I know if I ask for proof I'm gonna get an empty handed shrug, but FOR A MOMENT if I were to humor this, who exactly am I supposed to believe she's doxing?
Chase's own dumbass? Nobody gave a shit you even existed until you decided to start shit to mess up her living in an attempt to dox her and her furbuddy/whatever Zax is. But I'm supposed to boo-hoo over you getting called out for being a retard trying to do the same thing you claim she's doing?
I trust she thinks you're an annoying moron and laughs about your dumpster of an existence but I actually doubt she would dox a person. On purpose anyway lol, she's gotten close or said some specific things in some rants and dives but generally tries not to.
And what is the "involved in her criminal bullshit" claim from henri? What involvement do you have in general beyond creepy schizo constantly shitting on her company and hailing her as pony Jesus? Randomly making wiki/trope pages about them and randomly spending money to say weird shit? Creeping on twitter and discord?
Am I supposed to believe she hired you to do supa secret deep dives and glowie ops for her?
On top of all this now we have this weird ass "Bonnie and Clyde" police are after us arc that they're day dreaming about.
I'm starting to think these clowns are actually causing me brain damage trying to comprehend whatever their thought process is.
Also Nayvell, stay out while you can. I wouldn't wish henri on anybody and telling him he doesn't have to be retarded might make you a new messiah. I much prefer his schizo ass worshipping ai instead of harassing real people.