Okay, let's just state shit like it is.
I get it is very fun to mock Niji, and everyone is justified in that since Niji brought it onto themselves, they deserve it.
What isn't okay, is to make shit up, and try to find the smallest scraps of dirt to try and pile onto the MOUNTAIN Niji already has on themselves.
You know what incentivizing rampant rratting does?
Everyone likes a good funny rrat, but rrats aren't a good thing, they're schizoid ramblings from people with agendas and should NEVER, be taken at face value. Heck most rrats are just totally baseless speculation, a lot of rratting in /vt/ is done to astroturf, psyop and falseflag by bad actors. I feel like rrats gained some romanticism or "glamour" after this whole Niji debacle, like people started taking them more seriously instead of just laughing at the ridiculousness because "well anything could happen!".
Allowing baseless speculation to prosper won't just "destroy Niji", it will destroy everyone. Allowing these dramafag vultures to prosper will harm EVERYONE in the long run. Because you know what happens when the drama dries up and people can't talk about it anymore? They look for more, and maybe they will start looking elsewhere and targeting other corpos and chuubas! I mean dramafags have to eat! Don't they? What's to say they won't start snooping around trying to start shit? If the public becomes more accepting of speculation who's to say they won't jump down someone's throat on a dime because "I heard it in /vt/"?
When you create weapons, always do so with the expectation that they will be used against you. Propagating an environment of rumors and believing whatever shit a birdie told you will only cause problems and more needless drama. So when I reply to people to "defend Niji", it isn't because I'm a part of the NDF, it's because there's a line and some in this thread (and the community as a whole) are crossing it.