"Aah the peppeloni peppeloni, you know the peppeloni? The noo one, I always... I always order the domino, the domino peppeloni and without peppeloni. I always order the peppeloni and without peppeloni. PEPPELONI... I like peppeloni, yeah! I always order the... cheeeeeseee... cheese pan. Aaah how can I explain, I can explain by my drawing, I always order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on ear this part, the ear, Ear of Pizza, and then I order! Whoa! When I order peppeloni, the ear it always have a peppeloni on the top but I pick up these away, 'cause I don't need it. And then I eat the cheese pan pizza OK? You understand? Understandable peppeloni, yes"Haachama
Fuck that shit, Rie's birthday is tonight, ain't nobody got time for this.... whats his name again? Chris Krisopherson? Christof Waltz? Whatever his name is. We gotta get ready right UNNAMED IINDVIDUALS
Fuck that shit, Rie's birthday is tonight, ain't nobody got time for this.... whats his name again? Chris Krisopherson? Christof Waltz? Whatever his name is. We gotta get ready right UNNAMED IINDVIDUALS
I dunno what you guys are talking about, in the running against fucking Dave, Miao, Blizzard artist cool guy whose name I can't spell, this guy is in solid second place for least cancerous interview victim behind artist guy.
Does anyone actually watch English dubbed anime on purpose? Like besides people who are too retarded to read subtitles. Even if a show is released simuldubbed I will always choose the original language because that's just what you do right??
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