"Uruka and I were talking about 'nuttin' in the context of like 'yabai nuttin', and Airi goes 'Wait Nuttin? what's Nuttin like tunak-tunak-tunak?'"Lia Rinkou


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No Name

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I feel like he's talking more about archetypes rather than where they fall on the spectrum of 'little autism or lots of autism' in the strict diagnostic sense.
Even so, those archetypes aren't fitting, they're more reversed.

Low functional autists are often more manipulative than high functioning ones.
Reason being that high functional autists both understand and exert empathy, while low functional usually don't even understand or know of such ideas.

Low functional autists will usually attempt do manipulate people around them by screaming, crying, defecating, lashing out violently selfdestructively. Some bite their hands or hit themselves in the head to provoke concerns from their caretakers.

High functional autists are the ones that often won't stop talking about their favorite subjects, that movie they love, their favorite toy or how much they like that one person.

Anecdotal example, I had to spend 3 hours listening to someone who was considered highly functional explain down to the most minute detail how to wash their clothing.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Even so, those archetypes aren't fitting, they're more reversed.

Low functional autists are often more manipulative than high functioning ones.
Reason being that high functional autists both understand and exert empathy, while low functional usually don't even understand or know of such ideas.

Low functional autists will usually attempt do manipulate people around them by screaming, crying, defecating, lashing out violently selfdestructively. Some bite their hands or hit themselves in the head to provoke concerns from their caretakers.

High functional autists are the ones that often won't stop talking about their favorite subjects, that movie they love, their favorite toy or how much they like that one person.

Anecdotal example, I had to spend 3 hours listening to someone who was considered highly functional explain down to the most minute detail how to wash their clothing.
Yeah I flipped which one was which thanks for the corrections and your insight.


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
In a serious way i think this also has to do with all the new collabs and recognition that she is getting lately
"if Kson wants to collab with me maybe im a doing things right"
of course i am not saying that other vtubers should do something because they are not her babysitters
I agree with the feeling of PC needing to do something (even if it is something really small)

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
There's way too many people to quote, but I just want to say thanks for all the really good write ups.

It feels bad to go onto a gaming stream for a fun time, and then Pippa hits you with the "I only eat two spoonfuls a day and I has stroke symptoms last week" and it's just... sad. I don't want to watch that, so at this point I rarely watch Pippa. Or when I do, I pop in, see she's spiralling again, then leave.

Everyone has their depressed moments, and I'd expect that to show on stream from time to time. If Pippa was talking about trying to be better and improve herself, rather then justifying her habits, or picking the three people in chat that are also self-destructive to listen to, then it wouldn't be bad either. But of course, she does the latter, and I'm just getting apathetic to it.

She's had both a lot of skill and luck to get to this point in vtubing. She's a great entertainer and luckily enough, she gets the attention that she absolutely deserves. She should use that as justification to get better. Even thinking pragmatically here- if she's a healthier person, then she can do more things on stream, like 3D without feeling like her leg will fall off.

Of course, she should just improve her health for herself too, but... well even I have a point where I can't be that optimistic. If anything it feels like she uses her success more as a reason to stay unhealthy. I hope eventually, if not for herself, then she at least listens to her friends and people in her audience that don't want to see a woman waste away on stream. It'd take a lot of time and effort, but improving your health mentally and physically is so worthwhile.

I do think there's a bit of over concern here
I hope you're right and she is just leaning into the meme, and hey, that's certainly possible. People can lie on the internet. But if that's the case then it's absolutely terrible content. So either way, she's becoming a miserable person to watch stream.
Last edited:


Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I do think there's a bit of over concern here. I think she leans into lolcow stuff and has been especially lately. I always assume Pippa has her own life and stuff going on outside of her online presence that her fans know about (that goes for stuff like the copiumcat Twitter too). A shitty diet and not eating much isn't out of the ordinary for a small 20-something year old girl. Concernposting over taking 4 ibuprofen and thinking her GI track is ruined is ridiculous. I agree that the AI therapist is a concern and lolcow behavior though. This Colress stuff too. I've tuned out lately as well, but figured it was just me. I think it's all somewhere in her playing up the character and some detrimental behavior that will catch up with her. She can only help herself and in the end we are all just viewers/fans no matter how close or long we've interacted with her as Pippa, Yuni, etc.


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I always assume Pippa has her own life and stuff going on outside of her online presence
She doesn't. It's rare for her to go outside and do anything.
Concernposting over taking 4 ibuprofen and thinking her GI track is ruined is ridiculous.
It's not 4 pills once, it's any amount for months on end to manage her pains, it will give her ulcers and it is increasing her chance of having a stroke by a lot.
https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-su... may raise your,in your stomach or intestines.


