"You can gleam a lot about your character by looking at the people rushing to your rescue. I could be very confident in my position, but once only Proctor, Rev and some other choice grifters come to my help, I would assume I did something wrong along the way"VSoyBoy
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Drug legalization is a no go for me, the money has to come from somewhere, and other people have to deal with them when they're high. I don't like people being whores either
Drug legalization is a no go for me, the money has to come from somewhere, and other people have to deal with them when they're high. I don't like people being whores either
Drug legalization is a no go for me, the money has to come from somewhere, and other people have to deal with them when they're high. I don't like people being whores either
Drug legalization is a no go for me, the money has to come from somewhere, and other people have to deal with them when they're high. I don't like people being whores either
Drug legalization is a no go for me, the money has to come from somewhere, and other people have to deal with them when they're high. I don't like people being whores either
Think the balance is make them "legal" but have stricter punishments for public disruption connected to dangerous substances. You can own it, exchange it, sell it on the grey market, use it (all prior on the condition it is never connected to minors), but you got to keep it under control. And for a majority of substances and users, that's impossible, and there is too many potential abusers. Like everything Libertarian, it's optimistic since it would also require a culture of responsibility, communal naming and shaming, and the different demographics.
The Non Anon and the (I think) Tsunderia femboy rabbit one
.5 is Designer Dave because that stream was 50% absolute garbage 50% absolute cinema
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