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Edit: Ratings aren't useful anymore because they're all massively manipulated and retarded. I think we're probably going back to a system of critics, but not corporate critics, that recommend shit and explain why.
7.7K people rated the Velma show. The difference for the average between one person rating a 1 and one person rating a 10 is relevant in like four decimal places. Gaming a vote is only relevant with very small sample sizes or with a very large amount of votes.
7.7K people rated the Velma show. The difference for the average between one person rating a 1 and one person rating a 10 is relevant in like four decimal places. Gaming a vote is only relevant with very small sample sizes or with a very large amount of votes.
It's not even the vote fixing that's the issue a lot of the time, it's that people vote in retarded ways. People will upvote places just because it's expensive or prestigious and not because it's actually good, there's just too much of a herd mentality. It's the same with shit people recognize, just look at how many people were excited when they heard Palpatine's voice despite how dogshit the prior two movies were.
Just remember, that cringe and unfunny Mindy Kaling clip was actually the clip that Mindy and the host chose to play to showcase her talents and ability.
By the way, Mindy Kaling doing a guest spot on the ninth most-popular talk show. Fuck me, I didn't even know there were nine American talk shows. Would you even want to be on the ninth-most popular one? That must be pretty humiliating if you had any self awareness whatsoever.
EDIT: Now we've moved onto Stephen Colbert, who is tenth.
I don't know who I hate more right now: Mindy Kaling, for being so insufferable and having nothing worth saying, Stephen Colbert, who is a corpse of a man piloting a corpse of a show or the audience, who laughs at the most pathetic shit. It's a tough choice.
Is that really an audience or is that just a laugh track they play? Those Elon Musk product announcement videos have fake cheering tracks played on the broadcast for example.
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