Spooky time.
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@thhrang Is this why I'm wearing the Ken skin now?

John Vtuber👁️

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God Damn the Sun
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
I do think there's a bit of over concern here.
I see no point in concern posts since they won't change anything. However, listening to her complain about her stomach hurting because she refuses to eat and hearing the pain in her voice made me feel ill.

Topo Chico

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Two relevant clips from Kirsche stream :smugpipi::



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John Vtuber👁️

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Sopmod Senior

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I do not want to watch a full-blown lolcow crash-and-burn arc happen here. Nobody wants to see that. It is not too late for the course to correct itself. It's going to take effort, and it's going to take her actually wanting to improve her situation, but if she continues to do nothing and only delves herself deeper into delusion & on-stream cope sessions, it is inevitably going to end in disaster.

The disappearing self-awareness is what bothers me the most. If I had to pin down a moment that made me realize things are worse than they same it was this (and I thank god I didn't see it live, just a clip because I wanted to puke) it was the keyboard. In a way it's a perfect metaphor for the way things seem to have been going: it's disgusting, filthy, could easily be fixed but why bother, it's good enough and it gets a laugh. But at the same time this is a tool she uses every day for her job and this is how she treats it. And she's perfectly fine with it.

The AI 'therapy' is also a huge step backwards. You can't substitute human interaction that is designed to challenge the way you see things with a bot that you groom to be your personal yes-man. In general her going to the internet for a solution for all of her troubles is concerning as it seems to be leading to a backslide of progress. Chat is not helping either and frankly she should ignore it more, it's literally becoming a torrent of garbage and 'she's just like me fr fr' bullshit.

As an example, I present you this. Does this sound like the same person that you're watching now?

And as another example, she has had Kson said she wanted to collab with her, Henya mention her on a stream and sound interested in it and what do we get? A VA that nobody really cares about.


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God's Strongest Mozumite

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Man all this talk about Pippa being unhealthy and on the brink of death has got me down. I really hope she can turn herself around soon before she seriously hurts herself. To lose her like that would be devastating, not just to Phase or to us but to vtubing as a whole. I couldn't imagine living in a post-Pippa world like that.

Anyways time to watch the new Pippa stream! :pippasquish:


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Before the stream starts, I have a question. Has anyone designed a plugin to block out Chris's voice?


Just go live!
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It seems like a lot of people in this thread don't have experience with friends or family who are addicts, bulimics, or do other self-destructive behavior (or maybe even have had such problems themselves), and think that the best way to stop someone from doing something you perceive as self-destructive is to stage an intervention like in a TV drama. And if so, that's great! I'm happy for you for having had a uniquely healthy family and friend group! But that thinking does not represent reality. (And that's before we touch on the whole "vtubers lie constantly for privacy and/or entertainment purposes" thing.)

A better approach is to keep yourself available to these people and not disown them unless they've done something truly unforgivable. You tell them how proud you are when they're on the right track and show gentle disappointment - more in your tone than actual words - when they slip up. You let them know that whenever they need advice, affirmation or a distraction from bad thoughts, they can call you at any time, and when they do call you're always glad to hear from them. Some people will eventually use this framework you and others have provided to them to help themselves turn their lives around. Others never will. But ultimately it's a decision they have to make for themselves. When you do the intervention thing, you put their back against a wall and they go into a defensive mode and start needing to downplay or justify their actions to others - and to themselves. It's not helpful at all. Something along the lines of, "Hey, man, it's pretty clear you're having a problem with X, and I won't claim to be an expert in that sort of thing, but I want you to know you can give me a call if you need someone to talk to about it" followed by a quick change of topic before they can go into self-defense mode will have better results. Some day, maybe, if and when they're ready for it.

In short, I'm sure some of you tards have already posted this at her, and others have talked about wanting to go bust down her door and make her clean her room and such. This is the wrong approach - even joking about it is the wrong approach. The rabbit already knows what the right thing to do is. Pointing it out to her won't help at all. She's the only one who can make herself do better. And at this point she already has many people in her life who can help her with that, if and when she decides to do so. So for now, if you care about the rabbit, just watch the streams and show her some love.

And again, keep in mind that she's probably exaggerating at least some of her condition for comedic effect.

John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
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Man all this talk about Pippa being unhealthy and on the brink of death has got me down. I really hope she can turn herself around soon before she seriously hurts herself. To lose her like that would be devastating, not just to Phase or to us but to vtubing as a whole. I couldn't imagine living in a post-Pippa world like that.

Anyways time to watch the new Pippa stream! :pippasquish:
what are you plotting, Pippa's not a gyaru


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