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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
IIRC it was in his TVA plans stream, he mentioned that TVA was biased towards particular fanbases (which is obviously the case, TBH) and that while we had kept things civil so far it was a potential problem for the forum in the future if it got worse. I'm looking for the exact moment but it's a two hour stream with no timestamps so it'll be a minute.
EDIT: oh no his laugh on 2x speed is terrifying it sounds like someone dying from asthma
The tangent on Niji specifically goes for 5~6 minutes. I still don't necessarily agree and am inclined to poke fun at him over it, but boy I'm a little less confident than I was.
I mean...
For one Niji never had a big presence in our circle, even as far back as the farms thread, I could've counted the Nijifriends in that thread with one hand most of the time. This is mainly just because Niji always had a very small presence in EN before 2022-ish (when this forum was founded) and it was considered the "hipster" version of Holo, so it makes sense fewer people were into it in our community. The fans Niji did gain after Luxiem blew up were mostly not english speaking and even if they were, most of them were easily triggered Twitter kpop stan type people. Not the type to take a stroll around KF.
That isn't to say Niji didn't have its advocates, many of the Niji fans in the farms would regularly shoot back at mockery without any sort of shame and they would mock other companies like anyone else as was local custom. Being a minority doesn't necessarily mean being oppressed. When this forum was made Niji was still well liked and many people posted about it without fear or whatever.
The issue now is that Niji has destroyed their own reputation in the west, and everyone hates them. This is not our fault, this is the company's fault. I cannot talk shit about ANY corpo in the general thread without at least one person coming out to beat me over the head for being a hater, imo Niji brought this on themselves.
And yes, the forum is biased, but I still think a good effortpost smack-to-the-back-of-the-head makes most people here stop bullshitting. If someone is being overly unfair then tell them to shut the fuck up with sound logic to back you up, as I have done a dozen times in this thread, for a company that is supposed to be mortal enemies with the corpo I love.