Ew, this thread turned gay faster than a pre-teen using tumblr.
I'm going to reiterate what @Stunned But Dumb pointed out and remind everyone that Nijifes is a thing. The Nijiworld concert was announced along with a bunch of other Nijifes info today:
Here's a Reddit post compiling the various infographics and key visuals that were released today.
There are several other ENs who are participating in Nijifes without being part of that particular concert. JP adjacent members are there, sure: but even Klara, of all people, is included on one of the stages. Tell me you know who Klara from NijiEN is: go on, I'll wait for you to finish your google search. Maria potentially having a 3D is mildly interesting, but after the Selenification lit a fire under Anycolor's ass it's not particularly surprising. They've certainly had enough time for it and Maria has always been incredibly enthusiastic about the idol thing.
Can we get another consistent title, similar to the Early Adopter title, that is branded upon confirmed poo-touchers? Proctor not having one would be a slight issue (pls give him one it'd be funny) but it'd actually be a pretty valuable tool for newfags and lurkers to understand acceptable behavior and individual poster credibility.
give Proctor a special one.
call it "Professional V Tweeter" so it hurts a little more then the rest.