just watching the ship burn.


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I'm fairly certain a competent leadership could double the revenue that AnyColor brings in within 2 years and make their Livers a lot happier, which would bring you in even more money. But, at this point, we're just watching the ship burn.
Competent managers and cutting the current amount of manager of managers in half would get them a lot of money, but that takes common sense to think of that.


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Competent managers and cutting the current amount of manager of managers in half would get them a lot of money, but that takes common sense to think of that.
They definitely seem bottlenecked at the top while they've also cheaped out on their Talent Interfacing management. Even for as lean as Vtuber operations can run, for the scale that AnyColor is at, they probably need a 1 Stream to 2 Support Staff ratio. That costs money, but they're completely unwilling to spend the money where it's needed.

I've been critical of Cover for not capitalizing on more sponsorship opportunities in the Western Market, but AnyColor takes that all to the nth degree. You can see how many & how quick Doki has lined up when she freed herself. Vtuber audience has money to burn and there's a lot of good opportunities there for a lot of them.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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I don't think we're going to get too much that's actually spicy. Just very, very petty.
Well that's what I mean. We might see some true info that's petty or mean, not exactly spicy. But their "my story" bullshit to get sympathy might pepper those truths with some claims of fake info that's spicy in nature. A lot of the people in NijiEN are twittertards and this is how they act.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
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What's the nijisister reaction about this tho surprisingly I haven't seen anything yet

Clown Penis

Dizzy "Elf Pride Worldwide" Dokuro
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What's the nijisister reaction about this tho surprisingly I haven't seen anything yet
The same as it always has been.

Gayops and falseflagging.


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What's the nijisister reaction about this tho surprisingly I haven't seen anything yet
Need to quote @Clown Penis post from Nolan thread:


For the sake of ease of understanding, his signature type of vapid, stream of conciousness live-reactslop should be referred to as Nolanposting. A post so shitty that it is distinguished from the other shitty posts by how rank and worthless it is.

So yeah, The Nijisisters should be Nolanposting :dokiSmug:


Asylum's lurker
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When echai/ichel reached her for a charity event (WHO????) hearing their voices again felt nice.
The charity event mentioned should be this one, since a lot of niji IDs/ex participated in it as well

Alin/Etna Crimson (the only IDs who haven't graduated yet who joined the event)

Purin (ex. Zea Cornelia)

Walherich (ex. Taka Radjiman)

Chia (ex. Nara Haramaung)

Detri (ex. Xia Ekavira)

Shannon (ex. Siska Leontyne)

Chrononeko (ex. Reza Avanluna, also should be the one that Michi is referring to)

Spooked But Lobotomized

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oh yeah, fulgur got mentioned and reminded me to post this.

Clipped at 5:45:27. He talks about all the niji en introductory lines and when he gets to selen he begins to fondly reminisce about working with her. Very openly and happily. His chat is also kind.

CalliopeMori BiggerestFan

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oh yeah, fulgur got mentioned and reminded me to post this.

Clipped at 5:45:27. He talks about all the niji en introductory lines and when he gets to selen he begins to fondly reminisce about working with her. Very openly and happily. His chat is also kind.

Fulgur was the one Niji homo I actually followed and enjoyed. He had the same wit and humor as Vox but vastly less faggy and more tolerable. I really enjoyed his NijiCanceled collabs with Selen. They had good chemistry.

He honestly seems legitimately grateful for the opportunity to be in Niji, but I guess that makes sense since he can't really hold a normal job in his condition. He's one of the ones that I hope finds himself in a good situation as an indie if/when Niji EN crumbles.


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What's the nijisister reaction about this tho surprisingly I haven't seen anything yet
The big ones are not saying shit; they know there's no defense to this but they also wouldn't support an INdog who ran off with Mysta in the first place

Faceless Waifu

prompt: sister cleaire, event horizon, no eyes
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Fulgur was the one Niji homo I actually followed and enjoyed. He had the same wit and humor as Vox but vastly less faggy and more tolerable. I really enjoyed his NijiCanceled collabs with Selen. They had good chemistry.

He honestly seems legitimately grateful for the opportunity to be in Niji, but I guess that makes sense since he can't really hold a normal job in his condition. He's one of the ones that I hope finds himself in a good situation as an indie if/when Niji EN crumbles.
He's one of them good ones in Noctyx alongside Alban Knox (who is still on his 'language learning' hiatus), since they more or less just doing what they do and doesn't really have crazy fanbase or behave like idiots. While Sonny is more or less okay, the shadow of his 'fake death' stuff back when he's Sketchek still haunts him, and we all know Uki's a fag whose entire personality is just being a bitchy gay man.

The big ones are not saying shit; they know there's no defense to this but they also wouldn't support an INdog who ran off with Mysta in the first place
Mysta went for the indog pussy, not the other way around. If you want to shit on some SEAfag bitch, at least get it right.


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Mysta went for the indog pussy, not the other way around. If you want to shit on some SEAfag bitch, at least get it right.
Kek, I'm not shitting on Mysta or Mika, I'm saying it in the vein of how a sister would react.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Wasn't Fulgur himself the one chat friend who came up with the "Hololive in shambles" phrase for the ages.


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Wasn't Fulgur himself the one chat friend who came up with the "Hololive in shambles" phrase for the ages.
It was him and Shu that were the main ones in the discord leaks shitting on holo.


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