The Uki memes have been a lot of fun lately. I got a little curious and checked on his Wiki page on the vtuber Wiki, and was greeted with this:
It was deleted after I took the screenshot and refreshed the page. So, I went to check the history, and it seems like there's been plenty of back-and-forth on his page the last few days. As was said here already, there have been quite a few edits on his page, calling him racist and heterophobic among other things. At one point, a few banger quotes of his were added too with reference links:
Older Revision Link
Someone finally got sick of people being mean to the poor fag in the most recent edit (the first picture posted) and left a nice little message to the haters editing his page:
Revision Link with message at top
Something funny to note, from what it looks like, she initially deleted the added dislikes, but four minutes later, it looks like she reverts her initial change to add them back. Then, four minutes later, deleting them again while adding her little message. I assume the only reason for this was so she could add her message to the deletion.
Changes page
If you click on LizaRocket2's name, it eventually has a link to her Twitter. Nothing fun there. Just retweets, but she is definitely a Uki fan based on her Twitter.
Will definitely be keeping an eye on the history page from time-to-time. This whole Uki arc has been hilarious.