I want to make this painfully clear: No one Chris Niosi has hurt has forgiven him. He never admitted to the sexual coercion, which was the bare minimum. He refused to drop his public relationship with another credibly accused rapist, also the bare minimum. Chris Niosi skirted these allegations hoping no one would look into it, and unfortunately that tactic has worked quite a bit. Let me make this clear: Niosi is a sexually coercive creep and has done so to several women. He has stalked, and he has restrained people trying to get away from him. He physically manhandled women in public - and even tried to sexually take advantage of an ex while she was drunk. This event was a catalyst and some people close to him left him after excusing his behavior for far too long. He has used people. He has anger issues and blows up at women in private - hot blooded screaming. He employs DARVO tactics on the regular. He has sent countless abuse-by-proxy friends after people trying to get away from him, or speaking up about him. I had to deal with that during the worst of it several times. He has tried to ruin other people’s careers. To quote Cailen from the testimonies document: you will never meet someone as self absorbed and selfish as Kirbopher. He calls the abuse, manipulation and sexual coercion of others ‘gossip’. Abuse that HE partook in and stayed silent about. To reiterate: no one relevant to this situation has forgiven him.