Not only do I watch him, I actually got him to sperg and literal shit post that got mentioned on MATI on the homelands. Love me some Rossman, but he can be a little too autistic for even me sometimes.
Though that's true for a lot of places, not just NYC, because a lot of REITs will leave places open unoccupied instead of cut rates slightly as most of them are super debt heavy and it only gets worse in rising rates. A little power leveling but I was looking for space recently for a project and one place I thought was great started over $4k a month and required over about $100k of work to get up and running that the leaser didn't care to contribute to or provide any incentives for despite most people declining it for that reason. The lease was also only for 3 years so you could do all that work and be booted after your term anyway which is retarded. It wasn't even a big space, only like 2k sqft.
It just baffles me as small businesses have to make insane sales just to stay a float with those kinds of prices, and it's not like consumer incomes are particularly high, if anything consumer buying power is going down.